Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 292: ambush

Chapter 292 Ambush (Page 1/1)

Half a month later, the news that the third generation of Raikage died in the Land of Earth finally spread, and the AB brothers returned to Yunyin Village to deal with the funeral immediately after being frightened. And seal the fire to stop.

But what worried Fenghuo and the others was that there was still no news from Hong after half a month.

"If it was Yunin who kidnapped Hong, he should have come to negotiate with us long ago, so they can basically be ruled out." can be ruled out."

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes, thinking in his heart.

Hong's kidnapping must be because of his involvement, so why didn't the mastermind behind the scenes come to him after a few days?

'Want to make me impatient? Or... are they not ready? '

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Feng Huo's mind, but it was fleeting and he didn't catch it.


Suddenly, the figure of Qiudaotang Dong appeared behind Namikaze Minato, and said solemnly: "Minato, our three-person team has disappeared!"

"Nani?" Namikaze Minato hurriedly asked, "Where did you go missing?"

"It's just to the southwest." Qiu Daodang said.

"I see, Jaws!" Namikaze Minato yelled.

Inuzuka Gazette jumped out from behind the tree with his Ninja Dog: "Here, Minato, I heard it all."

"Go, we must find them!" Namikaze Minato said solemnly, and then he turned his head to look at Fenghuo, "Fenghuo, I'll leave it to you here."

Feng Huo nodded slightly, then his heart skipped a beat, and a strong ominous feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

But before he could think carefully, Minato Namikaze had already left with Tsubasa Inuzuka.

"Brother Tangdong!" Feng Huo got up suddenly, "Transfer immediately!"

"Nani?" Qiu Daodangdong was very surprised, his mind turned, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Feng Huo, do you suspect that the three missing companions were caught by Yun Nin and have leaked our information?"

Feng Huo didn't know what to say to him, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Tangdong, it may be more serious. In short, we must transfer as soon as possible!"

Qiu Daodang nodded: "Okay, transfer immediately!"

A few minutes later, Fenghuo and Qiudaotangdong quickly left with the other Konoha ninjas.

Feng Huo kept thinking in his mind while running, but the messy environment around him made him unable to calm down at all.

"It's finally time for you guys, Bageyalu, Crying Geyalu!"

A strange rap sound suddenly came from the front left, and at the same time, a thick octopus tail attacked like a python, crushing it violently.

"This is..." Qiu Daodang was startled, "It's Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, everyone go back!"

At the same time, Qiu Daodangdong used the technique of doubling with his right hand, and hit the tail with a bang.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you..." Another icy voice came slowly from the front right, "You killed my father, today, I will chop you into pieces!!"

"It's the AB group, **** it, they went back to Yunyin Village, why did they appear here?!" Qiu Daotang was horrified.


In an instant, another thick octopus tail swept over, and the autumn wind swept away the autumn hall like fallen leaves.

The rest of the Konoha ninjas backed away in horror, their faces getting uglier than the last.

"What should I do, Master Minato is not here, can Master Feng Huo beat them by himself?"

"I see. This is to transfer the tiger away from the mountain. Those three missing companions are actually a scheme by Yun Nin to transfer away from Master Minato. Damn it!"

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "Brother Tangdong, we are here to find me, you retreat first!"

Qiu Daodang rushed over and said angrily: "Are you kidding me, if you want to go, you go! I'll stop them!"

"It's useless. Their goal is me. If I'm with you, I'll hurt you." Feng Huo saw the tangled face on his face, and couldn't help shouting, "Don't forget my psychic beast, don't drag you down." I!"

Qiu Daodang gritted his teeth and finally nodded: "Let's go!"

Ai and Qi Rabi came slowly from the front, just as Feng Huo guessed, they did not pursue Qiu Daodangdong and the others.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, my father died in the Land of Earth, you must have been there at that time!" Ai's face was calm, but his eyes were red with blood, like a demon, "He even saved your life, from the dust of the three generations of Tukage. Get away, right?"

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes: "You even know this kind of thing?"

Could it be that the big wild tree brought disasters to the east?

Or, besides him and Iwanin, there were third-party forces present at the time?

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you bastard!" Kirabi was wearing sunglasses, but the anger on his face was no less than that of Ai, "We will kill you to pay homage to Raikage-sama, Bageyalu, crying Geyalu! "


Suddenly, lightning burst out from Ai's body, and it turned into a layer of lightning that enveloped his body in a crackling explosion. It was the lightning shield of the third generation of Raikage!

And there are more and more tails behind Kirabi, beating the nearby forests violently, smashing those thick giant trees to pieces.

Fenghuo felt restless.

He always felt that this matter was weird.

After Hong disappeared, Brother Minato was lured away again, and he was ambushed by Brother AB.

Or is there a bigger conspiracy in the middle?


Before Feng Huo could think about it, Ai had turned into a thunderbolt and charged towards him.

Ai's speed is not as fast as that of the third generation of Raikage, but it is not comparable to Fenghuo. He only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and felt a tingling pain in his temple, and Fenghuo was too busy to seal.


In the next moment, 'Feng Huo' was directly blown up by Ai.

"Stand-in technique? Hehe, kid, let me see your Sharingan!" Ai looked angry, and the lightning shield on his body screamed crazily, like a thousand birds.

Feng Huo hid behind a tree, and the vicinity of the solar system was already bleeding profusely.

At the critical moment, although he had dodged the substitute technique, he was still lightly rubbed.

Chakra rays of light came from his hand, and he was about to use medical ninjutsu to stop the bleeding when a ray of thunder savagely rushed towards him.

‘Is it the smell of blood? '

Feng Huo continued to dodge, and at the same time, the three-pointed jade in his eyes turned into black and red pentagrams.

"The five-pointed world!"


The invisible pentagram enveloped Ai~www.readwn.com~ With a thought in Feng Huo's mind, he teleported to the corner of the pentagram in an instant.

In this way, even if Ai's speed breaks through the sky, it is impossible to get close to him again!

Sure enough, no matter how crazy, savage, or rude Ai is, he will never be able to get closer to Fenghuo!

"How is this going!"

Ai once again turned into a thunderbolt and rushed to seal the fire at extreme speed, and after failing to seal the fire, his face was full of anger.

"It's the pupil technique of sharing sharing eyes!" Kirabi's voice came over, "The shape of his eyes just changed, Bageyalu, crying Geyalu!"

"Want to hit two?" Feng Huo slowly suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, with a domineering sneer on the corner of his mouth, "Come on, let's see how I kill you!"

Thank you book friend "Xiaoyao Fighting God" for your reward and support!

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