Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 249: genetic prediction

The Chao Lun Wu brothers soared in the sky, piercing through the thick dark clouds, and there were lightning flashes and bursts in the clouds from time to time, and they were youthful in an instant.

The two snow eagles screamed excitedly, as if enjoying the feeling of dancing with the thunder and lightning.

Below, Onoki stared at the sky with gloomy eyes.

His low back pain lasted for a few minutes before he recovered. He immediately turned his head to kill Uchiha Fenghuo, but the scene in front of him made him feel overwhelmed. Even though he could fly, his speed was far from that of Xue Ying. compared to.

He half-closed his palms, and a cube-shaped beam of light slowly condensed, aiming at the two snow eagles that were shuttling through the dark clouds in the sky and drifting away, brazenly launching Dust Dungeon.


The white light is like a rainbow, and it goes away in an instant.


In the dark clouds, a white light hit the sky with the wings of the Chao Lun Wu brothers, and the dark clouds and lightning were wiped out wherever they passed, which frightened the Chao Lun Wu brothers. Into the dark clouds, refused to show his head again.

Fenghuo's secret path is very dangerous, if it wasn't for his wit and psychic psychic outreach to the Chao Rondo Brothers, Onoki would definitely have sparked him by rubbing him on the ground.


A dazzling flash of lightning suddenly flashed through the dark clouds, and a tingling feeling was transmitted from the thick water vapor.

Sealing the fire suddenly felt soft, as if he had fallen into the water bed, feeling weak all over.

He hurriedly directed the Chao Lunwu brothers to lower the height slowly, but instead of being killed by Onoki, he was struck to death by lightning instead, that would be too unjust.

Most of the Land of Rain is covered in continuous heavy rain throughout the year, and the high altitude is covered by dense dark clouds. Although the Chaolun Dance Brothers are fast, they shuttle through the dark clouds at a speed that is sometimes slow and sometimes slow, and they dare not fly recklessly.

It took about seven days, and one person and two birds finally passed through the Land of Rain smoothly.

It is considered safe here, Feng Huo got off Xueying's back, and originally wanted to communicate with the Chaolunwu brothers, but their eagle feathers are too dense, and the body temperature can only be released when flying at high altitude. After a while, they will be sweating profusely, looking like a drowned chicken. After a long time, I am afraid that they will be burned to death.

Helpless, sealing the fire can only release the psychics and let them return to the land of snow.

The rest of the road was safe and sound, and Fenghuo returned to the village smoothly.

However, he had one thing in mind, he didn't go to see Hiruzaru Sarutobi immediately, but went to the orphanage of Yakushi Nonoyu instead.

The Battle of Kikyo Mountain is over. If the plot of the original book is followed, then a certain super boss in the future should have appeared in the orphanage!

Feng Huo was still very excited to meet the future big boss.

Because of funding problems, the location of Yaoshi Nonaiyu's orphanage is relatively remote. Although Fenghuo used the dividends from his newspaper to fund it, Yaoshi Nonaiyu has no intention of changing it. She likes this remote orphanage very much. .

There is no competition with the world, peace and tranquility, even if the world is smashed outside, it will not affect this place.

When Fenghuo arrived here, he saw more than a dozen little kids playing around under the big tree in front of the orphanage. The sound of laughter spread far away, accompanied by the chirping of insects and birds in the surrounding mountains and forests, like a paradise.

Fenghuo approached, dressed as a ninja, quickly attracted the attention of these children.

"It's a ninja."

"Konoha Ninja!"

"I want to be a ninja when I grow up."

"Why did Konoha ninja appear? He came to kill us."

There are a few children here who are prisoners of Jigeng Mountain, but they have never seen Fenghuo, so they didn't recognize him as the hundred-foot-tall Demon God on the battlefield that day.

Feng Huo looked around, and he could see all the expressions of these children, including envy, indifference, curiosity, and hatred. Unfortunately, he did not find the future boss.

No pharmacist pocket?

What a joke.

I was a little anxious to seal the fire.

It hasn't been long since his kaleidoscope was turned on, but he has fought many times, especially the enemies he faces are getting stronger and stronger. Every time he has to use the kaleidoscope to the limit, his vision is plummeting. If this continues, I am afraid that before the end of the three wars, he was already blind.

The shackles of the kaleidoscope are a 'kalpa' for him, but he never believes that this is a 'kalpa' of death.

What is the limit of blood inheritance?

It is a powerful ability passed down through blood.

So what is blood?

After all, isn’t it genetic inheritance?

The Uchiha Clan and the Senju Clan inherited the Sage Body and Sage Eye of the Sage of the Six Paths respectively. Although they are powerful, from the perspective of genetic inheritance, the genes they inherited are all incomplete and incomplete, just like a piece of perfect The genetic puzzle is divided into two pieces, one for the Uchiha clan and one for the Senju clan.

And when Uchiha Madara transplanted the cells of Senjujuma, perfectly fused the genes of the Uchiha family and the genes of the Senju family, and successfully combined the two genetic puzzles together, he obtained the most powerful ability of the Sage of the Six Paths , which is the eye of reincarnation!

Then, if the gene fusion of any Uchiha clan and the Senshou clan's genes can open the eyes of reincarnation?

The answer is of course: no!


Because if you want to perfectly integrate the two genetic puzzles, there is a prerequisite, that is, the two puzzles themselves must be perfect.

Otherwise, in Uchiha Madara's era, there were so many Senju clansmen, why did he have to transplant the cells of Senju Zhujian? Isn't it because the cells in the Qianshou Zhujian are already the most perfect genetic jigsaw puzzle of the Qianshou clan!

And how did Uchiha Madara's perfect gene, that is, the eternal kaleidoscope come from?

It was his own kaleidoscope, which was obtained by transplanting his own brother's kaleidoscope.

In this process, Feng Huo thinks that it is merging two incomplete genes to obtain the perfect genetic puzzle of the Uchiha clan, which is the eternal kaleidoscope!

So the question is, do you have to be biological brothers to fuse genes?

If it is true that only biological brothers can fuse genes~www.readwn.com~, how can Uchiha Madara successfully fuse the cells of Senjujuma?

Therefore, genes are king!

Of course, these are just Fenghuo's own thinking. If you want to prove it, it is by no means an easy task.

And looking at the entire ninja world, there are very few who can complete this job.

Orochimaru is one of them.

But the relationship between Fenghuo and Dashewan is very delicate and ambiguous. Asking him for help is tantamount to sending a sheep to a tiger's mouth and seeking a dead end.

Excluding Orochimaru, the only thing Fenghuo can think of is that the pharmacist is gone!

The Yaoshidou in the original book is not only powerful, but also knowledgeable. He knows what Orochimaru can do, such as gene transplantation and cell regeneration, and he can do what Orochimaru doesn’t, such as the fairy mode!

Therefore, no matter what, he must find Pharmacist Dou, whether he takes him in, makes friends, or recognizes his younger brother, he must win him over, so that when he goes blind in the future, Pharmacist Dou can make up for him willingly. The Genetic Puzzle of the All Uchiha Clan!

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