Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 134: flying segment

Feng Huo shook his head, but the gray and white back hair style of the previous figure was so peculiar that the more he shook his head, the clearer it became, and the sickle in his hand...

Finally, he couldn't bear it and ran outside the flower shop to look at the figure.

The figure was very keen, and when he noticed Feng Huo's gaze, he immediately turned his head to look at him. The two looked at each other, and the corners of Feng Huo's eyes couldn't help but twitch.

‘Fei Duan, it’s really this guy! '

One of the undead duo organized by Akatsuki, a die-hard member of the cult of the evil god, has a body cursed by the evil god, and can maintain his immortality through killing!

And as long as he gets your blood, he can use weird sacrifices to become an evil **** and kill you through self-mutilation, which is very unreasonable!

Feng Huomong innocently blinked his eyes twice, and ran back to the flower shop in a hurry, wishing to slap himself twice, he was full and had nothing to do, so why did he run out? Just to confirm whether the other party is Fei Duan, now it's all right, confirmed, Master Fei Duan also saw you, what should I do?

Feng Huo anxiously watered a pot of white roses, but kept looking at the door of the store from time to time.

"Xiao Feng, what are you looking at? Concentrate on your work!" The flower shop owner shouted dissatisfied.

"Yes, I know!" Feng Huo replied loudly.

Xiaofeng is his pseudonym.

"Huh? Brat, did you just look at me?"

Suddenly, an arrogant and unrestrained voice came from outside the store.

Feng Huo was startled, but his face was full of innocence. He shouted: "I saw uncle wearing a ninja forehead around his neck. Uncle, are you a ninja?"

Fei Duan looked at this brat, subconsciously feeling weird.

Of course, sealing the fire at this time is also nauseating, but there is no way, this is Fei Duan, a cultist who likes to kill, if he is annoyed, even if sealing the fire can escape, I am afraid the mission will also fail, and I may not know when I go back He was about to be sent to the battlefield of the Land of Rain by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Uncle, are you a ninja in the village? That will protect us, right?" Feng Huo looked at him expectantly, and continued to act cute.

Fei Duan seemed unable to bear such an enthusiastic brat, and snorted coldly: "I am a cultist of the evil god, if you want to meet the evil god, old man, brat, I can chop you to pieces!"

The corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched, why is this script wrong.

Hidan's character is too irritable, right?

Is it really appropriate to say that to an eleven-year-old? !

"Huh? Do you want to see his old man?" Fei Duan asked seriously, and the three-segment sickle he was carrying on his shoulder was twitching in his hand, as if yearning for blood.

Feng Huo hurriedly shook his head, properly showing the fear on the child's face, and then ran behind the flower shop owner.

"Bastard, put away your toys that scare children, and don't disturb my business!" The flower shop owner was really loyal, and he wanted to fly as far as he could.

Fei Duan also lost his temper. Hearing this, his eyes widened and he stared fiercely at the flower shop owner: "What do you mean by that, are you laughing at me?"

Fei Duan wielded a three-segment sickle, and the huge sickle spun rapidly in the air and whined, and the roses at the entrance of the flower shop were swept away in an instant.

The flower shop owner looked at the mess on the ground, and the roses he carefully raised and prepared to sell were gone?

Out of anger, he grabbed the broom next to him and was about to rush up to fight Fei Duan for 300 rounds. Then he saw the ninja forehead on Fei Duan's neck, so he threatened sharply: "You bastard, as a Tang Ninja To do such a thing, I will not let you go, I will never let you go!"

"Hey, hey, I didn't say that I'm a cultist, but it has nothing to do with Tangnin Village." Fei Duan said disdainfully, "That kind of cowardly village is not worthy of my existence!"

Then he grabbed the forehead guard around his neck, wiped it on the three-section sickle, and put it on again.

The florist's legs trembled in an instant and he dared not speak.

Fei Duan cut his forehead with a knife, that is a sign of rebellion, how can you expect a rebel to reason with you?


The awareness of the flower shop owner is definitely higher than that of ordinary idiots, so he kept backing away at that time,

Fenghuo went directly behind the counter to act like a turtle.

"Ah? Why didn't you talk!"


While talking, Fei Duan destroyed all the roses in the flower shop with a three-segment sickle, "Bastard, didn't you scold me very vigorously just now? Let's try again."

Arrogant, domineering, arrogant, and long-winded.

This is Fenghuo's first impression of Fei Duan. Of course, this guy also has some humor, but he can't feel it at this time.

The owner of the flower shop trembled and apologized, not daring to disobey Hidan at all.

Finally, Fei Duan seemed to feel that it was meaningless to bully an ordinary person, so he left carelessly.

The owner of the flower shop confirmed that he was leaving, so he threw out the Tathagata palm that fell from the sky, and beat Feng Huo **** the head.

"You bastard, if you didn't provoke Hi Duan, how could my flower shop become like this, it's all your fault, you pay for my flowers, pay for my flowers!"

Feng Huo was worried that Fei Duan didn't go far, so he didn't dare to fight back, begging for mercy while running~www.readwn.com~ The surrounding residents had heard the movement here, but because of Fei Duan's exaggerated weapon, he didn't dare to come over, At this time, seeing Fei Duan leaving, one or two surrounded him, pointing.

Several residents even suggested that the owner of the flower shop should report the incident to the ninjas in Tangren Village.

"That's right, that guy dared to be a traitor, Tang Nin adults will never let him go." He turned his head and stared at Fenghuo fiercely, "Little rascal, clean this place up for me before I come back. Otherwise, I want you to look good!"

Afterwards, the owner of the florist went to Tang Ren aggressively.

Feng Huo looked at the people around him who looked at him with teasing eyes, looking at his embarrassed appearance, he was really wronged enough.

‘If it wasn’t for the mission! '

Feng Huo kept comforting himself in his heart, and of course he had to breathe heavily on his face, and picked up the broom and began to clean the flower shop dejectedly.

On the other side, the flower shop owner walked straight towards Tang Ren's mission hall, but when he reached a dark alley, suddenly a tender white hand stretched out and dragged him into the alley.

The owner of the flower shop was furious. He stood up straight and was about to curse, but when he saw the person in front of him, he immediately knelt down: "Big, big, big..."

The man in front of him had silver-gray hair combed back, and his triangular eyes were staring at the flower shop owner who was kneeling on the ground. The three-segment sickle on his shoulder was shaking constantly.

It was Fei Duan who had just left!

"Heh heh heh, it seems that you really want to see Lord Evil God." Fei Duan raised the scythe high, "But it's a pity, people like you are not worthy at all!"

With the knife in his hand, the owner of the flower shop fell into a pool of blood in an instant, and his life was quickly wiped out between his fingers.

Fei Duan stuck out his tongue and licked the blood on the three sickle blades, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"It's delicious!"

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