Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 142: head hard

Huitu's earth escape ninjutsu is very deep. When he got close to Yin He Zhiyi, most of his skin had been petrified. Under the hazy moonlight, it exuded a gray luster, like a stone giant crushed away.

Yin Hezhi didn't dare to fight recklessly, so he dodged the body-blinking technique to the back, and casually threw out a wind escape-big breakthrough.

Huitu stepped on his feet, and his whole body rose into the air like a cannonball, roaring and bombarding Yin He Zhiyi.

Yin Hezhi retreated while fighting, drawing the dust to the right.

Huitu laughed loudly: "You Konoha ninjas are so naive, do you think that with these few people, we can destroy our supplies?"

Yin Hezhi squinted his eyes and was unmoved at all. His task was to lure away the most powerful ninja of Yannin, and then hand it over to Fenghuo and Qiu Daodangbei. Even if they failed, there would be another team!

"Is it possible, you have to try it!" Yin Hezhi provoked wildly, and soon led the dust to a distance.

"Come out, Konoha's ninjas, it's completely useless for you to hide there!" The perception ninja among Yannin has already discovered the hiding place of Fenghuo and Qiudaotangbei.

"What should I do?" Qiudaotangbei was a little confused, mainly because there were more than a dozen rock ninjas left next to the supplies, and three jounin, and the rest were also chunin!

Feng Huo looked at the batch of materials surrounded by the stone wall, with a faint smile on his face: "This is much simpler, let's go, I will use the fire escape to burn the materials, and you are responsible for protecting me!"

"Hmm!" Qiu Daotangbei was immediately excited when he heard Feng Huo say this!

Fenghuo immediately jumped from the tree.

"Fire escape - head hard!"

The hardest part is Kakuzu's fire escape ninjutsu, not to mention the power, and the burning speed is extremely fast, it has swept over in almost half a breath, and directly hit the stone wall next to the convoy.


The stone wall quickly turned black and scorched and cracked under the high temperature, and the flames were like countless small snakes, crazily drilling into the cracks in the stone wall.

"Bah bah..."

The horses in the convoy felt the heat of the flames and were terrified. They snorted and walked back and forth uneasily, but both sides were blocked by stone walls, and there were carriages in front and back.

"No, stop them!"

"Strengthen the thickness of the stone wall!"

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

"Partial doubling technique!" Not to be outdone, Qiu Daotangbei slammed his fist the size of a giant on the ground, the earth trembled, and the stone wall burned by the flames shattered and collapsed.

At this moment, the flames rushed over wildly, and even the earth flow wall that rose later was completely ignited by the flames. In an instant, the sea of ​​​​fire and the convoy were no longer hindered. , rushed towards the flames, and was soon entangled in the flames, turning into charred corpses, and the carriages were scattered all over the place, crackling and burning in the flames.

"Damn, stop him!"

"There is a detonator inside, it will explode!!"

"Hurry up and escape with water, you bastard!"

Yan Ren was furious.

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

A rock ninja brandished a water whip and lashed between the convoy and the flames, trying to tear a crack into the sea of ​​flames.

"Water escape-big water spray!"

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

Several Yannin frantically rescued, and the rest rushed to Fenghuo and Qiudaotangbei!

"Tudun-Tulong Spear!"

"Earth Dungeon - Rock Pillar Gun!"

"Earth Dungeon - Rock Fist Technique!"

Standing in front of the fire, Qiudaotang yelled loudly, "Leave it all to me! Meat bomb chariot!!"


Qiu Daotangbei turned into a huge meat ball, rolling around the sealing fire, all the Tudun who attacked him were blocked by him.

The three Jōnin also came to kill them, and one after another, the powerful earth escape ninjutsu covered Fenghuo's head.

"Don't underestimate me, ahhh!!"

Qiudaotang Bei yelled loudly, at first he yelled for courage, and then he screamed completely. These Jninjutsu fell on him, each of which could bring up a large **** flower, and soon, "Meatball War The car' becomes a 'flesh bomb chariot'!

