Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 146: Variety

At a higher place on Mt. Miaogi, the two sages, Shima and Fukasaku, stood together and looked at the scene of the howling wind below, with a somewhat gratified smile on their old faces.

"The disciple of this brat Jiraiya is really not bad." Immortal Zhima said, "His talent surpasses that of Ziraiya."

The average age of these two Toad Immortals is already 800 years old, and there is nothing wrong with calling Zilai, who is in his thirties, a little ghost.

"Yeah, Jiraiya still needs us to balance the natural energy, it's really useless!" Fukasaku Immortal suddenly looked at Shima Immortal, and suggested, "Otherwise, let's invite Jiraiya's disciples to eat, I will take If there are delicacies, he will definitely like them."

Immortal Zhima hesitated for a moment, as if recalling his face when he also saw their delicacies before, he was a little unsure whether he should do this.

At this moment, they suddenly heard a slight call.

"It's the Great Immortal Toad!"

Immortal Shima and Immortal Fukasaku didn't dare to hesitate, and rushed into the hall behind them.

In the depths of the hall, there was a huge seat with the word 'immortal' on it. The person sitting on it was a giant toad so exaggerated that it made people scream.

This big toad is wearing a necklace with the word 'oil' and a doctor's hat. It is a great fairy toad who has lived for an unknown number of years. The peak of Miaomu Mountain... a toad?

"Great Immortal."

Immortal Shima and Immortal Fukasaku came to the seat as if teleported, and saluted very gracefully.

"Well, it's coming." The Great Immortal Toad opened his eyes slightly, shooting out the light of wisdom, as if it were real. If someone with ulterior motives sees it, the first reaction may be to feel guilty, and then turn around and run away.

Immortal Toad has just woken up from a deep sleep. For a 'fairy-level' toad like him, the dream in sleep is the picture of the future.

"Great Immortal, are you dreaming again?" Immortal Zhima asked with a smile.

Great Immortal Toad nodded slightly, and then a strange light shot out from his eyes, as if he had encountered some difficult problem.

"What's the matter, great sage, did you dream about a bad future?" Fukasaku sage was a little worried.

Hundreds of years ago, the Great Immortal Toad actually dreamed of himself, so he waited (sleeping?) for hundreds of years, and finally waited for Ziraiya to come, and passed on the immortal mode to him.

At that time, Great Immortal Toad also looked like this.

"No, it's because the dream has changed." The Great Immortal Toad sighed, "I've never encountered such a situation before."

"Did the dream change?" Immortal Shima and Immortal Fukasaku looked at each other, a little inexplicably, the dream, not always... Wait, the dream of the Toad Immortal is the future, the future is changing?

"Great Sennin, is there something wrong in the future?" Immortal Shima suddenly remembered Namikaze Minato outside, and asked, "Is it related to a person named Namikaze Minato?"

"Namikaze Minato?" Toad Daxian took a look at him, and then smiled, "Is that kid Jiraiya's disciple, the talent is really amazing."

"That's right, this guy has initially mastered the sage mode." Fukasaku sage also boasted, "He will definitely surpass that brat Jiraiya, even if he masters the full version of the sage mode, it is not impossible."

At this time, Great Immortal Toad shook his head slightly: "It's not him, he, his future seems to have changed."

Great Immortal Toad shook his head slightly, his body was too huge, such a simple movement made him a little strenuous, but the more important reason was that he was really, really old.

Every time he fell asleep, the dreams of Great Immortal Toad were intermittent, but generally speaking, they were still in the same line, with traces to follow, but this time, those intermittent dreams were conflicting and contradictory, very illogical.

For example, Namikaze Minato outside, the first dream showed that he would die on the day his child was born, but in the subsequent dreams, his death could not be seen.

Moreover, in the dream, there appeared people whom he couldn't see clearly, as if separated by a layer of fog and veil, who were close at hand but far away in the world.

Variables, there will be variables in the future that even he can't 'dream about'!

"Great Immortal?" Immortal Shima and Immortal Fukasaku called him softly.

"Oh." Great Immortal Toad came back to his senses, sighed, and said, "The future has changed."

Immortal Shima and Immortal Fukasaku were taken aback, and with their wisdom, they quickly realized what was going on.

Immortal Toad looked at Immortal Shima and Immortal Fukasaku, and ordered, "Tell Zilai about this, I hope it won't be a bad thing."


Immortal Shima and Immortal Fukasaku left the hall, intending to channel Jiraiya over.

For existences of their level, anti-spiritualism should not be too easy. Zilai can also psychic them, and they can also psychic Zilaiye. From this point of view, Zilai can also be regarded as the two of them. 'Psychic Beast'.


When the smoke dissipated, Jiraiya with white hair also appeared in front of them. However, Jiraiya's posture was very strange, with one eye open and the other closed, and his hands stretched out, as if he was peeping against a wall. What is it, a lot of Harazi bleeds.

Half the salary, the corner of Jiraiya's mouth twitched, he had already realized something.

"Hey, it's inappropriate for you two to do this!" Ji Lai also yelled, "You brought me here for no reason, **** it, you interrupted my material collection!"

Immortal Shima and Immortal Fukasaku looked at each other, and hurriedly apologized: "I'm very sorry, Ziraiya, but this matter was ordered by Immortal Toad himself, so we think we should tell you as soon as possible."

"What, Great Immortal Toad?"

Ji Lai was also surprised, wiped the drool from his mouth calmly, and said solemnly, "What orders does Immortal Toad have?"

"The future has changed ~www.readwn.com~ Shima Senjin and Fukasaku Senjin said in unison.

"Change?" I didn't know what happened, "What change?"

The two immortals shook their heads at the same time.

Immortal Zhima said: "The Toad Immortal can't see the changes clearly. In short, the future has changed. Ziraiya, I hope you can realize this!"

"I still can't understand." Jiraiya shook his head foolishly.

"Idiot, that is to say, all the predictions made by the Great Immortal are inaccurate, because the future has changed!" Fukasaku Immortal's knife mouth is notoriously sharp, "You idiot, quickly listen to what you heard from the Great Immortal. Forget everything about it, or you will suffer a lot in the future!"

Ji Lai was also anxious: "Are you kidding me? Could it be that the Son of Salvation has disappeared?"

It has been seven or eight years since he painstakingly searched for a savior who can save the ninja world. You can't say that there are changes, so he won't look for it, right?

Immortal Zhima speculated: "Since there are changes in the future, the Son of Salvation may disappear, or he may still exist, he may still be the same person as before, or he may have been replaced. In short, everything is changing. If you continue wandering, you must always pay attention to the situation in the ninja world."

"Understood." Zilai also nodded awkwardly.

"By the way, your disciple Namikaze Minato has already mastered the Immortal mode." Immortal Fukasaku said suddenly, with a tone of hatred for iron and steel, "Compared to yours, his cultivation speed is more than twice as fast what!"

Zilai laughed heartlessly: "Of course, Minato was trained by me, how could he not be excellent, hahaha."

What else could Immortal Fukasaku say, he just jumped up and kicked Jiraiya flying, and when he landed, he had already disappeared in smoke.

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