Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 161: crisis

The country of rain.

The majestic heavy rain has lasted for seven days, but the dark clouds in the sky still have no intention of dissipating.

Because of this heavy rain, the war between Iwanin and Konoha was affected and entered a short "peace period". Of course, this is only on the surface. Secretly, the two sides are frantically sending "assassins" into the enemy to carry out assassination tactics.

Even Feng Huo encountered two assassinations!

Of course, Yoshida Shoichi, who had been 'tricked' by Iwanin, was patronized four times, and it was said that he was almost killed.

On this day, Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato left the Konoha camp and secretly went to the rear of Iwanin to carry out terrorist activities.

Both of them are old drivers, so this trip is naturally very familiar, avoiding the most important and taking the lightest. When encountering a large-scale Iwanin army, they will run, and when encountering a small-scale army, they will rush up and kill them, bringing the essence of guerrilla to the extreme.

With Namikaze Minato's terrifying speed and Fenghuo's thunder-fire-attribute spiral pill, the damage caused by the two of them quickly shocked Ash and Loess.

"I didn't expect him to come to our rear?" Huitu couldn't believe it. He and Huangtu were planning a way to ambush him without arousing Namikaze Minato's vigilance, but now it seems that they were thinking too much .

Huangtu laughed loudly: "Konoha's ninjas are always arrogant, and this Namikaze Minato is no exception. Since he delivered it himself, we don't have to be polite to him."

Huitu immediately decided to personally lead twenty jounin to intercept and kill Namikaze Minato.

"I want to go too!" Huangtu said dissatisfied.

"Huangtu, you can stay here!" Huitu shook his head and said, "If we disappear at the same time, Konoha's spies may guess something, and it would be bad to alert Namikaze Minato."

Huangtu wanted to say something, but Huitu stopped him with a wave of his hand: "This is an order!"

"Okay." Huangtu nodded sullenly.

After a quarter of an hour, Huitu quickly left with twenty Junin.

Looking at their backs disappearing into the rain, Huang Tu felt a sense of foreboding flash in his heart.

"Hmph, what's wrong with me? It's just a Namikaze Minato, how could it be possible to escape under the siege of Brother Huitu and twenty jounin?"

Huang Tu turned around and began to deal with the affairs of the camp.

Behind Iwanin, Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo once again attacked and killed a group of Iwanin squads. Under the heavy rain, they didn't even need to deliberately eliminate the traces left, because the rain would wash everything away.

Namikaze Minato observed Fenghuo's expression. He was actually a little worried that Fenghuo's contact with war and fighting at a young age would affect his heart, but from the current point of view, he...is very stable.

After the two left, they came to a tree hole. Although there were Bingliang Pills, Feng Huo really didn't like to take this pill to replenish his strength.

But it was raining heavily outside, and it was deep into the enemy's rear, and it was impossible to barbecue or anything, so he could only silently take out some dried beef from the sealed scroll that he carried with him.

Namikaze Minato looked at the dried beef in Fenghuo's hand, then at the Bingliang Wan in his hand, and smiled wryly.


Namikaze Minato suddenly raised his eyebrows, showing a dignified expression.

"What's wrong?" Feng Huo swallowed a large piece of beef, and his stomach was finally full.

"Something's wrong." Namikaze Minato stood up and listened attentively.

Outside, there was a lot of rain, crying and complaining, but there was no other sound.

"Run!" Feng Huo swallowed all the beef jerky in his hand while erasing the traces of the tree hole.

He didn't think Namikaze Minato was seriously suspicious, after all, he was someone who could be spotted even by Bai Zee's surveillance!

Besides, they went deep into the back of Iwanin, and they killed so much, how could Iwanin remain indifferent?


A flash of lightning flashed in the dark clouds, and the sound of thunder resounded through the sky.

In an instant, Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato disappeared from the tree hole.

At the same time, the ground where the tree hole was located suddenly cracked, and dense rock thorns gushed out from the crack, blasting the big tree into pieces!

"Sure enough, there is an ambush." ​​Feng Huo exclaimed.

"I just noticed a little bit." Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo landed steadily, and then ran away without looking back.

Since Yan Ren dared to attack and kill them, he must have made sure that it was not a wise choice to stay and fight.

The two were running in the dense forest in the rain, a few figures flashed around, their hands were crazily intertwined, and rock hands and stone thorns gushed out from the ground, disturbing them crazily.

"Earth escape - the art of mountains and earth!"


In front of the two people who sealed the fire, two huge semicircular stone **** shot up from the sky. Dozens of towering giant trees were uprooted together with hideous roots covered with wet soil, and they fell powerlessly in the air!

At this time, the two huge semicircular stone **** closed at a terrifying speed. If the two of them continued to move forward, they would definitely be compacted by the stone balls.

"Come on!" Namikaze Minato shouted in a deep voice.

Feng Huo frowned, the size of the stone ball that was closing rapidly in front of him was two hundred-story high and wide skyscrapers in his previous life, with his current strength, there was only one fate for rushing in, that is to be crushed. Into meatloaf!

But if you don't rush, you will be completely surrounded by rock ninja.

Fenghuo didn't hesitate, he chose to believe in Namikaze Minato.

The two rushed into the stone ball, and a huge shadow under the stone ball instantly enveloped them. A strong earthy smell accompanied by terrifying wind pressure swept over violently.

Feng Huo's eyelids twitched, and it was only when he was inside the stone ball that he could truly feel how fast the stone ball closed and how strong the momentum was.

‘Even if my Sharingan evolves into a kaleidoscope and I use Susanoo, I’m afraid I can’t resist this ninjutsu! '

The fire was horrified.

What he didn't know was that the stronger the caster of this ninjutsu, the stronger its power, so strong that even a tailed beast could be suppressed by this ninjutsu!

At this moment, Namikaze Minato shot out a shuriken with the mark of Flying Raijin engraved on it.

The shuriken is so fast that it passes through the stone ball in an instant!

Namikaze Minato grabbed Fenghuo: "Flying Thunder God!"


The stone ball closed completely in the next moment, turning into a round and huge stone ball, standing there like a stone mountain, which can be seen clearly from ten miles away!

And the huge airflow generated at the moment when the stone **** closed also blew Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo who had just escaped into the sky.

Half pay~www.readwn.com~ The two talents landed smoothly.

Namikaze Minato's face was serious: "It's so strong, even stronger than loess!"

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat: "Could it be Huang Tu's senior brother?"

"Huitu? Isn't he the commander of Iwanin, how could he leave the Iwanin camp so easily?" Namikaze Minato was puzzled, but time was running out, so he couldn't allow him to think too much, "They will catch up soon, let's leave here first !"

The two ran away again.

Crack, boom!

Behind him, the huge stone ball with the diameter of the 100-story building exploded in bursts of terrifying crackling sounds, and countless boulders fell towards Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato like meteors.

"Hey, this is too exaggerated!"

The fire-sealed abductee screamed strangely.

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