"Fire escape - head hard!"

Feng Huo squinted his eyes, completely ignoring other fire escapes, and devoted himself to using the head that was burning so fast to the limit.

The ground in front of him made an overwhelmed crackling sound under the raging flames, and the violent flames swept towards the carriage one after another. Iwanin's water escape ninjutsu couldn't extinguish the burning flames so violently.

In particular, animals are afraid of fire. Seeing such passionate flames, the horses were so frightened that they frantically scattered and fled, and the carriage was bumped everywhere!

And the carriage burning in the sea of ​​flames was gradually engulfed by the flames. At this moment, a box of detonating symbols was finally unwilling to be lonely, and exploded loudly.

Boom boom boom!

It was like overturning the dominoes, when the first detonating symbol exploded, the other detonating symbols were also activated in a chain, thousands of detonating symbols detonated in sequence almost within a few breaths.


Countless explosions were superimposed together, and the space was shaken out of ripples, and scattered wildly.

The violent flame was directly wiped out by the space ripples, and the nearby rock ninjas, including the three jounin, flew out like straws under the terrifying power of the space ripples, vomiting blood in the air.

And the luck of Fenghuo was very good. When the space ripples came, he happened to be standing behind the 'Meatball Chariot'.

Hoo hoo!

The huge meat ball was sent flying by the ripples, and then hit Feng Huo's body. It rolled straight on the ground for hundreds of circles, breaking seventeen or eight thigh-thick tree roots before barely stopping.

Qiu Daotangbei immediately returned to its original shape, without a single intact bone in his body, and Feng Huo was knocked to pieces, and he spat out two mouthfuls of blood. Huo's injury was completely crushed by the 'meat bomb chariot'.

So after a while, Fenghuo stood up, but the tinnitus caused by the loud explosion made him unable to hear all the sounds around him.

The eardrum was injured, and Fenghuo's sense of balance was a little out of balance. He staggered and ran to Qiudaotangbei, and lay down directly on the ground to check his injuries~www.readwn.com~ His back was **** and his chest ribs were broken by more than half , maybe even the internal organs were concussed and bled, and the injury was extremely serious!

Feng Huo didn't have time to check the situation around him, so he directly treated him with the Palm Immortal Technique.

At the same time, the violent explosion also alarmed the far away Huitu and Yin Hezhiyi.

"How is it possible?!" Huitu turned his head in shock, watching the mushroom flames rising into the sky like a cloud of fire behind him, his face frantically pumped up!

Yin He Zhiyi also looked over there in disbelief, thinking: Could it be that someone from another team has arrived? Well, it must be so!

‘Then, my next task is to delay the time for him to fight for his companions to escape. '

Yin Hezhi squinted his eyes slightly, and quickly formed a seal: "Wind escape-the art of wind cutting!"

A sharp wind blade slashed straight at Huitu's feet, blocking his return to aid.

"Damn it, get the **** out of here!" Huitu was furious, his hands formed imprints like phantoms, "Earth escape - the art of mountains and earth!"


The earth roared, and the soil on the ground instantly turned into two huge hemispheres, directly sandwiching Yin Hezhi between them.

"Just wait here quietly for death to come!"

The figure of Huitu quickly disappeared.

"Damn it!"

Yin Hezhi supported himself tightly with both arms, but the two halves of the huge stone ball were too heavy, and he was completely unable to resist with his strength. He was about to be crushed into blood by the stone ball.

Yin Hezhi changed to support with his elbows in a hurry, and then put his hands together in front of his chest, forming a seal with difficulty.


Several failed seal seals made Yin Hezhi's face even more ugly, and his elbow was also torn from the skin under the pressure of the stone ball, even revealing his white bones.

"Instant body technique!!"


The two huge hemispheres completely melted into a sphere amidst the roar.

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