Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 299: hammer 8 tails

Feng Huo stood in the middle and gritted his teeth. These two perverts were indeed not normal people. Their strength was too strong. Even wearing a Susanoo, he said that he couldn't bear it.

Kirabi took another half step, and the eight tails behind him suddenly swelled against the wind, and fiercely drew towards Susano.

Namikaze Minato's eyes froze, and he shot immediately.

The special quality Kunai flashed an afterimage in the air, and cut off three tails in an instant.


The other five tails slammed straight on Susano, and that layer of Wutengu's armor faintly cracked.

The pupils of the fire-sealing kaleidoscope boiled, and Susano instantly turned into the fourth form. The huge demon **** rose from the ground, and the two copper hammers soared into the sky, so brutally flying Ai and Kirabi directly.

Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up, and he quickly jumped to Susano's shoulders in twos and twos. This place was already several hundred meters above the ground. Looking down, Ai and Kira were no bigger than ants.

"This is the demon statue of Sharingan!"

Kirabi let out a low growl, and instantly turned into a tailed beast.

His body became bigger and bigger, and instantly turned into a huge eight-tailed octopus, roaring upwards, and the eight tails curled together like a mountain.

Ai also imitated Namikaze Minato, and jumped onto the beast-tailed Kirabi's horns, which happened to be far away from Namikaze Minato.

"Damn it, you actually stand on my horn!"

The eight-tailed ox ghost growled in dissatisfaction.

Qi Rabi shook his body and rapped: "That's my big brother, Bageyalu, crying Geyalu!"

"Let's go, seal the fire!"

Namikaze Minato half squatted on Susano's shoulder, his eyes were inexplicably excited.

Feng Huo raised the copper hammer and stepped towards Kirabi.

The copper hammer slashed across the clouds and landed suddenly with the force of thunder. Kirabi let out a loud roar and crossed his arms in front of him.


Under the huge force, Kirabi's eight-tailed body sank instantly, and the violent wind pressure almost sent Namikaze Minato and Ai flying.

After a little adjustment, the two jumped towards each other in an instant.

"Wind escape-helix pill!"

"Thunder Dun-Thunder Plow Hot Knife!"

Ai used his wrist as a knife, pointed at Namikaze Minato's neck and rushed over.

Under the lightning shield, his speed was as fast as lightning, and he jumped in front of Namikaze Minato almost instantly.

The latter did not dodge or dodge, and directly smashed the Fengdun-Xiangwan pill in his hand, which was the size of two human heads.


The wind and thunder intersected, and the sky instantly flashed and thundered. The violent wind blade scraped against Ai's lightning shield, but it couldn't break through his defense.

And Ai's speed was also restrained by the gust of wind, once his speed slowed down, his Thunder Plow Hot Saber would be destroyed by itself.

At the same time, Kirabi has embraced Susano like an octopus, his eight tails are tightly wrapped around Susano, churning wildly like a python, getting tighter and tighter.

This made Feng Huo sick. You said that if you were a woman, you would be ecstasy if you hugged yourself like an octopus, but you are a big man, and you have dark skin. Thinking about it... vomit~

Feng Huo wanted to lift the copper hammer, but both of his arms were entangled by Qirabi's tail, so he couldn't move.

"Wheel tomb!"

He immediately summoned the shadow of the tomb of the wheel, and then turned on Susano in the fourth form, raised two copper hammers and bombarded Kirabi.


The berserk force instantly made Kirabi dizzy.

The eight-tailed bull ghost shouted: "Bi, that invisible shadow has appeared again!"

Kirabi roared, and the next moment he was hit again, and the huge eight-tailed body was instantly blasted away for half a mile.

Feng Huo freed himself, roared and rushed forward with the shadow of Lun Mu, one left and one right.

The four copper hammers rumbled and smashed on the top of Hachio's head recklessly.


Boom boom boom!

