Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 277: Onoki's determination!

Chapter 277 Onoki's determination! (page 1/1)

After seeing Kushina with Namikaze Minato, Sarutobi Hiruza went to see Tsunade, Mitomon En and Zanju Koharu, and then visited the Ikacho family, Inuzuka family, and Yume family Wait.

Namikaze Minato was slow-witted, and only then did he faintly realize something.

"Master Hokage, I..."

"Minato, I'm old, the future belongs to you young people." Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked up at the sky, "I have written to the daimyo, and he has no objection to my decision, and the villagers in the village like you too , support you, you will be a better leader than me!"

Namikaze Minato was shaken all over, terribly excited.

This is his dream since childhood, and he has worked hard for it for more than ten years. Now, the dream is finally going to become a reality!

"Master Hokage, I will never betray your trust!"

"However, Minato, although you have received a lot of support, there are also many people who will oppose you. You must be mentally prepared." Sarutobi Hiruzen said, "If you successfully become Hokage in the future, please don't treat those who opposed you. People start."

Namikaze Minato followed good advice and nodded solemnly: "I promise you, Hokage-sama!"

The next day, Namikaze Minato left the village again and went to the battlefield of Yunin.

At the same time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi also started to create a frantic campaign for Namikaze Minato in the Konoha newspaper, praising him for his good looks, good-sounding voice, comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor, making numerous meritorious deeds on the battlefield, and being humble , making countless friends, and all the big families in the village have good friends. Within half a month of this kind of publicity, Namikaze Minato's popularity in the village has skyrocketed. When news of Namikaze Minato's competition with Hokage comes out, these popularity will instantly transform into a powerful boost, gods can block and kill gods, and demons can block and kill demons.

Danzang reads the newspaper every day, and every time he reads the newspaper, he is so angry that he throws things down, and he can't sleep at night. Within a few days, the dark circles under his eyes hang like water bags, and he looks ten years older.

He has realized that Sarutobi Hiruzen has won, he successfully sent Namikaze Minato to the sky, and now no one can stop him.

Even if the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan join forces, they may not be able to suppress the support of so many villagers in the village.

Unless, kill all these villagers who support Namikaze Minato!

But that's obviously not possible.

"Hehehe, Uchiha, Hinata, and I have all been fooled by you. Although you promised to resign from the position of Hokage, you have no intention of passing Hokage to us at all. Hinata, you... are too despicable !!"

Danzo's murderous intent boiled over, and he wished he could rush straight into Hokage Tower and kill Sarutobi Hiruzen!

However, even if Hiruzaru Sarutobi really died, with Namikaze Minato's current reputation, no one can stop him.

"If you kill Namikaze Minato, you must kill him!"

"How dare this damned pariah **** my Hokage!"


Danzo is a man of action, and he does what he thinks.

He immediately wrote a simple letter, then sealed it into the scroll, and then called his confidant, and asked him to take the scroll to Yunyin Village, the Land of Thunder, to find the leader of Yun Nin, and he must hand over the scroll completely to the other party!

As the darkness of Konoha, Danzo not only did a lot of taboo experiments in secret, but also hooked up with many ninjas from other ninja villages, and the leader of cloud ninja is one of them.

The scroll was sent to the head of Yunin a month later. He opened it and saw that the content of the letter was very simple, only two pieces of information. After reading it, the head of Yunin's eyes lit up.

"Uchiha Hienho entered the land of earth to carry out sabotage activities to contain Yan Shinobi. Namikaze Minato has been...appointed as the Fourth Hokage? Uchiha Hiokage is not around. At this time, Namikaze Minato has no powerful partners around him. An excellent opportunity to leave the future four generations of Hokage!"

The leader of Yunin destroyed the letter, and then hurriedly went to the third Raikage to discuss important matters.

Half an hour later, the third Raikage called his son Ai and his foster brother, Rabbi Eight-Tailed Jinzhu Riki.

"Father, what are you calling me and Bi Lai to do?" Ai was full of tendons and muscles, and his face was full of rebellion.

Kirabi wore small sunglasses, hummed an out-of-tune song, and wobbled along.

"Ai, Bi, the time is ripe, you can go to the battlefield of the land of fire!" Said the third Raikage seriously.

"Nani? Really? Haha, that's great!" Ai was so excited that purple lightning flashed all over his body and crackled.

Qirabi also danced excitedly, and Bageyalu and Crying Geyalu talked non-stop.

The leader of Yun Nin said beside him: "Ai, Bi, if you see Namikaze Minato when you go to the Fire Nation battlefield this time, you must kill him!"

"It's long-winded, I know!" Ai Buxing stared at him, turned around and pulled Kirabi out, "Father, Bi and I are leaving now!"

Third Raikage nodded: "Pay attention to safety, don't let Bi go berserk!"

"You are also very wordy." Ai waved as he walked.

"Ba Geya Road, Crying Geya Road!" Qi Rabi was very excited, "I won't go berserk!"

The leader of Yun Nin couldn't help but said: "Master Raikage, why didn't you tell them to kill Namikaze Minato! He is the fourth Hokage of Konoha in the future!"

The third Raikage snorted coldly: "What nonsense! When this war is won, we will become the strongest hidden village in the ninja world. What is the fourth Hokage?!"

Yun Nin's head was suffocated, thinking that this is the truth, why couldn't I think of it!

The Third Raikage said: "Actually, what I value is another piece of information, Uchiha's sealing fire is making a big fuss in the land of the land, hehe, how can such a thing be missed!"

"Master Raikage, are you going now?" Yun Nin frowned.

The third generation of Raikage laughed wildly: "Even a little Uchiha dared to enter the Land of Earth alone. As Raikage of Cloud Hidden Village, how could I be inferior to him? But this time I went to the Land of Earth for revenge. It’s not okay to order people!”

He immediately ordered the leader of Yun Nin to mobilize the elite Jōnin among Yun Nin and prepare to raid the Land of Earth!

When Yun Ren dispatched troops and generals, Fenghuo's operations in the Land of Earth became more and more difficult.

First, Land of Earth has purchased medical supplies from the black market~www.readwn.com~Even if the fire is shut down and "work" frantically 24 hours a day, it still can't consume 12% of the black market's material reserves!

The terrifying energy of the black market had already been known to Fenghuo when he was the deputy captain of the Konoha Supply Brigade.

Secondly, Onoki, this old man, is completely on his shoulders. No matter where he goes, Onoki follows him like a shadow, and there are a lot of sentient ninjas and seal class ninjas around him. Even people are packaged and taken away, with sinister intentions and a declining world, people's hearts are not old.

Helplessly, Fenghuo went further and further away, and the further they went, the more they blocked them. As Fenghuo went all the way north, it was getting closer and closer to the Land of Snow.

Even so, Ohnoki did not give up. In his heart, Fenghuo has already been equated with the evil Uchiha Madara. If he is allowed to grow up for another ten years, who else in the entire ninja world can compete with him?

Especially the last time when he failed to kill and seal the fire, Onogi felt very aggrieved. This time, Uchiha sealed the fire and delivered it to the door himself. Onoki said that he must seize the opportunity and wipe him out here!

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