Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 165: Come out and promise me 300 conditions

As a disciple of the third generation of Tsuchikage, Huitu's use of Tudun has long been superb. Namikaze Minato used Tudun to escape under his nose, which is simply a trick.

Looking at the right time, the dust was punched down, and the ground cracked, revealing a huge crack. In the crack, the figures of Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo could be clearly seen.

"It's useless!"

Huitu put his palms on the ground, and the ground beside Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo suddenly stirred like mud.

"In front of me, you actually want to use earth escape to escape, what kind of joke are you talking about!"


The underground wind howled, and the hurricane blew up countless mud. Namikaze Minato took the opportunity to jump out of the ground while grabbing the sealing fire.

At this time, Feng Huo's eyes were closed tightly, but he was sound asleep.

It's not that Feng Huo has a big heart, but he knows that he has a special physique. No matter how hard and tired he is, he can recover his physical strength after a long sleep. Rather than exhausting his physical strength and worrying about being frightened, it is better to recover his physical strength as soon as possible after sleeping, and maybe he can struggle again a bit.

Namikaze Minato held the fire seal in one hand, and the spiral pill in the other hand, smashing the stone thorn pillar in front of him, and quickly passed through.

"Earth Dungeon Barrier - Dungeon Hall!"

Huitu clasped his palms together, and a tall wall rose violently from the ground immediately, and the earth roared and trembled.

Namikaze Minato didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately flew out a special kunai.

"Flying Thunder God!"

The two of them traveled through time and space and appeared outside the earth-dun barrier.

"Damn it!"

Huitu sank under his feet, and his whole body turned into mud and melted into the ground, and then quickly chased after him.

Namikaze Minato hurriedly ran to the nearby dense forest, stepping on the branches.

Huitu had no choice but to drill out from the ground and continue to chase.

The two chased and ran, and gradually approached the border of the Kingdom of Rain.

"Going forward, it is the country of birds."

Namikaze Minato switched hands to hold the seal fire, and looked back at Huitu, the other party's eyes were full of determination, it was a look that would not give up until the goal was achieved.

"That is to say, only one of us can survive."

Namikaze Minato's eyes were firm.

In the sky ahead, the dark clouds gradually thinned out, the blue sky gradually revealed its beautiful face, and the humidity in the air gradually became fresh.

The country of birds has arrived.

Both Minato Namakaze and Fenghuo had been here during the **** missions in the Snow Country. Although they didn't stay for long, they probably knew the terrain and the distribution of human cities here.

He didn't want to affect the civilians, so he chose remote mountains and forests to run. Although he successfully avoided the civilians of the Bird Country, it also consumed a lot of physical strength.

Especially since he was carrying a fire seal, his physical exertion was even greater.

Fortunately, Huitu, who was chasing after him, was huge and not good at long-distance raids, otherwise Minato Namikaze would have been caught up long ago.

"It can't go on like this, why is Feng Huo still awake?"

Namikaze Minato glanced at Fenghuo, and found that this girl was still sound asleep.

This has been sleeping for a day and a half.

Is it because of poor sleep quality?

Namikaze Minato turned over a high mountain and jumped directly from a cliff several hundred meters high. He didn't notice the howling wind.

Shitu behind him was even more fearless, and he didn't forget to throw two stone **** during the fall to disgust Namikaze Minato.

"Wind escape-helix pill!"

When approaching the dense forest at the foot of the mountain, Namikaze Minato rolled a big ball, the ball rotated extremely fast, and the violent air flow stopped his figure in the air, and then he threw the ball towards the fast falling dust.

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

Huitu yelled, and a balanced stone wall suddenly rose on the cliff, blocking the spiral pill.

"Earth escape - petrification!"

Then he added auxiliary ninjutsu to himself, and the whole person fell directly to the foot of the mountain like a stone man, sinking nearly ten meters deep into the ground!

Then it moved for a while, and the dust directly melted into the ground, and continued to chase along the ground.

The two of them crossed most of the country of birds one by one, only to wake up faintly after sealing the fire.

"It felt like a long, sick dream."

Feng Huo felt that most of his physical strength had recovered, but his spirit was very poor, his eyes were bloodshot, his head was a little groggy, and he looked like he hadn't slept well.

"You're finally awake." Namikaze Minato's face was as pale as snow, running around without sleep for days and nights made him almost reach his limit.

Feng Huo suddenly came to his senses and came to his senses: "Is that guy still chasing?"

Namikaze Minato nodded: "It's more difficult than I imagined."

Hearing the movement behind him, Feng Huo separated out his shadow clone while running, and asked him to find out the truth. If Hui Tu was exhausted, then Feng Huo could fight back, otherwise he could only continue running.

The shadow clone persisted for three minutes before being blown up. From the memory of the shadow clone, he saw that the gray earth's combat strength was still 50% to 60%. Considering some powerful forbidden techniques, he did not dare to launch a decisive battle.

So this time he changed the seal and ran away with Namikaze Minato on his back.

Huitu soon found out, and couldn't help cursing furiously: "Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Hienho, you two low-ranking guys, how dare you use such a shameless method!"

Once Namikaze Minato regains his strength, in the state of dust, he will inevitably die.

Sealing the fire is nothing to worry about, but Minato Namikaze must not let him fall asleep!

So Huitu yelled at him every five minutes, and then deliberately used a few earth traps that made a lot of noise but consumed little Chakra, so that Namikaze Minato couldn't fall asleep smoothly.

"Although not

I want to admit it, but it's very effective, and I can't sleep at all. "Namikaze Minato lay on Fenghuo's shoulder.

Although Feng Huo is eleven years old, he is already 1.6 meters tall, so it is not a problem to carry Minami Feng Minato on his back.

"You forgot my last name?"

Feng Huo turned his head slightly, and a writing sharing eye with three round jades slowly turned. Namikaze Minato's consciousness followed the three faintly turning black round jades, and slowly fell silent. Then he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Huitu was still cursing from behind, but it had no effect on Namikaze Minato at this time.

Huitu gasped ~www.readwn.com~ His eyes were bloodshot, and the bags under his eyes were so big that they were about to fall off.

After chasing from behind Iwanin in the Land of Rain to the end of the Land of Birds, Huitu hadn't slept for several days and nights. At this time, his ears were buzzing, and he was so tired that he had tinnitus.

"Damn it, he fell asleep!"

Huitu didn't dare to chase after realizing this.

"No, I have to find a place to sleep too!"

Huitu immediately separated out the soil clone, and the soil clone chased after him while cursing, while his main body found a hidden cave and fell asleep.

But as soon as he closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep, he heard a rumbling sound from outside, like thousands of galloping horses galloping past.

Huitu woke up immediately, and heard a familiar voice from outside.

"Hui Tu, come out quickly, don't you want to recruit me? I thought about it carefully, and I don't think it's impossible. Come out, come out and promise me three hundred conditions, and you can get the powerful Sharingan Blood Successor Limit Family .”

"Uchiha... seal the fire!"

Huitu was so angry that his lips trembled.

He braced himself up and rushed out, and at a glance he saw Feng Huo standing far outside the cave, looking forward to the cave.

"Oh, Huitu, you came out, tsk tsk, it looks like you haven't slept well." Huitu pricked his mouth happily, rubbed his hands honestly, and then he rubbed out a huge spiral pill like magma.

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