Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 264: reverse black and white

Just when the sea of ​​fire was about to engulf Danzo, two Gens rushed over regardless of the danger, picked up Danzo and ran away.

"Cover Danzo-sama!"

"Water escape-Shui Qingbo!"

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

The rest of Genin took great risks and surrounded them.


The invisible copper hammer fell again, killing two more Gennin.

Feng Huo sneered, ignoring Genin's ninjutsu, the regular power of Wumangjie allowed him to easily follow Danzo a hundred meters away, and he could teleport in front of him from time to time to send a wave of scorching warmth.


The ground roared, every inch of it was cracked, and the dust surged upwards. The violent flames and scorching high temperature dyed half of the sky red.

The silent night was broken in an instant.

The civilians rushed out of the house, asking each other what happened in a panic.

"Is the enemy coming in?"

"Enemy attack, it must be an enemy attack!"

"Go to Hokage-sama quickly."

On the street, Danzo clutched his bleeding right shoulder, with a flash of cruelty in his eyes: "Follow these civilians!"


Genin has been trained to have no emotions, only care about Danzo's orders, who will care about the lives of these civilians?

Feng Huo followed behind, looked at the civilians around Danzang, and showed a sneering smile: "Danzang, you are really shameless."

Danzo turned a deaf ear, hid in the middle of Gennin, rushed into the middle of the civilians and ran silently.

The bronze hammer of the shadow of the tomb has been raised, but looking at the civilians around Danzang, he hesitated to seal the fire.

If this hammer falls, more than a dozen civilians will be killed!

Although he killed countless people on the battlefield, he really couldn't do such a thing as killing innocent people indiscriminately.

He put away the shadow of the round tomb, and at the same time closed the Wumang Realm.

Then he jumped to the house and shouted loudly: "Hey, fellow villagers, look at this one next to you, he is the elder of the village, Hokage advisor Shimura Danzo, and now the village is invaded by enemies, but not only does he not kill powerful enemies Leading out of the village, but following you in order to pretend to be fake, he is using you as cannon fodder, using your lives as a cover for him!"


"Is that really the case?"

"how is this possible?"

"How could the Naruto consultant do such a thing?"

The nearby civilians looked left and right, and finally someone spotted the Danzo group in the middle.

"Look, it's really Danzo-sama."

"Everyone stay away, don't be affected by them."

In an instant, there was a large circle around Danzo.

The civilians looked at Danzang and his group with suspicious eyes.

Danzang's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and the coffin boards were almost incomparable.

"Uchiha... seal the fire!"

No matter how things will end today, what Feng Huo said just now has already caused Danzo’s reputation to be greatly damaged. Even if he can suppress it afterwards, once he announces his competition for Hokage in the future, today’s events will definitely spread throughout the entire country at the fastest speed. The village, and even the entire Nation of Fire, will probably be full of voices against him, so what else can they compete with Namikaze Minato?

"You, **** it!"

Danzo gritted his teeth and stared at Fenghuo squatting on the roof of the house, wishing he could rush up and tear him apart!

"Don't you deserve to die?!" Feng Huo asked loudly, "As an elder advisor, how dare you hide among the civilians? Aren't you afraid that the flames of war will affect them? Don't you care about their lives?! In your eyes , what is important?!"

When the civilians around heard this, their eyes suddenly changed.

Dislike, anger, indifference, all kinds of negative emotions flocked to Danzo like wild beasts.

Although Danzo stood among more than twenty Genin, he couldn't feel the slightest warmth.

These Gennin just stood there indifferently, watching Fenghuo vigilantly.

They have been trained by Danzo to become robots that only obey orders, and they don't care about other people's words and eyes.


Danzang fought alone, so wronged that he couldn't even bite his teeth.

At this time, some villagers recognized Fenghuo.

"Sharingan... Ah, he is Uchiha Fuho, the hero who defeated Sand Shinobi in the Battle of Kikyo Mountain!"

"It's really Master Fenghuo, I saw him in the newspaper."

"So handsome!"

