Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 269: disabled? Genocide?

Chapter 269 Beating disabled? Genocide? (page 1/1)

Nara Shikoku and the others finally agreed to the plan to seal the fire, and he would go deep into the land of land alone, and use various terrorist activities to contain Iwanin and even the third generation of Tsuchikage!

Yuhi Makoto, Inuzuka Claw and others were very worried. Even though Fenghuo was already well-known in the Ninja world, in their eyes, he was always the little brother who owed him.

"Why don't you let me follow him." Younv Zhiwei said, "My bugs can also take me for a short flight."

"Fenghuo, what do you think?" Shikahisa Nara was a little moved.

Feng Huo thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No need, Brother Zhiwei, I know you are doing it for my own good, but this operation is very dangerous, one less person means less risk, right?"

"You don't look down on my bugs, do you?" You Nuzhi looked at Feng Huo with a slanted face.

"How come? Brother Zhiwei, your worms are definitely the strongest in the Ninja World." Feng Huo laughed awkwardly. People of the Younv clan are most jealous of others looking down on their worms, otherwise no matter how good the relationship is, they will turn against you every minute. Not stupid enough to admit it.

Younv Zhiwei nodded in satisfaction.

Feng Huo hurriedly said: "Brother Lu Jiu, then I'm leaving now!"

"Okay, be careful!" Nara Shikajiu condensedly said, "If you encounter the third Tsuchikage again, you must run away!"

"I know!"

Fenghuo walked out of the camp, and directly psychic out the second form of Chaolunwu.

"What a big bird!" Inuzuka Claw's eyes were shining like a nympho, staring at Snow Eagle as tall as a floor.

"Hey!!" Sensing the gaze of the opposite **** in the second chaolunwu style, he was immediately elated, and his two wings with a wingspan of ten meters clattered and flapped on the spot.

The wind whirled under its wings, whistling like thunder.

"Awesome!" Qiu Dao Ding Zuo's eyes also began to glow, he kept swallowing, and he didn't know what food he was thinking of.

Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaiichi, Yuhi Makoto and even Hatake Sakumo all had bright eyes, without hiding their admiration.

Chao Lunwu II is covered in platinum-gold dense feathers, with a metallic luster, and looks up and down with high spirits. The eagle's beak and claws are as black as iron, as sharp as knives, and extremely heroic.

"Woof, woof!" Kuromaru hid behind Inuzuka Claw and barked at Chao Rondo II, a little irritable.

In the second form of Chaolun Dance, he couldn't help raising his bird head even higher.

Then... handsome for three seconds.

Soon the Chao Rondo II Form became extremely hot, and sweat overflowed from the platinum feathers all over her body, like a drowned chicken.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Heiwan immediately squatted on the ground, wagging his tail cheerfully, and stuck out his tongue long, as if saying that he can stick out his tongue to dissipate heat, can you do it? Are you okay? You can't, hahaha.

"Then I'm off, everyone, goodbye!"

Feng Huo jumped onto the back of the Chaolun Wu Form II, and the latter immediately flapped its wings and soared into the sky.

The strong wind gathers on its wings, and the speed is getting faster and faster. It only takes two breaths to fly high into the sky. After sealing the fire and looking back, Nara Shikahisa and others are already as small as ants.

"What a flying speed!" Nara Shikahisa's eyes glowed, "And I feel that the second chakra round dance has already mastered the wind escape. Although it is superficial, it is definitely the wind escape!"

"If you can sign such a psychic beast, you will be able to fly in the future. It's exciting to think about it!" Inuzuka Claw was also very excited, but then regretted, "But our family..."

The Inuzuka family all sign ninja dogs as psychic beasts, and the ninja methods used must be matched with ninja dogs to be the strongest.

Therefore, the signing of Snow Eagle as a psychic beast can only be done through YY.

Feng Huo was flying high in the sky in the Super Rondo II. Under a certain mountain range, a strange white figure was looking up at him.

After a half-pay, this strange figure shrank into the ground and began to pass on information.

Deep underground at the border of the Land of Fire.

Bai Jue suddenly opened his eyes, turned his head and looked at an unbelievably old white-haired old man behind him.

"Uchiha Fenghuo has already flown towards the land of earth, how is it? Have you made up your mind?" Bai Jue said with a smile, "My avatar saw him fight with Danzo with his own eyes. If he is recruited, he will definitely succeed. of."

Uchiha Madara sat on the side, his closed eyes slowly opened, revealing a pair of Sangouyu Sharingan.

Although it is only a three-goed jade, the boiling pupil power is more evil, more violent, and more majestic than the kaleidoscope of sealing the fire!

"If you recruit directly, the possibility of failure is too great." Uchiha Madara said slowly, "If you want to reverse his will, you must use the blood of his closest people."

"According to my information, he seems to be having an affair with Xi Hihong." Bai Jue said, "I need to capture her."

"Plan it carefully and wait for the right time." Uchiha Madara smiled lightly, although his voice was hoarse and outrageous, but it was full of domineering.

He asked again: "How is Nagato?"

Bai Jue said with a smile: "Because of Yahiko's death, he is now developing the eyes of reincarnation crazily, and has mastered the six paths of Payne. His strength is already very strong, and the demigod of the ninja world should not be his opponent, hehe."

"Demigod of the ninja world? A salamander fish is also worthy of my reincarnation eyes, hum." Uchiha Madara said, "Bai Ze, don't let him escape your surveillance."

"It's very difficult to hide under the eyes of reincarnation. Even I can't directly monitor Nagato now. It's really difficult." Bai Jue complained, and then under Uchiha Madara's expressionless old face I am so happy that I can definitely complete the task!


It was raining heavily in the sky, like stones falling from the sky, crashing and making people dizzy.

"Rock Rain, it seems that I have already arrived in the Land of Earth."


Tears were about to flow from Chaolun Dance II, its body was too huge, and the rock rain fell, smashing its whole body up and down, blue skinny shiitake mushrooms!

Feng Huo landed in the second form of the Chaolun Dance, and then released the psychic, allowing it to return to the Land of Snow.

"Speaking of which, the Land of Snow is to the northwest of the Land of Earth."

Fenghuo found a rock hole to hide from the rain, then took out various cooking utensils from the sealing scroll, and began to barbecue to fill his stomach.

Soon, a strong smell of meat wafted from the cave.

While Feng Huo was feasting, he thought about his next path.

Turned his face against Danzo, Fenghuo didn't regret it, he just waited for Namikaze Minato to ascend to the position of Hokage, and then he could start to clean up the roots.

But the Nine-Tails Rebellion is a problem~www.readwn.com~ You can't stop Namikaze Minato and Kushina from having a baby, right?

‘Why don’t you **** Obito first? '

Feng Huo rubbed his chin, 'This way Madara Uchiha won't find him, right? '

‘But even if there is no Obito, Uchiha Madara will definitely find another Uchiha. '

‘Why don’t you destroy Uchiha first? '

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, why does he feel that he has become bad?

Well, it must be an illusion!

The baby is obviously a good person!

Thanks to the book friend Chaos World-Zhan Kuang for his reward and support!

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