Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 189: Bad recruitment

The Kirin who sneaked into the back of Konoha were quickly killed by the joint efforts of Kakuzu and Fenghuo, and then all the corpses were collected and placed together.

Then he sealed the fire and found something unusual.

The entire ninja world is not big or small, and many things start to imitate as soon as they arise.

Like ninja school.

It didn’t take long for the second generation of Naruto Senju Tomona to establish a ninja school, and other hidden villages in other countries followed suit and established their own ninja schools.

Another example is the three-person standard team. Konoha has just emerged, and other hidden villages are also vying to imitate.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Feng Huo counted them carefully, twenty-six, which cannot be divisible by three.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder of sealing the fire started.

He stroked his chin and thought, maybe he really was thinking too much, and it was true that there were so many people sent by Kirinin, but it could also be that Kakuzu let a few people go on purpose.

Comparing the two, he felt that Jiaodu was more suspicious after all.

He was originally a traitor, selfish, and a person who fell into the eyes of money, so it was only normal to make some small moves.

It's just that there is no evidence, and it's hard for him to say anything.

But Jiaodu is no longer trustworthy.

How about kicking him away?

Fenghuo paid all the money when he thought about it, which is a shameful waste.

Killed Kakuto?

But at this time, Jiaodu must have been a shadow of a snake. I am afraid that if there is any movement on his side, Jiaodu will slip away.

Or, he can use his tricks!

Feng Huo hurriedly went to Sakumo Hatake.

"You mean, Kakuzu might cooperate with Mist Ninja?"

After hearing Fenghuo's words, Hatake Sakumo's face was not very good-looking, "It would be terrible if this is really the case."

Kakuto has been running around on various supply routes during this time. Although he killed the invading Mist Ninja, he has also figured out the situation here. If they fall into the arms of Mist Ninja, all their supply routes will face collapse!

So Fenghuo revealed his plan.

It's fine if Kakubu doesn't betray, but if he really cooperates with Mist Ninja and brings Mist Ninja here, then they must be greeted by a net of heaven and earth!

The only thing that worries Fenghuo is the manpower problem.

Now the only ones available in the village are Anbe and Genbu, but the former must protect Hokage and cannot leave the village easily, while the latter is a member of Danzo, who dare not seal the fire and has no authority to call it.

"Don't worry, there are still many ninjas in the village." Hatake Sakumo smiled, "Although many families have declined, it doesn't mean that they have really become civilians."

Feng Huo's eyes lit up, and Hatake Sakumo's words immediately reminded him of a family, the Kurama clan!

Once upon a time, this family was comparable to the Uchiha clan. Although it has declined, there are still many ninjas in this clan!

Speaking of which, a few years ago, Fenghuo learned illusion from the patriarch of the Anma Clan, Anma Congyun... Theoretical knowledge has some origins.

In addition, there are several other ninja families that have declined. Hatake Sakumo went to find them one by one, but he found twenty or thirty ninjas, most of them were Chunin.

And the Kurama clan even has a Jōnin called Kurama Yunhai, who is the younger brother of Kurama Congyun. He is good at illusion, but his physical skills are poor, and he is only at the level of a lower ninja.

These ninjas gathered together and made a lot of noise, looking very dissatisfied, but because of Hatake Sakumo's name, they didn't dare to 'rebel'.

"Everyone, I'm calling you this time, not to let you go to the battlefield." Hatake Sakumo first explained, but before they were happy, he poured cold water on them, "It's just based on the information we collected. It is possible to send someone to cut off our supplies, and everyone knows that most of the supply troops are children who have just graduated from ninja school, so I will trouble you to protect them."

These people looked at each other in blank dismay, they were weak chickens, but compared to the brats in the supply unit, they were many years older, but they were a little unhappy to let them face Mist Ninja.

Otherwise, as early as the early days of the war, they would have followed the large forces to the front.

"Master Hatake, you are making things difficult for us."

"Yeah, we are not the opponents of those fog ninjas at all."

"My physical skills are too bad to be on the battlefield."

Feng Huo looked at these people from the side, shaking his head in disappointment.

The reason why the families behind these ninjas declined, you can see why by looking at their bears.

He stood up and said with a sneer, "Everyone really impresses me. Seeing a group of children risking their lives on the battlefield, you have the nerve to say that you are too weak to go to the battlefield?"

A few of those people lowered their heads in shame and did not dare to look at others, but there were also cheeky people who looked directly at Fenghuo and said, "We just don't want to help. What do you know?"

"That's right, anything can happen on the battlefield. If it's because of us who miss the opportunity to fight, what face do we have to come back alive?"

Then it’s not good for you to die on the battlefield!

Fenghuohuo is here, this group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death are simply scum!

But he had nothing to do with these bastards.

He looked at Hatake Sakumo, who also had a wry smile on his face.

Hatake Sakumo said a few more words, but it had little effect, that is, the ninja pommel horse Yunhai, seeing the timid look of the others, turned his back and refused to stand up.

"Uncle Hatake, can't they be recruited by force?" Feng Huo asked in a low voice.

Hatake Sakumo shook his head: "The families behind them have made great achievements, so..."

To put it simply, these people are heroes and martyrs. Although they don't need to be supported by the village, the village can't force them to do anything.

After a while, these people dispersed one after another.

"What should we do now?" There was no way to seal the fire. There were several supply routes on the Mist Ninja battlefield, and several people couldn't bear it at all.

"I'll go and report to Hokage-sama first." Hatake Sakumo sighed~www.readwn.com~ Anbu's manpower is also very tight, and he, the captain, is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice.

At the same time, after the few Kirin who were let go by Kakuzu went back, they really reported the matter, which soon attracted the attention of Minazuki Sora and Zao Tsubaki.

As for Zhao Qingkong, this guy thinks that staying in the camp is boring, so he went directly to the battlefield to fight with the Hyuga clan, and he hasn't come back yet.

"Pay out a million dollars to hire Kakuto, and I will destroy all of Konoha's supplies!" Minazuki Sora's eyes glowed, and before the Seven Ninja Swordsmen arrived, he had to make a big enough contribution to avoid being gossiped .

Zao Chun nodded, but had some concerns: "Could it be a trap?"

"Jiaodu is notoriously fond of money, he won't get in trouble with money!" Minazuki Sora pondered, "But what you said makes sense, we can't fully trust Jiaodu."

"In addition to the people who are in contact with Kadotsu, let's send a few more people from our two clans." Zao Tsubaki suggested, "Of course, the frontal battlefield should also put pressure on Konoha to prevent them from returning to the rear."

Shui Wu Yue Kong is as good as a stream: "Okay, that's the decision!"

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