Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 260: Dai, you must be very proud!

The country of rain.

The three kingdoms of fire, wind, and earth have been at war here for three years, bringing catastrophic damage to the country.

A large number of people have died, many cities have been reduced to ruins, and there is no one left. The dark night is even more gloomy, like ghosts.

huh huh huh...

In an empty and quiet city that has been raining heavily for years, a group of ninjas in black windbreakers are leaving quickly. In the rain, one can vaguely see the red blood clouds on their bodies, which is extremely dazzling in the night.

On a tall building nearby, Xiao Nan stood there coldly looking at these people with an indifferent expression.

"What are you thinking?" A familiar voice came from behind, but she knew that the owner of this voice was dead.

"It's nothing." Xiao Nan turned to look at the familiar face, feeling sad and remorseful.

If he could have listened to that Uchiha brat back then, maybe Yahiko would not have to die.

"Don't worry." 'Yahiko' wears the forehead guard of Urenin village rebellion. Under the forehead, there is a pair of terrifying reincarnation eyes. "When I find Hanzo, I will kill him immediately!"

Listening to 'Yahiko''s emotionless voice, feeling his body without the slightest warmth, and the black iron bars in his nose and ears, Xiao Nan felt more and more uncomfortable, but he thought that as long as he could avenge Yahiko, everything would be worth it!

Even if it is... destroying this world!

However, the development of the eyes of reincarnation made Nagato more powerful and terrifying, but it also brought huge hidden dangers to Nagato. He looked older, with sunken eye sockets and loose muscles, especially when he was killed to save her that day. The legs injured by the detonating talisman cannot be healed even by medical ninjutsu, so they can only move around in a wheelchair.

Until now, Nagato is not even willing to show his true colors.

'When Hanzo is killed, everything will be fine! '

Xiao Nan comforted herself like this.

At the same time, the second battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain.

The war between Konoha and Iwanin has continued. Although the three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi and Hatake Sakumo have reduced the number of battles, the casualties on both sides have become more and more serious.

Huangtu proposed several times to let the Four-tailed Jinchuriki go to the battlefield, but Onoki rejected them all.

For one thing, Lao Zi was even more stubborn than him, and the two of them didn't get along well, and they quarreled as soon as they met. If he was allowed to come to the battlefield, would Onogi be in a better mood?

Secondly, there is fear in my heart.

On that day, he intercepted and killed Uchiha Fenghuo halfway. He thought he could catch Uchiha in one fell swoop, so he pressed Uchiha Fenghuo on the ground and rubbed it to vent the fire. Unexpectedly, the two fought in a fight, and in the end they were still held by him. If the eagle escapes, there will be endless troubles.

As long as there is Uchiha Fenghuo, with his kaleidoscope's terrifying pupil power, it is impossible for Lao Zi, a young Jinzhu Riki, to be his opponent. I am afraid that he will be manipulated by him in the blink of an eye, and that moment will be like lifting a rock to smash himself in the foot up.

Onoki is too shrewd to do this.

Huang Tu didn't know what was going on here, felt very aggrieved, and suggested: "Father, then call all the ninjas in the village! When the time comes, let alone Konoha Baiya, even if the Third Hokage goes to the battlefield in person, it will definitely not be Our opponent!"

"No!" Onoki shook his head again, "There must be enough ninjas in the village!"

"Why? Father, the battlefield is in the Land of Rain, not in our village! There is no reason for you to do this!" Huangtu was furious.

"Huang Tu, do you think that our enemy is only Konoha?" Ohnoki sighed and asked slowly.

"Isn't it?" Huang Tu's simple and honest temper was forced to panic, and he yelled for an explanation.

"Of course not!" Onogi said solemnly, "Yunyin Village invaded Konoha, but there has been no major war. Have you ever wondered why!"

"Could it be that Yun Nin wants to invade our Land of Earth?" Huang Tu looked surprised, "How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible on the battlefield, Huangtu, in the second ninja world war, we fought fiercely with the country of thunder and formed a big enmity. The third generation of Raikage will definitely be there when we fight Konoha Attack us, if there are not enough ninjas in the village to guard against Yunnin, have you thought about the consequences?"

Huang Tu opened his mouth: "But, but..."

"That's enough, stop talking." Onogi snorted, "I've already decided, let the village reinforce another thousand ninjas!"

"Okay." Huang Tu could only agree.

Here Iwanin is going to reinforce another thousand ninjas, and the people in the Konoha camp over there are panicked.

Nara Shikahisa called Hatake Sakumo, Jiraiya and others to discuss.

"Master Sakumo, can the village still send reinforcements?" Nara Shikahisa asked.

Hatake Sakumo thought for a while, then slowly shook his head: "I'm afraid I can't."

"This is too bad. I have had a headache for a long time since Iwa Ninja reinforced two thousand ninjas. I didn't expect to be able to reinforce another thousand. Iwa Ninja has such a deep foundation." Nara Shikahisa rubbed his brows weakly.

Next to him, Jiraiya touched his chin and said, "As far as I know, Iwanin's background is more than that."

"Ah? Master Jiraiya, what are you talking about? Could it be that there are ninjas in Yanyin Village?" Nara Shika was puzzled for a long time.

Jiraiya nodded: "I used to travel around the world to get material."

Nara Shikahisa's eyes immediately became strange.

Hatake Sakumo also had a dry cough, obviously everyone knew how to get the material.

Jilai also looked proud, and continued: "Although the economy of Yanyin Village is not as good as our country, even the country of the wind is slightly worse, but in terms of the number of ninjas, it is far higher than other countries. Let alone a thousand , Even if there are 10,000 ninjas, Hidden Rock Village can take them out!"


Shikaku Nara sat up in shock, looked at Sakumo Hatake next to him, and couldn't believe it, "Master Jiraiya, if this is really the case, why didn't Sandai Tsuchikage mobilize Manna Iwanoshi from Iwagakure Village?" ?”

"I don't know about that, maybe he wants to preserve his strength." Zi Lai also spread his hands.

"This news must not be spread, or we will lose without hitting us!" Nara Shikahisa said solemnly.

"What are you going to do, Shikaku?" Hatake Sakumo asked.

"Although we have defeated the Kingdom of the Wind, we did not expect that our situation is getting more and more serious." Nara Shikahisa sighed, and then muttered, "I want to transfer troops from the cloud ninja battlefield!"

"Hey, do you want Uchiha to come here?" Jiraiya dissatisfied, "In this case, Minato doesn't want to face Yun Nin alone?"

"The cloud ninja invasion has never had a war with us until now. There must be other plans. Letting Fenghuo come over at this time will not affect the battle situation there." Nara Shikahisa analyzed.

"Minato can come here!" Jiraiya rolled his eyes and said again.

He knew that Namikaze Minato was going to compete with Hokage~www.readwn.com~ so he took the opportunity to fight for meritorious service.

Nara Shikaku knew it well, but he could only refuse with a wry smile: "Master Jiraiya, Minato can't deal with Ichiwa Shinobi, but sealing the fire can."

"Really, Uchiha people are really annoying!" Jiraiya muttered dissatisfied.

"Hi, hi." Nara Shikahisa had nothing to do with this Sannin.

Hatake Sakumo said: "In that case, I will write to Hokage-sama right now, asking him to transfer Fenghuo here."

Then he suddenly smiled with emotion. It turned out that the little boy who followed Matt Dai's buttocks and practiced martial arts back then had grown to the point where he could influence the ninja war situation.

‘Dai, you must be very proud! '

Thank you book friend Xiao Tangren 1 for your support!

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