Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 313: Control 3 tails

After the letter was sent, Feng Huo patrolled the coast for another two days, and after confirming that there would be no more large-scale Mist Ninja invasion, he flew north in the Chao Rondo II.

At this time, Minato Namikaze was called back to the village by Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and told him about Kanna Kunqiao's plan.

After the baptism of war, Minato Namikaze at this time has already firmly stood at the top of the elite Jonin, and he has used Fei Leishen to a superb level, coupled with the spiral pill, even Minato Namikaze at this time is facing the shadow of a village. There's nothing to be afraid of, let alone just destroying a bridge.

So Namikaze Minato proposed to take Kakashi, who had just been promoted to Jonin, and Obito and Rin to perform missions together, in order to achieve the purpose of training them.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi thought about it, nodded in agreement, and then asked, "Did Hong come back with you?"

Namikaze Minato nodded, and said, "I want to temporarily arrange her and Kushina together. With Kushina here, there shouldn't be any troubles at Mitsuo."

Sarutobi Hiru nodded and said, "Okay, I just want to be a companion for this girl, Kushina."

The old and the young looked at each other and smiled.

When the letter of sealing fire reached Hiruzaru Sarutobi through the black market, Minato Namikaze took Kakashi, Obito and Rin and left the village.

To the north of the Kingdom of Fire.

When Fenghuo found Akidodo Tou and Inuzuka, he realized that Minato Namikaze had been recalled to the village by Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and even Kurenai Yuhi went back with him.

"Brother Tangdong, Brother Jaw, do you know why Hokage-sama called Brother Minato back?" Feng Huo asked with a frown.

Akidodo and Inuzuka looked at each other, shook their heads together, and then Akidodo said, "Compared to this, I think you should be more concerned about Brother AB's information."

"Ai and Kirabi, are they here again?"

Feng Huo was a little absent-minded.

According to the plot of the original book, the battle of Kanna Kunqiao should start soon.

Since Uchiha Madara has chosen himself as the 'successor', and Sanwei has already been divided by him and Kuroyuki, Uchiha Madara should not be promiscuous and provoke Obito anymore, right?

However, it is not impossible for Uchiha Madara to 'give up' himself and set his sights on Obito.

‘It’s better to go back first and break Obito’s leg before we talk! '

There are Chaolunwu brothers, and it won't waste a few days to go back and forth.

Just as Feng Huo was about to tell Qiu Daotangdong, the enemy attack appeared unexpectedly.

"Thunder Dun - walk!"

"Thunder Dun-Grassment Wave!"

"Thunder Dun-Black Spot!"

Dozens of cloud ninjas with slightly dark complexion brazenly surrounded Feng Huo and the others, and directly launched a berserk offensive.

Feng Huo subconsciously shouted: "You all go back quickly, I will come to the rear!"

Since Yunin dared to launch an attack, either a large number of ninjas were dispatched, or Brother AB arrived. No matter what it is, the pressure on Konoha's side is too great, and it must not be confronted head-on.

"Damn it!" Inuzuka Jaw and Ninja Dog directly fit together and opened up, "The teeth are open!"

Qiu Daodang stomped on the east, his right hand quickly grew bigger in the air, and he punched down: "Part of the multiplication technique!"

The rest of Konoha ninjas also counterattacked immediately.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

In Feng Huo's eyes, the three-pointed jade instantly turned into a black and red pentagram, and at the same time, Susano in the second form was activated, and two huge copper hammers violently smashed towards Yun Nin.

Feng Huo looked forward, and the rustling sound from the dense forest in the distance became louder and louder, obviously more Yun Ren was approaching at a high speed.

"Quick retreat!" Inuzuka's ninja dogs also found a large number of cloud ninjas approaching, and if they continued to fight, all of them would not be able to leave.

Qiu Daodangdong's chubby face revealed a dignified look, "Feng Huo, I'm counting on you for the rest!"

Feng Huo turned around and smiled, "Don't worry, get out quickly, don't worry about me."

Qiu Daodangdong and the others stopped hesitating and retreated immediately.

Yun Nin frantically intercepted, but Susano, who sealed the fire, almost turned on his horsepower, and two huge copper hammers smashed left and right, abruptly blocking a large wave of Yun Nin's offensive.

But even so, there were still a few ninjas on Konoha's side who didn't run out in time and were brutally killed by Yun Nin.

Afterwards, the remaining cloud ninja surrounded Fenghuo with three layers inside and three layers outside.


In the next moment, nearly a hundred cloud ninjutsu launched thunder escape ninjutsu towards Fenghuo at the same time. In an instant, the audience was flooded with lightning, and countless thunder and lightning intertwined, spreading wildly like tree branches, even the air was blown apart, and then all brains poured into Susano.

Feng Huo's eyelids twitched, and he hurriedly opened Susano to the third form. As soon as the Wutengu armor was attached to Susano, endless thunder came crashing down, crackling and exploding.

From a distance, Susano at this time seemed to be the **** of thunder, covered with a layer of bright purple light, and everywhere was filled with thunder and lightning.

"Everyone keep attacking!"

"Smash it with Thunderbolt!"

"Kill Uchiha Fenghuo to avenge the three generations!"


"Thunder Dun - walk!"


Nearly a hundred cloud ninjas could only attack but not defend, and frantically launched the thunder escape. The thunder light condensed and became more dazzling, as if even the air was filled with thunder and lightning.


The Wutengu armor on Susano's surface was cracked inch by inch in the thunder light, Fenghuo was startled, and hurriedly poured pupil power and chakra into it.

‘It’s not going to work like this, there’s not enough chakra! '

The corner of Fenghuo's mouth twitched. The Chakra in his body was already at the level of a jounin, but there were nearly a hundred cloud ninjas around him, and among them there were fifty or sixty jounin.

If it was placed in the past, facing this situation, Fenghuo can only open Susanoo to the fourth form, and at the same time use the five-pointed world and the wheel tomb to disrupt the cloud ninja formation, or break through, or kill all cloud ninjas, but no matter what Either way, his eyesight will be greatly reduced.

However, there is another way to seal the fire at this time.

His mind sank, and his spirit had already appeared at the seal in his body.

"Isota, come out!"

Feng Huo stood in the cold pool, with black and red pentagrams spinning rapidly in his eyes.

The huge figure of Sanwei Jitai slowly floated up from the bottom of the cold pool. The huge thorny shell first rushed out of the water, and then half of the turtle's head was exposed. The one-eyed stared at Fenghuo indifferently, without saying a word. .

"I need chakra!"

Feng Huo looked upright, "If you don't give it, I will use a kaleidoscope to manipulate you!"

"Roar!" Mio roared impatiently~www.readwn.com~, "The **** of the Uchiha clan, despicable!"

"Chakra, give it, or not?"

"No!" Sanwei roared.

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes, and the power of the kaleidoscope surged towards Sanwei Isota in an instant.

Mio Isota roared loudly, and the violent Chakra turned into a stormy sea and was about to rebel. In the next instant, dozens of sealed iron chains stabbed violently around the cold pool, instantly pinning Mio Isota's limbs to death. The majestic chakra was also slowly suppressed.

As the pupil power continued to pour in, the anger in Sanwei Isoto's one eye slowly dissipated, and finally, a round of black and red pentagrams was reflected in its eyes.


A majestic, violent, seemingly endless chakra poured into Fenghuo's body!

Susanoo shone brightly almost instantly, and the cracked Utengu armor recovered in an instant. Even if the thunder light exploded again, it would be useless in front of Sanwei's endless chakra!

"Then, let's have some fun!"

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Fenghuo's mouth.

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