Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 262: Danzo's killer move

Coming down from Huoying Rock, Feng Huo originally thought that the night would pass safely, but he didn't expect that there would be a guest in the middle of the night.

And it's a villain!

"Uchiha... seal the fire!"

The deep and hoarse voice was like a blunt knife rubbing against the rocks, extremely ear-piercing.

Feng Huo slowly opened his eyes.

He is not sleeping, but is refining chakra.

Under the moonlight, a vague figure slowly walked in from the balcony.

The sound of the footsteps brought the unique knocking sound of clogs, patter, patter, giving people a kind of inexplicable oppression.

"Yo, it's Master Danzang." The three Gouyu in Feng Huo's eyes slowly rotated, staring closely at Danzang.

Danzo is not a gentleman, but a real villain who claims that where there is light, there is darkness.

"Come and talk to me in the middle of the night."

He valued the other party psychologically, but he wanted to despise the other party with his mouth. Feng Huo pulled up a sarcasm smile, yes, he wanted to anger Danzo.

Unexpectedly, Danzo just sneered, and said half-paid: "Uchiha seals the fire, this is not the attitude of talking to the elders and advisors in the village!"

Feng Huo chuckled lightly: "I don't have time to fight with you, please leave Yuanyuan if you have nothing to do."

Danzang knelt down in front of Fenghuo, looked directly at him, and said slowly, "It seems that you don't really care about Yaoshidou's life."

"Oh, that young man with amnesia from Mount Bellflower." Feng Huo said with a smile, "His talent is good, I am very optimistic about him, so I invested in him before he developed, but whether he can grow smoothly depends on him own creation."

"Is it really just like this?" Danzang didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart, but after searching for a long time, he still couldn't find any deeper connection between Fenghuo and Yaoshidou.

'It will definitely not be as simple as he said! '

Danzo stared closely at Fenghuo's eyes, trying to see through his true thoughts.

Feng Huo said contemptuously: "Danzang-sama has been staring at me, is it coveting my beauty? Oh! Yes, I heard that Danzang-sama has never married, don't you like women and children? It's really eye-opening Your hobby, Danzo-sama’s mansion, I’m afraid there are many beautiful young men for you to have fun, power really corrupts.”

"Do you know what you're talking about?!" Danzang twitched his eyebrows and eyes, the corners of his mouth, his cheeks, and his whole body was twitched, "Don't think that you can be defiant just because you have made some meritorious deeds. Far away, Uchiha seals the fire!"

"It should be me who said that." Feng Huo continued to rant, "Don't think that you can sit on the credit book and reap the rewards when you made some achievements when you were young. You are arrogant, arrogant, and lawless. You are almost eliminated by this era. Already!"

Rao Yidanzang's city mansion was also very angry at this time, and he saw chakra surging all over his body, and his clothes were windless and automatic.

I can do it too!

Sealing the fire aroused Chakra, and the clothes on his body floated up, and he still looked like a fairy under the moonlight.

"Master Danzo, you came here in the middle of the night to be angry, right?" The Fire Sealing Monster laughed.

Danzo took a deep breath, quickly lowered the air pressure, then squinted his eyes at Fenghuo, and said coldly: "Since you don't care about Medicine Master's pocket, then it's useless for me to keep him."

Fenghuo's heart skipped a beat.

If Yao Shidou really died, it would be very detrimental to his future.

But if he compromises because of this, Danzang will definitely screw him to the skin, and even the future will be gone by then, so it doesn't matter whether the pharmacist takes care of it or not.

Besides, Yao Shidou was not the only candidate.

After meeting Shizune today, Fenghuo remembered that Tsunade's disciple is also a hidden genius medical ninja. If there is enough stage, he may not be worse than Medicine Master Dou.

After trying to understand this, Feng Huo showed a relieved smile: "So you want to kill him? Then my investment failed. It's really unlucky to meet such a spoiled person like you."

Danzo's face changed slightly.

‘He really doesn’t care, how is it possible? ! '

Then he immediately changed his strategy and said, "Uchiha seals the fire, let's make a deal!"

"Deal? What deal." Feng Huo asked.

"I know that Namikaze Minato wants to compete with Hokage, and his biggest opponent is Orochimaru!" Danzo snorted and said, "I can help you guys, let Orochimaru withdraw from the list of Hokage's replacements. As a price, you need to pay... "

"Wait a minute." Feng Huo was puzzled, "Who do you think will compete with Hokage?"

"Namikaze Minato."

"What kind of water gate?"

"Namikaze Minato!"

"Which door is Bofeng?"

"..." Danzo's forehead revealed a well of anger, "Uchiha Fuu, don't play tricks on you, I don't have time to waste time with you!"

"Hehe, am I reminding Danzo-sama? It's Minato Namikaze who is competing for Hokage, not me. Want to trade? You should go to Minato Namikaze. Why are you looking for me?" Fenghuo was exaggerated. Laughing, "Danzo-sama is not getting old, his brain is not working well, is he?"

Danzo's face turned black at that moment.

Feng Huo sneered in his heart.

Really deceived me as a native, who doesn't know that the whole Konoha is the place where you are the most eye-catching Hokage, and you also help Namikaze Minato kick away Orochimaru?

You kick Dashewan away with your front foot, and you have to stand up on your back foot.

Still want to be an empty-handed white wolf?

Why is your face so big? !

Danzo clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "It seems that you rejected my deal."

As soon as the words fell, dozens of murderous aura instantly enveloped the vital positions of Fenghuo.

Feng Huo cursed secretly in his heart: He really is a villain, he dared to come so blatantly in the village, shameless!

"Do you think these people can catch me?" Feng Huo sneered.

"It doesn't matter if you can't catch it, as long as you can confirm your betrayal of the village!" Danzo's eyes shone with a scorching cold light under the moonlight, "As long as you resist, you are rebellious!"

"It's whoever is a traitor? Danzo, you think highly of yourself. Hokage-sama won't listen to your one-sided words!" Feng Huo guessed Danzo's plan in an instant.

"Yeah, of course Hirizhan won't listen to my one-sided words." Danzo sneered, "But if you want him to listen to you, you have to get caught first, hahaha."

Feng Huo's heart sank.

If there is a conflict between himself and Danzo, Hiruzaru Sarutobi will definitely intervene. At that time, Danzo insists that he has done something to betray the village, and if he gets some evidence of framing, the consequences will be serious.

If it was normal, these things would not be a problem, Namikaze Minato, Inoka Butterfly and others around Fenghuo could stand up to support him, but now it is a time of war, and these partners around him are not in the village and have no foreign aid.

Moreover, the village's strength is now empty, and the roots are the strongest. If Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Danzo turn their faces, it will definitely cause instability in the rear ~www.readwn.com~ and affect the front line!

Think about it, Hiruzaru Sarutobi could even give up his position as Hokage for the sake of the overall situation, how could he turn against Danzo at this time and ruin the overall situation?

At that time, Danzo will say a few more good words, such as never wronging a good person, never hurting his life, Sarutobi Hiruzen will most likely capture himself according to Danzo's intention, and then question him.

Who will ask?

Sarutobi Hiruzen's Anbu has only three or two big cats and kittens, and it can only come from the roots.

At that time, he still has to guess what will happen to him?

Danzo's hoarse voice came slowly: "I didn't want to go this far, but since you don't choose to cooperate, then that's the only way to go."

Seal the fire and stay silent.

Thank you book friend Xiao Tangren 1 for your support!

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