Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 144: escape

Huitu trapped Feng Huoying's avatar and Yin Hezhi in place with the earth escape barrier, then propped his hands on the ground, the earth trembled, and stone pillars came out and roared towards them.

Yin Hezhi's face was as black as iron, and while dodging along the stone wall, he said coldly: "Hurry up and heal my hand!"

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to say anything, if you want to escape from here, you must heal your hands, at least not affect his seal!

Feng Huoying's avatar jumped a few times to avoid the stone pillars, and ran to Yin Hezhi's side. As soon as he used the Palm Immortal Technique, Huitu again controlled a large number of stone pillars and smashed them towards him.

As soon as Feng Huo showed a helpless smile to Yin Hezhi, the two quickly avoided, one left and one right.


The stone pillar collided with the stone wall, and dust and dust flew in a mess.

But the barrier will automatically absorb the chakra and restore it, Huitu looked away and stared at Feng Huoying's avatar.

This little devil has a sharp tongue, the key is that he has such strength at such a young age, if he is allowed to escape and grow up, it will be very bad for Yanyin Village!

Therefore, Huitu's killing intent towards Fenghuo is still higher than that of Yin Hezhiyi.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Feng Huoying's avatar looked at the dust in the sky, and immediately blew it with a strong wind, filling the dust and blocking the dust's sight.

At the same time, he ran to Yin Hezhiyi's side according to his memory, and healed his hands with the Palm Immortal Technique.

Boom boom boom!

The ground shook again, but Huitu used the 'earthquake' to sense their location.

"I found you!"


A huge rock hand broke through the dust and descended suddenly.


Yin Hezhiyi and Feng Huo separated from each other again, running back and forth.

"Stop struggling, it is impossible for you to escape from this enchantment!" Huitu manipulated Iwato to smash around wildly, and the terrain inside the wall was smashed to pieces by him, like a cracked mirror, exposing spider webs crack.

Feng Huo came into contact with Yin He Zhiyi several times, and slowly healed his hand in a very short time.

Yin Hezhiyi's elbow was squeezed by gravity, his flesh and blood were blurred, and his bones were exposed, which seriously affected the speed of sealing the seal. After several treatments of sealing the fire, the wound had begun to heal. Yin Hezhi tried to seal it, and it was much easier than before. .

But wanting to escape from Huitu's hands was not enough.


Huitu made another big move, and the inside of the wall was once again filled with messy stone pillars, and the attack filled the entire terrain!

"Captain, there is something bad I want to tell you." After approaching again, Feng Huo's expression was a little shy, but Yin Hezhi could not fail to notice that the sky was full of dust.

"What's the matter?" Yin Hezhi stretched out his hands, feeling the Fire Sealing Palm Immortal Technique, he frowned slightly, as if the effect was worse than the previous few times.

"That, Captain, hehe, my Chakra is almost used up."

The shadow clone is completely supported by Chakra, once it is exhausted, the shadow clone will dissipate.

Yin Hezhi's face darkened immediately.

Once the shadow clone of Fenghuo dissipated, he would have to face the furious Ash on his stomach. His scalp was numb, and what was even more wronged was that if it wasn't for helping Fenghuo, he could have escaped alone before. The guy is in the pot!

At this moment, Yan Nin's voice suddenly came from outside the wall.

"Master Huitu, Mr. Huitu, are you in there?"

Huitu heard the shouts of his companions, and hurriedly responded loudly, and at the same time asked about the situation of the supplies with a fluke mentality.

"Master Huitu, the supplies are already, already gone."

"Those Konoha ninjas were too cunning, they lured us away one by one, and then used the detonating charm in the supplies to detonate all the supplies!"

Hearing these words, Huitu hated him even more, but Yin Hezhiyi heaved a sigh of relief. If this is the case, then it would be worth dying here!

"Konoha's ninjas are definitely more than that. Go and hunt down other people, just leave it to me." Huitu said coldly.

"Yes, Lord Huitu!"

All the rock ninjas outside left quickly.

With such skill, the dust in the air has gradually dissipated, revealing the figures of Yin He Zhiyi and Feng Huo.

"Then, what kind of death are you going to accept?"

After the words fell, the drawing saw that the sealing fire turned into smoke with a bang, and it dispersed as soon as it was said.

"..." The corners of Huitu's eyes twitched, his whole body was not well, "Shadow clone?!"

Yin He Zhiyi never thought that Feng Huo would finish speaking so quickly.

"Hehe, you didn't see it at all, did you? The one who has been entangled with you for so long is just a shadow clone!" Yin Hezhi punched the fat man with a swollen face, but his expression was a little stiff.

Huitu was indeed surprised, but then he smiled grimly: "So what, anyway, you will all die here in the end!"

"That's right, then come and kill me!" Yin Hezhi moved his hands lightly, ready to run for his life.

On the other side, Feng Huo fled all the way with Qiudaotangbei on his back. He had a good habit of traveling long distances, but it was still a little difficult for him to carry such a 'thick' load.

"Hoo hoo!"


Suddenly, a wave of memory came from the shadow clone, followed by a burst of exhaustion~www.readwn.com~ Feng Huo didn't dare to hold on, so he hurriedly found a tree hole to hide.

He checked Xiaqiu Daotang North, and his injury didn't get any better, after all, there were almost no treatment facilities here.


Fenghuo took out some emergency medicine from the ninja bag and fed him with water.

Then he began to sort out the memory of the shadow clone.

"Huitu, captain? Hehe, you really dug a good hole."

Feng Huo shook his head and smiled bitterly, but he didn't have time to worry about Yin He Zhiyi. After all, the dozen or so Yannin who were led away by his companions were chasing and killing him, and he had to find a way to escape here!

After Fenghuo recovered, he summoned the shadow clone again and asked him to go behind to distract the chasing Iwanin, while he continued to run northward with Qiu Daodang on his back.

During the run, Fenghuo's shadow avatar died and died, but he finally delayed Yannin behind him.

In the afternoon of the next day, Fenghuo was lucky enough to meet another team. This team was more cautious and slowed down after entering the rear of Iwanin, so the two sides could meet here.

As soon as Fenghuo told the situation, they immediately decided to split into two groups.

The captain is Jonin, and he will continue to support Yin He Zhiyi in depth. No matter whether Yin He Zhiyi is alive or dead at this time, he must have accurate information.

As for the two special ninjas, they will **** Fenghuo and Qiudaotang back to Konoha Camp!

This time, they overfulfilled the mission. After all, the batch of materials destroyed by the fire seal is definitely the most important batch of Iwain recently. Destroying them will definitely hit Iwain no less than a small battle. victory!

Although the two special jounin who escorted Fenghuo and Qiudaotangbei did not participate, they were also honored, and escorting their two heros back, they also have merit. The only pity is that neither of them is a medical ninja However, he still had to rely on himself to treat Qiu Daotangbei.

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