Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 149: don't mention my name

In the 44th year of Konoha's Chunin test, Shiranui Genma, Rin and Obito successfully passed, and they were honorably promoted to Chunin!

Lin and Obito also naturally joined the supply unit, responsible for the delivery of materials on the second battlefield.

Speaking of which, Obito was able to enter the supply force and experienced some setbacks.

After all, he belongs to the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha clan is currently sticking to the "police force" in order to create pressure on the third Hokage, and resolutely does not participate in the war. Fenghuo has gone further and further away from Uchiha, there is no way, but Now Obito is also showing up, so he was naturally reprimanded by them, but the stubborn Obito completely ignored the pressure exerted by the higher-ups, and resolutely embarked on the glorious post of 'deliverer'.

Under the inertia of history, Lin and Obito, the two newcomers, successfully joined forces with Kakashi again, formed a three-person team, and began to be active on the battlefield.

At this time, the three of them were in the camp!

Feng Huo hadn't seen them for a while, so he hurried over to catch up.

Before they got close, they heard Obito's loud noises, then Lin's voice of hating iron, and Kakashi's helpless sigh.

Well, the three-person live treasure group began to do various things again.

Feng Huo walked over with a smile: "Obito, Kakashi, Lin."

"Yo, Fenghuo, you bastard!" Obito's eyes turned red when he saw him, "Really, I almost worried about you to death! Let other people do those dangerous tasks next time!"

Feng Huo was speechless: "Please, this is not something a qualified ninja should say."

Kakashi decisively made up the knife: "But an unqualified ninja can tell, can't he?"

"Kakashi, you bastard, hate it!" Obito turned his head and stared at him fiercely.

Lin came over and stood between the two of them as a peacemaker.

Looking at these guys, Feng Huo couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

Afterwards, Fenghuo took Kakashi to the side to share Chidori's experience.

Since Chidori was developed, Fenghuo is still at a loss as to how to evolve into Rachel. He feels that this kind of thing still depends on the original work.

It's just that Kakashi doesn't know what's going on.

In the original book, he had to wait a few years to develop Chidori. As for advancing to Rachel, that was after he became a Jonin and entered Anbu.

Kakashi at this time, whether it is experience or other things, is far inferior to Fenghuo, and of course he has no ability to advance Chidori to Raikiri.

"Forget it, pretend I didn't say it." Feng Huo waved his hand, and asked Kakashi to go away with a look of dismissing beggars.

Kakashi was constipated, his dead fish eyes were staring at Fenghuo unblinking, and for some reason he suddenly had the urge to punch him in the face.

Soon, Kakashi and others were about to leave, but there were three people when they came, and there were more people when they went back.

Many ninjas who survived the battlefield have been disabled, paralyzed, and permanently lost the ability to fight. Kakashi and others are responsible for transporting them back to the village. Of course, apart from the three of them, there are several other supply teams. player.

And Qiu Daotang Bei was among this group of people.

"Seal the fire." Qiu Daotangbei was still wrapped in the mummy, and his injuries were recovering well, but the damage to the spinal nerves did not improve at all.

"Tang Bei, live well after you go back, if someone bullies you, report my name!" Feng Huo said righteously.

Qiu Daotangbei had a bitter face: "No one will bully me, but, but..."

I can no longer be a ninja, and my future life will be firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. Qiudaotangbei still cannot accept it.

Feng Huo looked at his expression, and couldn't bear to say: "After returning to the village, you can find a way to find Tsunade, she might have a way."

"One of the three ninjas, Tsunade-sama?" Qiu Daodoubei's eyes lit up.

"She is my teacher, so..." Feng Huo twitched the corner of his mouth, and hurriedly said, "Don't mention my name when you ask her for help."

"Eh? Why? Isn't she your teacher?" Qiu Daotangbei was confused.

Feng Huo smiled dryly, and said: "Our relationship is not very good, hehe, you understand."

Otherwise what else can he say?

Said that Tsunade has fallen into the eyes of money, and mentioning his name will instantly incur nine-figure medical expenses?

This kind of thing must not be allowed to happen!

"I see." Qiu Daotang Bei nodded in understanding.

"Goodbye, then."

Fenghuo went to find Obito again, and asked him to take care of Qiudaotangbei on the way.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me!" Obito patted his chest, looking very...unreliable.

Forget it, let's find someone else.

"Lin, help me take care of Tang Bei on the way."

"Bastard, don't bother others with this kind of thing!!" Obito was furious, jumping up and down and shouting.

After sending them away, Feng Huo didn't go to the battlefield immediately. Because of his injury, he could rest for two days, but he didn't want to waste this precious time.

Rachel is hopeless, but Helix Wan is the way to reach the sky.

The genius Namikaze Minato has already integrated the change of chakra properties into the spiral pill, and he has cultivated into the immortal mode. I am afraid that the immortal magic spiral pill has already come out. There is no need to study the fire at all, as long as you follow Namikaze Minato You can walk on the road to the west with your buttocks behind.

It's a pity that Namikaze Minato has gone to perform the task and has not returned yet.

After thinking about it, he still practiced the old rules. He created a shadow clone to practice seal gestures, while the main body learned the sealing technique. It has been several years since he got this book from Namikaze Minato, and Fenghuo has already figured it out. , except for a very few weird sealing techniques, he has a thorough understanding of the rest, and the rest is just practice.

Two days passed, the 'holiday' of sealing the fire ended, and they entered the battlefield again.

"Earth Dungeon Barrier - Dungeon Hall!"


Sections of the towering wall gushed out from the ground, and it was about to form a circle. Konoha's ninjas had already launched a counterattack~www.readwn.com~Lei Dun-Go! "

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

"Wind escape - the art of wind cutting!"

The violent ninjutsu directly blasted the earth to pieces, and the dungeon hall ended without a problem.

Feng Huo sighed, the power of a large number of people is indeed great, thinking that back then, his shadow clone and Yin He Zhiyi would not have been embarrassed by this enchantment ninjutsu.

Before they had time to think about it, the rock ninjas culled them again, and all kinds of earth-dun ninjutsu acted on the earth, leaving them with no place to stand, so they could only keep wandering and fighting.

"Thunder Dun-Chidori!"

Fenghuo seized the opportunity, killed a rock ninja chuunin in a straight line, and then retreated immediately.


In the next moment, the place where he was before was buried by countless boulders, and then countless stone thorns gushed out from the ground, sealing the fire instantly opened the eight-door armor, entered Lilianhua, and left with his feet on the air.

"Damn Konoha kid!"

Iwanin chased and killed him, but was blocked by Konoha's other ninjas, and the fight became more and more fierce.

Fenghuo is panting, on the battlefield, his physical strength is exhausted too quickly, because he has to be on guard against sneak attacks from all directions at any time, but fortunately, he has many companions, although he has not remembered the names of these ninjas until now, But very reliable!

"Wind escape-helix pill!"

The Helix Pill, which added the wind attribute to the mood change, went out with a pop as soon as it came out.

Feng Huo looked embarrassed.

"Hey, Fenghuo, can you please stop testing your ninjutsu on the battlefield." A jōnin next to him protested.

Feng Huo said bluntly: "What do you know, only on the battlefield, in this tense situation of ambush from all sides, can I break through myself!"

Listening to his righteous words, the Konoha ninja next to him suddenly had the urge to join Iwanin.

I really want to beat him up.

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