Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 230: Amaterasu

Facing the crazy output of the third Mizukage, even Uchiha Fugaku's third form, Susano, who was wearing Utengu armor, couldn't bear it.

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes flashed in disbelief.

'how is this possible! Who is the opponent who has such terrifying strength! '

With Susanohu's powerful defense, he was beaten back steadily, which is beyond imagination.


The three generations of Mizukage kept making seals, and the water escape ninjutsu became more and more violent, and Susano was almost unable to move under the pressure.

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes flashed fiercely, the kaleidoscope spun wildly, and the next moment a trace of black flame suddenly spread and fell lightly into the water.

In an instant, black flames blazed, and the vast mist was burned to nothingness in just a few breaths.

Mizukage Mizukage's expression changed: "What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

He clasped his palms together, and the whole world set off another turmoil.

But after a while, it was completely burned by the black flames again, leaving nothing behind.

Sandai Mizukage hurriedly put away his ninjutsu, retreated lightly, condensed his water body almost instantly, and quickly hid his main body.

Sure enough, the next moment, black flames came suddenly like a ghost, and burned his water body completely in an instant.

Mizukage Mizukage kept shifting his figure while continuing to condense his water body to attract Uchiha Fugaku's attention.

"Among the Uchiha clan, you must not be an unknown person, report your name!" Mizukage's voice flickered from left to right, making it difficult to distinguish the specific direction.

"Uchiha Fugaku!"

Uchiha Fugaku's face was a bit ugly, he frantically used Amaterasu to burn the third generation of Mizukage to death, but it was a pity that all of them were burned to death!

"Oh, it turns out that you are the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and you really have two tricks."

Uchiha Fugaku sneered, if you only have two strokes, you wouldn't even dare to come out?

"Who are you?" Uchiha Fugaku suppressed the restless emotions in his heart, and slowly put away Amaterasu, "With such a terrifying water escape ninjutsu, it is impossible for you to be an unknown person."

Mizukage Mizukage pulled a faint smile from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't answer him, but the water body was condensed crazily, one after another, all standing beside Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fugaku's heart moved, the other party was... planning to hold him back.

Uchiha Fugaku's Xiao Jiujiu opened up immediately.

The relationship between the Hyuga Clan and their Uchiha Clan is already delicate, especially now that during the war, the Three Hokages have decided to abdicate. If the Hyuga Clan says they have no intention of competing with Hokage, he will not believe anything. , is it possible to kill two people with a knife?

Hyuga Matsuho is the current head of the Hyuga Clan, and Hyuga Hizuru is the next head of the clan. If these two people die here...

Uchiha Fugaku was a little excited.

Now Mizukage Mizukage intends to confront him, Uchiha Fugaku can fully cooperate with him, but, besides the Hyuga clan, there are other members of the Uchiha clan here. As the patriarch, how can he sit back and watch his clan be slaughtered by Kirinin?

‘It’s such a good opportunity, but it’s a pity. '

Uchiha Fugaku sighed, and then Susano almost moved, and instantly exploded.

The third Mizukage snorted coldly and quickly intercepted it.

With the escalation of the battle, the destruction of the terrain became more and more serious, and the Mist Ninja's Hidden Mist technique gradually lost its effect. The surviving ninjas of the Uchiha Clan and the Hyuga Clan immediately gathered together to fight against the Mist Ninja.

As the fog faded, Uchiha Fugaku also quickly put away the Susano, and the kaleidoscope turned into a three-pointed jade, and began to hide his clumsiness.

The battle scene between Hinata Matsuka and Zaotsubaki was almost uncontrollable, Matsuka's return to the sky turned Chakra into a round of blue light mask, and Zaotsubaki couldn't even see half of a human being, his whole body was covered with It's a bone spur, a monster bigger than Godzilla.

"Zaochun, it's done!"

Mizukage Mizukage said.

The Fog Concealment Technique was broken, and the situation would be unfavorable to them if they continued to fight.

Firstly, this side is close to the Konoha camp, and the opponent's support will arrive soon. Secondly, there is no thick fog, so the illusion of the Uchiha clan can be used.

Therefore, the third Mizukage decisively chose to evacuate.

Zao Tsubaki looked at the panting Hinata Matsukura on the opposite side with some reluctance, if the fight continued, he would definitely be able to fight Hinata Matsukura for life!


"Father, are you okay!" Hyuga Hyuzu was only slightly injured under the protection of the branch family.

Hyuga Matsuhiro panted, and only half-paid back: "Hizuru, look at the casualties of the branch family, and be careful not to let the Blood Successor limit spread!"


With Mizukage and others leaving, Hinata Matsuhiko's eyes slowly fell on Uchiha Fugaku.

Could the terrifying pressure he felt when he saw the huge shadow in the previous battle be related to him?

"Count the casualties!"

On the side, Uchiha Fugaku's face was gloomy. On the ground, there were more than a dozen corpses wearing Uchiha costumes, while there were relatively few corpses of the Hyuga clan.

In the technique of Kirigakure, although the white eyes of the Hyuga clan are restricted, compared to the Uchiha clan, they are at least half-blind, and the death toll is naturally less than that of the Uchiha ninjas.

The three generations of Mizukage and the others here just retreated, and the battle on the frontal battlefield ended immediately. Obviously, the battles of these few days were all for today's sneak attack.

Uchiha Fugaku asked himself that if he didn't rely on the kaleidoscope, he might not be able to do this group of fog ninja!

"Such a powerful Mist Ninja, could it be that he is the third Mizukage?"

Uchiha Fugaku was shocked at first, and then a burst of pride: aha, I have already been able to tie with the three generations of Mizukage, isn't it easy to be the Hokage?

Afterwards, Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Matsuho passed back the information about the arrival of Mizukage Mizukage to the village, and finally came to Sarutobi Hirazan.

Naruto Office.

The outside world has passed a few months, but to Sarutobi Hiruzen, it seems to have passed a few years. At this moment, he has gray temples, and age spots on his cheeks, and he looks very old.

"First, the third generation of Tukage~www.readwn.com~ and then the third generation of Mizukage. If the third generation of Kazekage is not missing, I am afraid that he should also be on the battlefield by this time?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi squinted his eyes, the two battlefields in the Land of Rain, and the Mist Ninja battlefield in the Land of Fire, both haunted him, tossing and turning, wishing he could go to the front line to fight with them.

But in the three battlefields, he was distracted and weak, and he was a little worried about Danzang, so he sat in the village and coordinated with all parties.

"The sand ninja side should be over soon, Orochimaru, don't let me down."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi walked to the window and looked in the direction of the Land of Rain.

At this time, in the first battlefield of the Land of Rain, Orochimaru has rectified all the ninjas. The central army, flanks, and support teams are all composed of upper ninjas and middle ninjas.

Thousands of Konoha ninjas stretched out in a row, Orochimaru looked around with a serious face, and paused at Fenghuo, Namikaze Minato, Kakashi and others, then continued to observe as if nothing had happened, and waited until the sun set and night fell , Orochimaru waved his hand, and personally led the army towards Mount Kikyo.

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