Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 215: night attack

Iwanin has 3,000 reinforcements who are about to resist, but Sand Ninja seems to be planning the day of the decisive battle. The two hidden villages do not know whether they are unintentional or have formed an alliance, but they do this at the same time.

If both of them attack at the same time, Konoha will probably be defeated steadily in the two battlefields of the Land of Rain, and when the time comes, the whole body will be mobilized, and the consequences will be serious, Nara Shikahisa can't even imagine.

In the letter, Orochimaru also mentioned that he hoped that Shikaku Nara would send some ninjas to support him, and he mentioned Fenghuo cryptically.

However, Fenghuo has already followed Namikaze Minato to the Land of Earth to stop Iwanin's reinforcements, and it is impossible to recall him.

Nara Shikahisa pondered for a long time, but he still couldn't find an effective way to crack it. He had no choice but to hope that Namikaze Minato and others could stop Iwanin's reinforcements.

After he destroyed the letter, he also wrote a letter and handed it to Kakashi to bring back.

There is no concealment in the letter, it mentions the Iwanin reinforcements, and tells Orochimaru that if Namikaze Minato and others can successfully prevent these Iwanin reinforcements from entering the battlefield of the Land of Rain, they can send reinforcements here, otherwise they will be overwhelmed. Forget about reinforcements.

Kakashi stayed shortly after receiving the reply, and rushed back the same day.

In the Land of Earth, after confirming the reinforcements of the nearly 3,000 Iwanin, Minato Namikaze gathered the mobile troops and discussed tactics while monitoring and collecting information about the Iwanin.

"Mizumon-sama, this group of rock ninja reinforcements are mainly Chunin!"

"Twenty elite Jnin have been found, and a hundred Jnin!"

"They also carried a lot of supplies!"

With the accurate information reported one by one, Minato Namikaze gradually gained confidence.

He planned to start with this batch of supplies to delay their progress.

The terrain of the land of earth is relatively flat, and there are few mountains and forests. The marching route of this group of iwa ninja reinforcements is also to go to places with a wide field of vision. It is not easy for more than a hundred ninjas such as Namikaze Minato to hide.

It wasn't until night, when the night was dark and the wind was high, that Namakaze Minato brought Fenghuo and seven or eight elite jounin to touch it.

There must be sentient ninjas among the Iwanin reinforcements, so they didn't approach, but buried a few detonating symbols on the only way for the Iwain reinforcements, one here and two there, the damage may not be enough, but it can make the Iwa The ninja reinforcements fell into chaos.

Muddy water is good for fishing!

"Brother Minato, do you really want to rush in alone?"

Feng Huo stared into Namikaze Minato's eyes, wondering if he had awakened the kaleidoscope, or Zhao Zilong possessed him, and wanted to break into an army of three thousand ninjas alone!

Namikaze Minato asked, "Is the Kunai I gave you last time still there?"

Feng Huo hummed, and said, "Flying Thunder God?"

Namikaze Minato nodded.

With Fei Leishen around, Namikaze Minato can withdraw at any time.

However, there is still no way to seal the fire, but he also knows that Namikaze Minato cannot be stopped.

In the early morning of the next day, the Iwanin reinforcements finally arrived at the ambush.

Sanqianyan Ninja was mighty and mighty, connected end to end for three miles, and there were nearly a hundred carriages in the middle, which were full of supplies. When they covered all the traps, Namikaze Minato immediately detonated the detonating talisman.



These traps were one in front of the other, one in the east and one in the west, completely irregular. When they were detonated, sparks flew everywhere, and many weak ninjas were killed on the spot.

"Enemy attack!"

"Not good, protect the supplies!"

Yan Ren immediately surrounded the middle of the team, looking around vigilantly.

There are even a few ninjas of the ninja level scattered around, looking for the enemy.

At this moment, Namikaze Minato burst out from behind a pile of strange rocks, and single-handedly rushed towards Sanqian Yannin!

Behind the pile of strange stones, there are many Konoha ninjas, and Fenghuo is also there.

"Minato-sama will be fine, right?"

"It's so messed up."

These people didn't agree with Namikaze Minato's behavior, but they couldn't stop it, so they could only watch it helplessly.

Namikaze Minato rushed close to Iwanoshi, immediately arousing Iwanobu's vigilance.

"Stop him!"

"Is this guy crazy?"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Before Namikaze Minato was approaching, there were countless gusts of wind whistling in front of him, as cold as a knife, and then the ground cracked, huge and sharp rocks pierced through the soil, and stone walls rose from the ground, suddenly Another huge rock hand slammed down from the side.

Namikaze Minato flicked left and right, and after a while, his body was covered in dust, and he looked quite embarrassed.

"Kill him!"

More than a dozen rock ninjutsu used petrified ninjutsu, and their whole bodies were in a petrified state, like a stone man rolling over.

At the same time, another Iwanoshi envoy came out of the earth escape barrier - the dungeon Domu, and surrounded Namikaze Minato.

"It's really dangerous."

Namikaze Minato is in it, looking at the overwhelming ninjutsu, there is no place where he can safely land. If his nerve reflexes are not fast enough, he can always dodge with a step first, and he may have been rubbed on the ground at this time.

He didn't fight the dozen or so petrified rock ninjas, and directly passed them with the Flying Thunder God. As for the Earth Dungeon, it was even more a joke under the Flying Thunder God.

"No, stop him!"

"It's Minakame Minato, he's Minato Namikaze!"

"Damn Konoha Ninja!"

Because the team of Iwanin reinforcements was a bit long, when the elite jounin arrived, Minato Namikaze had already charged into the army, and Ukinaru flew up and down, picking out soft persimmons to beat them, and quickly killed more than a dozen Chunin.

"Protect supplies!"

"His goal is supplies!"

Rock Ninja was in a panic.

But with the addition of the elite jonin, the situation soon stabilized. With so many Iwanin attacks, Namikaze Minato couldn't last long even with Hiraishen.

'That's it. '

Namikaze Minato didn't force himself, and after sensing the trait Kunai in Fenghuo's hand, he immediately activated Flying Thunder God and disappeared without a trace.

"Damn it, he ran away!"

"This guy must have mastered time and space ninjutsu!"

After Yan Ren stabilized his position, he was afraid that there would be an ambush by Konoha, so how could he dare to continue on his way?

While standing firm, they searched all directions led by the Sensing Ninja~www.readwn.com~ and inspected the damage.

The strange rock piled up, and Namikaze Minato appeared in a flash. Although there was a smile on his face, it could be seen that he was exhausted physically.

"Minato-sama, are you alright?"

"It's too dangerous, Minato-sama should not do such a thing in the future."

Namikaze Minato smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'm fine, well, let's retreat first and prepare for the next step."

When night fell, Namikaze Minato and others approached Iwa Shinobi again.

After being harassed during the day, Iwanin was heavily guarded at this time, and there were at least dozens of ninjas on guard, scattered far away, but these defenses were a bit immature for Namikaze Minato and others.

Namikaze Minato silently made a few gestures, and dozens of mobile ninjas suddenly sank into the ground, approaching Iwanin.

Feng Huo originally wanted to follow, but this time he was following as a medical ninja, and he had to take care of all the injured ninjas, so he might not have a chance to make a move unless it was absolutely necessary.

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