The violent power was transmitted to the earth through Kirabi's eight-tailed body, and the earth gradually couldn't bear it. Countless cracks spread around Kirabi's center, and kept sinking with the fury of Fenghuo.

Boom, boom...

After hundreds of hammers, Fenghuo had already smashed Kirabi's eight-tailed body into the ground!

Feng Huo's eyes are very painful, and the double fourth form of Susanoo consumes a lot of pupil power, which makes him feel distressed and sour!

Look, we beat Eight-Tails Jinchuriki so badly!

Let go!

But Fenghuo could feel that although Kirabi looked miserable, but with the eight-tailed ox ghost around, it was impossible for his life to be in danger.

Thinking about it this way, I feel a bit at a disadvantage.

'It's better to wait until Brother Minato divides the three tails into two halves, then I will become a three-tailed Jinchuriki, and then beat Kirabi into a pig's head! '

He put away the wheel tomb shadow and looked back, Namikaze Minato and Flying Thunder God crushed Ai to death.

The two fought against each other a few times, and Ai already had two scars on his body!

Shocked, the lightning shield was broken by Minato Namikaze!

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, as expected of the future Fourth Hokage, he is indeed powerful!

If he and Ai were singled out, it would only take half a day to kill each other!

It's a pity that with his kaleidoscopic pupil power, he can't fight Kirabi for a long time, otherwise, this pair of aB combination will have their hatred today!

Feng Huo sighed secretly, then dismissed Susano, and shouted at Namakaze Minato: "Brother Minato, it's almost time, let's go!"

He landed on the ground and psychically performed the second form of round dance, and flew into the sky.

At this time, Kirabi, who was smashed into the ground, finally got out of the ground screaming, his whole body suddenly swelled by one-third again, he opened his mouth, and a tailed beast jade condensed out almost instantly, facing him from a distance. Quasi-round dance two styles.


The second dance of the wheel dance scared shit, screamed and glided, drew an 's' in the air, and the next moment the tailed beast jade flew across the sky, crushed away from the middle of the 's', and finally exploded at a height of more than ten miles away , the extreme light made the surrounding light dim, violent air waves came layer by layer, and the second round dance style desperately flapped its wings to stabilize its figure.

Namikaze Minato doesn't like to fight, and Fenghuo has the gifted trait Kunai, so he directly uses Flying Thunder God to cross over to the back of Ronwu Ershi.

"Damn it, Uchiha seals fire, Namikaze Minato, I will never let you go!" Ai Yangtian roared!


Kirabi also roared angrily, and his eight tails slapped the ground frantically, causing the mountains to collapse and the earth to crack.

Ai saw it and was startled: Could it be that Bi is going to run away again? !

Before, he was covered by his father and could suppress it with one hand, but now that the third generation of Raikage died, it would be even more difficult to suppress the rampant Bi.

Fortunately, Kirabi returned to normal after a while, turning into a human and descending from the sky.

His head was a whole circle bigger than before, and it could be said to be full of bumps, some of which even overflowed with blood, making him look extremely miserable.

"Bi, is it okay?" Ai asked nervously.

"Next time, we must kill Uchiha Fenghuo, Bageyalu, crying Geyalu!"

Kirabi's chest heaved and he was so angry~www.readwn.com~ He stretched out his hand and lightly touched the big bump on his head, grinning in pain.

If it weren't for the eight-tailed bull ghost protecting him with the terrifying chakra at the critical moment, he might be killed by the fire this time!

"Damn it, the two of them are together, it's hard for us to kill Uchiha Fenghuo!" Ai was very anxious.

The corpse of the third generation of Raikage had already been returned to the village by the elders of Yunyin Village in exchange for some benefits, and was ready to be buried.

Ai postponed the burial time in the name of the son of Raikage. His original intention was to kill Uchiha Fuho and use his body to pay homage to the third generation of Raikage, but it seems that it is getting more and more difficult to kill him, but his father's body He had to be buried, but he had no choice but to go back to the village first.

Kirabi was inseparable from him, so naturally they wanted to go back together.

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