Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 210: That's how confident you are!

Swish Swish Swish!

Under the night, more than a dozen vague figures rushed in from the entrance of the valley, surrounding Fenghuo in all directions.

"Uchiha seals the fire!"

These dozen or so ninjas were all dressed in black ninja uniforms, masks, and standard Anbu attire, "We accept your eyes!"

"Root? Oh, I don't know if Danzo has come."

Feng Huo raised his head slightly, and the three hooked jades in his eyes slowly rotated, making it even more ferocious and **** under the pitch-black night.

These root ninjas don't talk nonsense, and they do it immediately. Earth escape ninjutsu, fire escape ninjutsu, and thunder escape ninjutsu poured out crazily. In an instant, the earth roared, sparks splashed, thunder and lightning blared, and the dark valley came to life in an instant.

Feng Huo stood in the middle of the valley, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth: "Danzang also underestimates me too much? Sending these shrimp soldiers and crab generals can deal with me?"

The three gouyu spun crazily in the night, instantly turning into black and red pentagrams, their pupils boiled, and their ribs seemed to pass through time and space from behind Fenghuo to reality, and instantly surrounded him, chakra flowed between the ribs, Forming meridian flesh and blood, a ferocious right hand spread out from the ribs, and with a light sweep, seven or eight ninjutsu around were sent flying, but the powerful shock force was transmitted into the seal through Susanoo. inside the fire.

But he has been training with the devil under Matt Dai for so long, and his physical fitness is so good that this level of shock is not a problem at all!


"what is this!"

The dozen Gennin on the opposite side looked at the dark purple Susano in the middle of the valley, their faces were a little unhappy.

The goal of the mission is nothing more than the strength of a special jounin, and among the dozen or so people on their side, the weakest has the strength of an elite chunin, and the strongest is an elite chunin. With such a strong lineup, let alone a special jounin That's right, even the ten special Jonin will kneel in front of them and sing Conquer!

But the scene in front of them made them suspicious.

With so many ninjutsu pouring over, the opponent didn't even move a footstep, isn't it a bit embarrassing to them?

"Continue to attack!"

"Thunder Dun - walk!"

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Just as the second round of attack was about to come, Fenghuo had already used the kaleidoscope's pupil spell tomb!

A shadow that can't be seen, touched or even attacked is running back and forth in the valley, stumbling around and using Yin Dao, a Genin here has two arms cut off inexplicably, and a Genin's belly is suddenly cut open there. , the intestines fell out! The head of another Genin suddenly rose from the sky, and the blood spurted out a full three meters away!

In just a few breaths, there were only three Genin who could still stand alive in the valley.

"In the end what happened?!"

"Damn it, the gap between the target's strength and intelligence is too great!"

After the words fell, another Genin was slaughtered by the shadow in the wheel tomb.

Without mastering the power of the Six Paths, even the Third Hokage would not be able to attack this shadow in the round tomb. No matter how well trained these ninjas are, no matter how pain-free or death they are, they can only kneel on the ground obediently and scream in front of the shadow of the round tomb. Papa.

A few minutes later, the valley fell into the silent night again, with only a strong smell of blood slowly wafting. After sealing the fire and putting away the kaleidoscope, the boiling pupil power seemed a little uncontrollable.

'It's not that my pupils are boiling, but my heart is restless. '

Feng Huo quickly realized that his mood was a bit uneven.

Before opening the kaleidoscope, even if Feng Huo had mastered Heliwanwan, Chidori, and Bamen Dunjia, his strength was extremely ninja. Waiting for the weird and powerful pupil technique, and the powerful ninjutsu such as Susano, look, in a few minutes, he killed several elite ninjas, and seven or eight ninjas of the ninja level!

This gap did not appear in a dream, but actually happened to him.

Fenghuo's heart inevitably swelled amidst the pounding sound.

He has an urge to turn over from a serf and sing to grandma's house in Tuanzang!

But fortunately, he was a human being in two lifetimes, so he quickly found himself, calmed down his restless heart, and continued on the road.

As for the corpse of Genin in this valley, Fenghuo sneered, he deliberately didn't deal with it, just to let Danzo see it!

Hmph, so what if Danzo knows that he has turned on the kaleidoscope? If he dared to send people to kill him again, he would come one to kill one, two to kill one pair, until Danzo was disappointed, and until he dared not send anyone over again!

That's right, that's how confident you are!

After half an hour, the fire was closed and it came back.

"Hey, although you are the roots, you are also ninjas in the village after all. How can I have the heart to let your corpses die in the wilderness?"

Feng Huo said a few words to himself awe-inspiringly, and then he threw his head hard in Jie Yin.


The flames were blazing, and Fenghuo watched the valley sink into a sea of ​​flames, burning all the dozens of corpses to ashes before leaving contentedly.

Half a day later, Genren followed the traces along the way and came to this valley.

It's just that the valley was scorched black at this time, and the dozens of Genin who were killed by the fire were also burned into coke in the sea of ​​​​fire. Even if they were dissected, they might not get any information.

When the news came out, Danzo suddenly became restless.

"The mission failed! Uchiha sealed the fire, how did you do it?"

Danzo squinted his eyes and thought, 'Could it be that Namikaze Minato appeared? '

‘No, Namikaze Minato is now on the battlefield of the Land of Rain, it is impossible to appear there! '

‘Could it be the person Sarutobi Hiruzen sent to protect him? '

Danzo shook his head again.

You know, he sent to carry out the mission, but there are two elite junin, seven or eight jnin, as well as special jnin and elite zhongnin!

In his opinion, no matter how talented Uchiha Fumuro is, it is not worth Sarutobi Hiruzen sending such a lineup of guards, right?

"How the hell...how did he do it!?"

Danzo was angry and angry, and then his heart moved, and the palm of his right hand slowly covered his right eye, which was wrapped in bandages, "Could it be Sharingan?"

"Master Danzo!"

Suddenly a childish voice came from the side.

Danzo's dignified expression instantly showed a slight smile: "Here we come, A."

"Master Danzo~www.readwn.com~I have finished today's training!"

The person who came was the child that Danzo brought back from Orochimaru's laboratory!

Looking at the only child in front of him who survived the cell transplantation in Senjujuma, Danzo was full of relief.

As long as he is well trained, all the Sarutobi Hiri chopping Fengshuimen Uchiha Fenghuo will stand aside!

"A, even if the training is completed, don't slack off, go, continue training!"

Danzo said solemnly.

"Yes, Master Danzo!" Although A is young, he is very sensible.

A still clearly remembers the tragedy of his little friend in the laboratory dying in front of him, so he doesn't reject the training at all!

'After I become an excellent ninja, I must protect my companions! '

Seeing A's energetic appearance, Danzo's face was also filled with a smug smile.

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