Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 220: hate loess

Konoha Camp, the first battlefield in the Land of Rain.

Orochimaru read the letter written by Shikahisa Nara, and put away the letter with a calm face.

After sending Kakashi away, he called Yamanaka Kaiichi and Yuhi Mako.

Although the plan to seal the fire was unsuccessful, the situation in the Land of Rain prevented him from being distracted any longer.

Sand Ninja was planning a decisive battle, but Iwanin also sent 3,000 reinforcements at the same time, and their two battlefields were in jeopardy.

"Master Orochimaru!"

Yamanaka Kaiichi and Yuhi Makoto have arrived.

"Two, Kakashi has brought back a letter from Shikaku Nara." Orochimaru cut to the chase, "Iwanin sent 3,000 reinforcements, and the second battlefield has been distracted."

"Three thousand Iwa-nin?" Yamanaka Haiichi asked in surprise: "Is it possible that Iwa-nin is to cooperate with the sand-nin? Are they allied?"

"It should be just a coincidence!" Makoto Yuhi said, "I just interrogated a Sand Ninja, and they didn't form an alliance with Iwanin!"

Orochimaru smiled and said, "My teacher should already know about this, hehe, if I'm not wrong, Hatake Sakumo should have already set off with Anbe."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slightly, and the golden vertical pupil exuded a slight chill, and continued, "With the three thousand reinforcements that they restrained Iwa Ninja, we can concentrate on dealing with Sand Ninja, as long as we defeat them, the next battle will be easier gone."

"Sand Shinobi's attack this time will definitely not be simple, and may even use a tailed beast. We must rely on the power of Master Sakumo!" Yamanaka Kaiichi retorted, he did not recommend letting Hatake Sakumo resist Iwa Ninja.

Orochimaru said: "Konoha Baiya's reputation spreads all over the ninja world. Only when he goes can the three thousand rock ninjas be deterred and they will not dare to move! Only then can we concentrate on dealing with sand ninja! But Haiyi, you are right, Sand Shinobi will definitely mobilize the greatest power this time, just in case, we can borrow someone from Shikaku Nara!"

His jealousy flashed coldly, with Hatake Sakumo, Uchiha Fenghuo can't obediently come to him?

Yamanaka Kaiichi and Yuhi Mako looked at each other, and after some thought, they both nodded in agreement.

"Then, continue to monitor Sand Shinobi's movements, Mako, and when Hatake Sakumo brings people to the Land of Rain, you will go to Shikaku's place. Remember, there are two people you must come to me. "Oshemaru showed a secretive smile.

"Who is it?" Yuhi Zhenhong asked.

"Namikaze Minato and Uchiha seal the fire!" Orochimaru chuckled, "Flying Raijin and Sharingan, in this battle, can have unexpected effects!"

Of course, Yuhi Zhenhong didn't know the filth between Orochimaru and Fenghuo, so she nodded immediately.

At the same time, the 3,000 reinforcements of Yan Ren, no, there are only less than 2,000 reinforcements left at this time, and finally entered the country of rain!

But Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo didn't leave just like that, they still invaded wildly, taking dozens or hundreds of lives every time!

As for their supplies, they were finally smashed to pieces by Fenghuo Susano's two huge copper hammers!

However, the mobile troops brought by Namikaze Minato became logistics, following Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato all the way, but there were no more casualties.

Namikaze Minato looked excited, wishing that the road would be as long as possible, so that all three thousand rock ninjas could be consumed to death!

But Feng Huo was terrified, his pupil power was consumed by such a high-frequency battle, and his eyesight had already begun to decline.

He made a rough estimate, and now he has about 50 degrees of nearsightedness. Although the impact is not significant, it is not serious, but if the kaleidoscope continues to be used at this frequency, he may become blind in two or three years.

This is no play, it's really blind!

When he thinks that he will never see beautiful women again, bah, he will never see this world of green mountains, green waters, and flowers again, and he will be blue and thin mushrooms. The torment, he can't sleep at night, and the dark circles under his eyes have come out!

When the Iwanin reinforcements finally joined their companions, Fenghuo was so moved that tears fell, it was not easy!

At this time, only half of Iwanin's reinforcements are left!

When Huangtu heard that the reinforcements were coming, he was so excited, but when he came out, he found that he was not well.

What about the large amount of strategic materials that were agreed upon?

What about Sanqianyan Shinobi?

What about sincerity?

Huangtu was so angry that he thought it was his father, the third generation of Tuying, who had fooled him, but when he heard what happened along the way from the reinforcements, he was shocked and turned pale.

"Kaleidoscopic... Susanoo... Uchiha..." Huang Tu's eyes twitched. He was one of the few ninjas among the rock ninjas who knew about the Uchiha clan, so he was even more horrified. Immediately afterwards, inexplicably, a ghost appeared in his heart , and then he shook his head frantically.

No, it can't be him!

Kaleidoscope Sharingan, this is the eyes that only Uchiha Madara has. How can a teenage kid wake up?

But what if it was really him?

Loess hates him so much, if he knew it earlier, when he saw Fenghuo for the first time, he should have killed him at all costs!

Loess was restless.

The Uchiha who turned on the kaleidoscope is too terrifying, as can be seen from the "three thousand reinforcements" that are only half left.

Huangtu sighed. His original strategic plan was that once the 3,000 reinforcements arrived on the battlefield, he would directly attack the Konoha Camp, drive them out of the Land of Rain in one fell swoop, and secure the victory of this war!

But now, he didn't dare to attack.

Knowing from the leader of the reinforcements that the kaleidoscope had been told to his father for three generations, Huangtu decided to stick to it, and he believed that his father would have instructions for him.

A few days later, Hatake Sakumo brought Anbe and Jiraiya to the Land of Rain.

Hatake Sakumo analyzed the situation of the two battlefields, and decided to go to the second battlefield to deal with the Sanqian Iwanin, while Jiraiya went to the first battlefield to join Orochimaru.

After the war started ~www.readwn.com~ Jiraiya also came to the Rain Country Battlefield, but he never met Orochimaru, so the two of them have not seen each other for nearly three years.

As soon as they met at this time, they were immediately full of passion, enthusiasm, and full of love.

The two then talked about the war.

Knowing from Jiraiya that Hatake Sakumo really went to the second battlefield to stop Sanqian Iwanin, Orochimaru showed a smile that everything is under control.

But then he remembered that Jilai is also the teacher of Minato Namikaze, and Minato Namikaze is a good brother of Fenghuo. If Jiraai is also on the first battlefield, it will be difficult for him to attack Fenghuo.

So when he changed the subject, he led to Tsunade, and as expected, the two of them didn't talk for a while, and they were inexplicably irritable when they came, with an endocrine disorder, your second uncle, don't mess with your old lady, Dashemaru turned a blind eye , continued to talk about Tsunade, Jilai couldn't sit still anymore, got up and said that he wanted to discuss something with Hatake Sakumo, and come back all night.

Orochimaru sent him away with a smile.

Afterwards, he found Yuhi Zhenhong and asked him to set off for the VIP on the first battlefield.

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