Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 236: kill 0 generation

Boom boom boom!

The copper hammer tumbling, Susano almost opened fire, approaching Chiyo crazily.

No matter how powerful the Chimatsu ten people are in the eyes of others, they are indeed not enough in front of Susano.

Feng Huo ignored these puppets, and immediately turned the clouds to see the sun, and saw Qiandai's little chrysanthemum.

Chiyo's face darkened, and while retreating, he continued to attack Susano with ten people from Chimatsu.

‘Damn it, it can’t be broken at all! '

Chiyo's face became more and more gloomy, but she was as witty as she was, and she quickly thought of a countermeasure, with a smile on her face, she put away the ten people from Chimatsu, turned around and rushed towards the place where Konoha and Sand Ninja were fighting, and she had a companion She dared to wield the copper hammer unscrupulously without enveloping the fire.

When Chiyo confidently rushed to a melee place, he found that Feng Huo hadn't caught up!

Her whole body is not well, looking around, how could she see Susano?

"Damn brat!"

Chiyo was furious, and there happened to be two Konoha ninjas next to her who wanted to take advantage of her old age and fading appearance, but were directly killed by Chiyo with endocrine disorders!

Then Chiyo manipulated the puppet to hunt for Fenghuo while killing the enemy, and secretly vowed to find this fellow.

Half an hour later, Fenghuo was found by Chiyo.

"Uchiha seals the fire, let's see where you are going, make up your mind!" Chiyo controlled ten people from Kinmatsu to kill them aggressively.

Fenghuo didn't dare to fight with the ten people from Chimatsu, so he immediately turned on the Susanoo to fight. After hitting twice, Chiyo repeated his old trick, trying to lead Fenghuo to the place of melee.

As soon as she retreated, she sealed the fire and ran away, basically without any hesitation, Chiyo jumped in anger.

"The Uchiha people are really greedy for life and afraid of death!" Chiyo said with a look of disdain.

The corners of Feng Huo's mouth twitched: "Please, it's you who ran away, old lady!"

"How dare you call me old...Damn it! I will never let you go!"

Chiyo stretched out his ten fingers, and the ten people from Chimatsu came flying again, as fast as a gust of wind, but facing Susano's strong defense, they could only sigh.

After fighting for a while, Chiyo realized that he really had nothing to do with Susano, so he could only retreat.

Seeing her leave, Fenghuo heaved a sigh of relief.

Although turning on Susano is not afraid of nearly ten people, but maintaining Susano consumes pupil power and chakra, and the consumption of pupil power will permanently damage his eyesight. Fighting Chiyo is a slow suicide. , no, blind yourself.

After Fenghuo turned off Susano, a sand ninja rushed over, Fenghuo rushed up, just in time to meet Liangcai, **** and mung bean, the two of them fought wildly, from east to west, from south to north, Konoha and Sand Ninja next to each other also fought each other, very harmonious.

Then Chiyo jumped out again.

"Uchiha seals the fire, make up your mind!"

Ten people from Jinsong roared towards them, like ghosts.

The fire is really on fire.

"Are you addicted? Old woman, I'll just ""!"

The Fire Sealing Sangouyu instantly turned into a black and red pentagram.

Chiyo rolled her eyes when she heard the words old woman, dry dead, etc., and her murderous intent increased: "Uchiha Fenghuo, I will kill you today!"

"The five-pointed world!"

Fenghuo didn't care what she was beeping, and directly locked Chiyo, an invisible huge pentagram instantly covered Chiyo, and he himself stood at a corner of the pentagram, about 100 meters away.

"Wheel tomb!"

Fenghuo called out the shadow of the wheel tomb world, and directly killed Chidai.

"Huh?" Chiyo quickly sensed that something was wrong. No matter how she ran, she couldn't get close to Fenghuo. She immediately extended the chakra line of her ten fingers, and controlled ten people from Chimatsu to rush to Fenghuo.


Feng Huo didn't dare to fight melee, and immediately teleported from one corner of the Wumang Realm to another corner.

Chiyo subconsciously chased after them, but the distance didn't shorten at all. An ominous premonition flashed in her heart, and she quickly controlled ten people from Chimatsu to kill them.

In the next instant, an invisible sharp light fell, and before Chiyo could even react, her left hand had already been chopped off!

In an instant, blood shot out, and five puppets lost control of the ten people in Chimatsu immediately and fell to the ground.

Chiyo was stunned, and then felt the severe pain of the broken arm wound on his left hand: "Ah! What's going on? Why is my left hand...it's you, it must be...ah!!"

Her right hand was also cut off by the shadow of the wheel tomb.

Now, the ten people in Jinsong completely lost control and became a bunch of useless 'wooden people'.

"Fire escape - head hard!"

"Wind escape - oppression!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Water escape-Shui Qingbo!"

"Thunder Dun - walk!"

A cold light flashed in Feng Huo's eyes.

It's endless, right?

One after another, right?

Addicted, huh?


Fenghuo summoned the shadow clone, and the shadow clone beat the dog in the water without saying a word, outputting crazily.

"Tudun-Tulong Spear!"

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

"Earth escape - the art of rock hands!"

"Fire Escape - Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!"

"Fire escape - fire dragon flame bomb!"

"Earth Dun-Earth Spear!"

Feng Huo and Shadow Clone are crazily forming seals, crazily outputting, and Chiyo, who has lost both arms, how can he stop such a perverted number of ninjutsu when he is caught off guard?

At that time, he was bombarded to pieces~www.readwn.com~ **** and bloody, and then charred and smelling like meat. The sand ninjas and Konoha ninjas around saw this scene and felt a chill in their hearts, they subconsciously moved away from Fenghuo, and then sand ninjas reacted.

"Wait, that person seems to be Chiyo-sama?"

"Are you kidding me? How could Chiyo-sama be defeated by such a young brat!"

"His eyes are so strange, a bit like Sharingan, but there is no Gouyu in them."

Konoha is also talking about it.

"This guy is a bit perverted."

"Yeah, what kind of hatred, you use so many ninjutsu."

"Maybe I met someone who killed my father. In the last ninja world war, my father also died at the hands of Sand Ninja."

Finally, Fenghuo stopped the pouring of ninjutsu. In the center of Wumangjie was a puddle of blood-colored water. Thunder and lightning flashed in the water from time to time. A few soil thorns were exposed outside the water. A smell of meat filled the air.

In the ups and downs of the blood-colored water, a body slowly emerged, revealing half of a face that was almost unrecognizable.

"This is…"

"Master Chiyo?"

"How is it possible? Chiyo-sama, she... is really Chiyo-sama!!"

"Master Chiyo is dead?"

"Damn it, kill this brat to avenge Lord Chiyo!"

"Revenge for Chiyo-sama!"

After the sand ninjas around were startled and angry, they ran away in an instant, and rushed towards Fenghuo with red eyes, and hundreds of sand ninjas gathered almost instantly!

Facing the runaway sand ninja, Fenghuo didn't even have time to confirm whether Chiyo was dead or alive, so he turned around and ran away immediately after turning off the kaleidoscope.

'Should be dead? Severed arms and legs, bleeding so much, if she can survive like this, bah, she is not the protagonist, how can she survive? '

Feng Huo circled the battlefield twice, and then used the clone technique to distract all the 100 runaway sand ninjas behind him, finally heaving a sigh of relief.

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