"I also saw it in the newspaper, he is a super genius as famous as Kakashi!"

"He's still good brothers with Master Minato!"

"I really like Lord Fenghuo!"

"Lord Fenghuo, have you already dealt with the enemy?"

"With Mr. Fenghuo here, we will be fine!"

The civilians talked one after another, with high enthusiasm, and occasionally glanced at Danzo, their eyes instantly turned into contempt, and they shot at him like a machine gun.

Listening to their discussion, Feng Huo suddenly felt his heart move.

Yes, I am a hero now, maybe...

At this time, Danzo also vaguely thought of something, and hurriedly pointed at Fenghuo and yelled at the civilians: "You idiots, see clearly, those who invaded the village..."

Before he finished speaking, Fenghuo cut off his words with a louder voice: "That's right, I have chased away the enemies who invaded the village! I asked Master Danzo to evacuate you before, but I never expected it. I really didn't expect that Danzo, who is the advisor of Hokage, would be so shameless as to escape among the civilians, it makes me feel sick and sad!"

The instant the fire was sealed off, Master Xing possessed his body, covering his heart with a troubled and uncomfortable expression.

"Master Fenghuo is really good!"

"Danzo is not worthy to be Hokage-sama's advisor at all."

"No, that's not the case!" Danzo turned pale with shock and wanted to defend himself, but the civilians in the village have become accustomed to knowing people and things outside through newspapers during the wars of the past few years. Fenghuo is naturally a frequent visitor to the newspaper, and with his meritorious service, there are countless fans in the village. These ordinary people have already recognized Fenghuo as a hero in the village under the influence of the newspaper. It is what the hero says.

"Danzo, what else do you have to say now? Huh? You really have something to say, how shameless you are for doing such a thing!?" Feng Huo yelled.

The surrounding civilians looked even more disgusted.

Danzo's chest was stuffy and he couldn't vomit or swallow, and his left eye had already started to turn white.

At the same time, the noisy movement here finally alarmed the Hokage Tower.

Hiruza Sarutobi, who had just squinted his eyes for a while, went to the roof of Hokage Building, looked at the red light in the sky from a distance, and showed a shocked expression: "What happened?!".

An Anbu ninja suddenly jumped out of the darkness: "Master Hokage, it is said that someone has invaded the village, but they have been driven away by Danzo-sama and Uchiha Hienho!"

"Really?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly rushed there.

Soon, Sarutobi Hiruzen came to the field.

"Hokage-sama, it is Hokage-sama who is here."

"Hokage-sama, is this Danzo really your advisor?"

"This kind of person is not worthy to be your advisor, Hokage-sama!"

"That's right, let Lord Fenghuo be your advisor!"

Feng Huo also jumped off the roof and waved at the civilians: "Oh, what an embarrassment, I am so young and have too little qualifications, so I will be envied."

"You are absolutely qualified for what Master Fenghuo said!"

"we support you!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi walked up to Danzo, his face changed suddenly, and he saw that Danzo's face was covered in blood, and his right arm was broken at the shoulder, in a state of embarrassment!

"Danzo, are you okay? Where's the enemy who invaded the village?"

"Hi Zhan~www.readwn.com~ You came just in time, I already have the exact information, Uchiha Fenghuo has already taken refuge in Yun Nin, I didn't expect to be discovered by him in advance, and he wants to kill me!" Danzo gritted his teeth and walked away When he came to Sarutobi Hiruzen, he was filled with righteous indignation, "As you can see, he not only cut off my hand, but also deceived these ignorant civilians, trying to clear him of the crime of treason!"

"How is it possible? It's absolutely impossible!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't believe it, his eyes were fixed on Danzo, and Danzo stared back unwillingly.

"Hi Zhan, can I still lie to you!" Danzo said in a bitter voice.

"There must be a misunderstanding!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said in an unquestionable tone.

Feng Huo walked over at this time, and those Gennin immediately assumed a defensive posture as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

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In addition, thanks to book friends Nanshan and ┖萣菰勾 for their support!

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