Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 193: No, the one just now was blue!

"Haha, brat, you're dead!"

The sound of Shuiwuyueshuang came from the ice mirror, and then countless ice crystals shot out of the ice mirror crazily like rainstorm pear blossoms.

Uchiha Shisui formed seals, summoned clones to block, and tried to attack Bing Jing at the same time.

But in the next moment, the ice mirror was startled suddenly, and then densely packed thousands of copies burst out, at first glance like a huge icicle, blatantly smashing all of Uchiha Shisui's avatars.

Then the castration continued unabated and shot at Uchiha Shisui.

"Instant Body Technique!"

Uchiha Shisui formed a seal quickly, his whole body turned from left to right, half hidden, half visible, seemingly real, thousands of books passed through him, but he didn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

"Hahaha." Minagisho was very excited, and frantically suppressed Uchiha Shisui with the ice escape, "Your chakra is almost exhausted, right? Struggle, cry! Become my favorite, hahaha .”

On the other side, Feng Huo was blowing the fog with the wind, suddenly ten finger bones shot from behind, pale white and very penetrating.

"Bone veins?" Feng Huo dodged sideways.

Tiexianhua was covered with bone spurs, and slowly walked out of the dense forest. You could see that many of the bone spurs on his body were cracked, and a few leaves were still attached to him, making him look quite embarrassed.

"Damn it, what kind of ninjutsu did you use just now!" Tiexianhua suffered such a big loss twice in a row since her debut, and her psychology was unbalanced.

"You mean this?" Feng Huo rubbed the Huodun-Spiral Pill with his right hand.

The magma-colored spiral pill whirred and whirled and made a shrill sound, and the hot temperature swayed layer by layer like ripples.

Iron Flower turned pale when she saw it: "No, no, the one just now was blue."

Feng Huo was as good as he was, rubbing a Fengdun-helix pill with his left hand, squinting at him: "It's this one?"

After incorporating the properties of fire and thunder into Heliwan, Fenghuo practiced diligently, and now he is able to incorporate wind attributes into it!

At this time, the two helix pills that added chakra's nature change crazily rotated left and right, and the terrifying breath crushed them like a demon god.

The corner of Tie Xianhua's mouth twitched, all the bones in her body were brittle, but her mouth was hard: "Little brat, using such a powerful ninjutsu will consume a lot of your Chakra, right? I advise you to put away one!"

Feng Huo showed a shy smile: "I'm sorry, I usually practice a little bit hard, so I don't lack mana."

Although Tiexianhua didn't know what blue was, she probably understood what he meant.

"Damn it, do you think you can break through my defense with these strange ninjutsu!" Tie Xianhua took a deep breath, and the bone spurs outside her body grew ferociously again, getting thicker and whiter, and the cracks on it quickly disappeared .

However, the two helix pills in Fenghuo's left and right hands on the opposite side are also getting bigger and bigger.

With the frenzied influx of chakra, there is already a half-meter radius at this time, whistling and spinning, showing a terrifying momentum.

Iron wire flower saw that the teeth couldn't fit together.

"Then, I'm going!" Feng Huo tiptoed and rushed towards Tiexianhua.

Tiexianhua let out a loud roar, and at the critical moment, she was not bad at all, and rushed over brazenly.

As the two got closer, Tie Xianhua's eyes gradually revealed bloodshot eyes, and she yelled loudly, "I'm from the Huiye clan, and I'm in charge of the bones, how could I lose to an unknown **** like you! Die, die! , go to hell!!"

The crazier he is, the calmer he is. Having experienced the baptism of the Rain Country battlefield, Feng Huo has already been able to control his emotions, especially in battle. If he wants to distract him, he can't do it by shouting alone.

The two got closer and closer, Feng Huo finally raised his hand, his left and right hands swatted flies together, and the two spiral pills also violently bumped into each other.


The flames were raging, and the wind was as strong as a knife. The two spiral pills exploded completely, turning into a fire tornado and crushed away violently.

The iron wire flower was swallowed by the fire tornado almost instantly, the flames devoured the body, the pale bone spurs turned red, and began to melt little by little!

The iron flower was shocked, agitating the chakra in the body, and frantically stimulating the bones in the body to grow wildly.

The next moment, a strong wind hit, and he was carried up into the sky by the fire tornado. The flames covered 360 degrees without any dead ends. The iron flower roared, but the air around him had been burned, and he couldn't help but suffocate.

‘No, you’ll die if you go on like this! '

The air was getting less and less, and Tie Xianhua's face was flushed from holding back, and bloodshot eyes were overflowing from her pupils, making her feel extremely uncomfortable.

He struggled to control the chakras in his body, pouring them all into his bones.

"Dance of the Early Fern!!"


The bones of Tiexianhua grew wildly, the densely packed bones of the elbows, back, and feet became a thousand times larger in an instant, piercing the fire tornado brazenly, like a phoenix skull reborn in the fire tornado.

Feng Huo had already retreated to the back with the instant body technique. Seeing the terrifying white bones growing out of the fire tornado, his face changed. After a while, these bones have become bigger and bigger, and there are more and more bones, and they directly exploded the fire tornado , Looking from a distance, densely packed bones stretch across the air, and there are only faint sparks all around slowly dissipating with the wind.

Then, boom!

When the bone fell to the ground, it smashed a big hole out of the ground like a comet.

Huge bones filled the hole, and nothing else could be seen as far as the eye could see.

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slightly. He is someone who has read the original book, and he has already remembered that this is a powerful move in the bone veins. It is powerful, but the consumption of Chakra is also extremely terrifying. At this time, the iron flower is probably no longer necessary.

Sealing the fire seal: "Huo Dun - head hard!"

The small fireball fell to the ground slowly, and ignited instantly when it touched the bones, half a breath turned the big pit into a sea of ​​flames, and the flames entangled between the bones, and the temperature became higher and higher.

Feng Huo continued to make seals: "Huo Dun - head hard!"

Another fireball fell, and the sea of ​​fire seemed to be doused with kerosene, burning more violently.

The bones in the pit burned in the flames and gradually began to melt.

Fenghuo looked around, but he didn't see the iron wire flower coming out.

"Did it run away from the ground?"

He was about to chase, but suddenly remembered that there was Shisui Uchiha in the mist behind him, so he turned around and continued to blow with the wind.

Soon, most of the mist in the air was blown away, and Feng Huo stepped in with a spiral pill in his hand.

He walked forward quickly, and saw a circle of ice mirrors on the flat ground in front of him, with Shisui Uchiha in the middle.

And next to ~www.readwn.com~ Qing is fighting against his shadow clone.

"Hey, why does this brother look more and more familiar?"

Feng Huo looked at Qing, revealing memories, and slowly, a figure with a blindfold emerged from his mind.


It turned out to be Qing when he was young, but at this time, he hadn't rolled his eyes yet, so Feng Huo didn't recognize him immediately.

"Where are the wire flowers?!" Qing's expression changed.

Feng Huo shrugged his shoulders: "Who knows? It disappeared suddenly, why don't you teach me two techniques of perception ninjutsu, and I'll help you find them?"

"Damn it, you're playing tricks on me!" Qing was furious, but as a sentient ninja, he couldn't even do the shadow clone of Fenghuo, so he could barely speak a few harsh words at this time.

"Then, shouldn't the game be over?" Feng Huo looked at the ice mirrors, a smear of blood appeared in his pupils, and instantly turned into a pair of Sharingan.

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