Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 323: undercurrent

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The Ninja Camp in the Land of Rain.

Sitting in the commander's seat, Huang Tu stared at the information in his hands, and sighed: "Namifeng Minato, alas!"

He sat for a long time, thinking of his comrades who died on the battlefield, thinking of his brother Huitu who died under Namakaze Minato and Uchiha Fuho, he couldn't help crying from it.

The rock ninjas guarding outside were also choked with grief when they heard Huang Tu's cry.

The Kanna Kun Bridge was destroyed, supplies were cut off, and the injured companions had no medical supplies, so they could only let their wounds be exposed to the rainy and humid air. There were no kunai, shurikens, and detonating charms in battle. Without soldiers and food pills to satisfy their hunger, after a few days, under the crazy offensive of Konoha Ninja, they have gradually been defeated, and they are only half a step away from defeat!


After half the payment, Huangtu finally walked out, his face full of vicissitudes: "Everyone, evacuate the country of rain!"

At the same time, Huang Tu sent envoys to Konoha Camp to submit the letter of surrender. So far, the war between the two countries has officially ended!

The news shocked the entire ninja world once again.

At the beginning of the war, everyone was not optimistic about Konoha, even Konoha himself was not optimistic, but the war has developed to this point, the situation has become more and more clear, even if you don't want to believe it, you can't allow others to deny it.

Shayin Village was defeated, Yanyin Village was defeated, and Wuyin Village fell into civil turmoil because of this war. Now Konoha's enemy is only Yunin!

However, the leader of Yunyin Village, the third Raikage, died in the Land of Earth!

There is no leader inside, no allies outside, plus Konoha's Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Fuho, Sannin, Konoha Baiga and others who have emerged in this war. How can the ab brothers compete with such top-notch combat power? live?

Where Cloud Ninja goes seems to be a topic that no longer needs to be debated.

"Damn, hate!"

On the northern border of the Kingdom of Fire, in the camp of Yunin, there are Yunin who are 'doing nothing' and 'at a loss' everywhere. The surrender of Yanyin Village is like a blow to the head, and all Yunin are stunned.

"Brother, information just came from the village, let us exit the Fire Nation immediately." Qirabbi walked into Ai's side to report.

"Bastard, I knew that group of guys would do this. They only know how to add insult to injury, and they don't understand what war is!"

Ai exploded with lightning all over his body, crazily destroying everything he could see.

According to his temperament, even if Yanyin Village surrenders, he will fight Konoha to the end, but he has not inherited the position of Raikage, and the elders in the village hold great power in their hands, and all kinds of constraints will not allow him to act recklessly.

"When I ascend to the position of Raikage, I must kick out all the guys who get in the way!"

Kirabi sighed, it's not wise to say these things now, if it reaches the ears of those elders and advisors, God knows if they will obstruct it and prevent Ai from inheriting the position of Raikage.

But Ai is angry now, and he can't listen to what he says.

After venting for a while, Ai finally calmed down, and then summoned Yun Ren with a sullen face and ordered to leave the Kingdom of Fire.

Following the change of Yun Ninja, Konoha Ninja, who is always paying attention to the movement here, will immediately send back the information.

After sealing the fire, Qiudaotang East and Inuzuka Jaw were overjoyed when they got the news.

"Kunin has indeed retreated!" Inuzuka shook his claws excitedly, "The war is finally coming to an end, it's great!"

Qiu Daodangdong's eyes glowed: "All of this is based on the premise that Minato will destroy the Kanwu Kun Bridge!"

In this way, it is almost a certainty that Minato will inherit Hokage!

The Akimichi family and the Inuzuka family are all staunch supporters of the Hokage family. It is in the interests of these families that Minato takes the top position, especially Akimichi and Inuzuka. They are quite close, Minato became Hokage, can you give them some benefits?

Thinking of the beauty, Qiu Daotang's stomach growled, and he couldn't help but want to eat and drink to celebrate.

Feng Huo said: "Brother Tangdong, Brother Jaw, since Yun Ren has already retreated, I will leave matters here to you, I have to go back to the village!"

"No problem, leave it to us!" Inuzuka laughed loudly, "By the way, remember to say hello to Minato for us when you see him."

Feng Huo nodded in response, then channeled the second form of the Chaolun Dance, and then left on an eagle.

At this time in Muye Village, everyone is excited about the surrender of Yanyin Village. The victory of the war is about to come to Konoha's head again. As a member of Konoha, no one is not happy and proud .

And what brought all of this is the yellow flash, Namikaze Minato!

This battle not only made Namikaze Minato famous in the ninja world, but also made his reputation in Konoha reach its peak. Even the Uchiha and Hyuga clans have to give way to Namikaze Minato at this time.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, as the driving force behind all of this, was so happy that he recalled Namikaze Minato and others overnight, allowing him to enjoy all of this.

At the same time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi publicized the matter of Namikaze Minato's competition with Hokage through newspapers, which instantly aroused heated discussions.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said in the newspaper before that he was old, his energy was exhausted, he couldn't work anymore, and he was going to give way to the young people. At that time, most of the villagers did not approve of Sarutobi Hiruzen's abdication, but at this time , the wind direction changes.

"Master Hokage is indeed old. I saw that most of the black hair on his head has turned white."

"If Master Minato inherits, I think it will work."

"I also agree, I once talked to Master Minato, he is really a very gentle person!"

"I like Minato-sama's hair and eyes, which are as beautiful as the blue sky."

"Support Minato-sama, support Minato-sama!"

Just as the whole village was discussing hotly, Minato Namikaze returned with Kakashi and Rin.

Namikaze Minato was walking on the street, the villagers on both sides of the road were shouting his name frantically, looking at him with hot eyes, wishing to pull him back to be his son-in-law, Kakashi and Lin followed behind, they I didn't expect that Minato-sensei was already so popular, and I felt a lot of pressure at the same time as You Rongyan.

At the same time, undercurrents surged.

Kakashi's left eye can't be hidden from anyone at all, and the Uchiha clan learned about Obito's "benevolent act" of giving the eye almost on the same day.

The villagers praise Obito as a hero, but the Uchiha clan regards Obito as rebellious.

The villagers said that Kakashi and Sharingan are just right, but the Uchiha clan disagrees!

How could Sharingan fall into the hands of outsiders?

The elders of the Uchiha clan jumped out again.

Once upon a time, when Fenghuo 'betrayed' the Uchiha clan, they immediately jumped out to take back Fenghuo's eyes~www.readwn.com~ Unfortunately, all actions against Fenghuo failed, and then the war broke out, and Fenghuo's Growing at an astonishing speed, when they looked back suddenly, they had no choice but to find that they could no longer move the seal.

Now, are they going to watch the same thing happen to Kakashi again?

Everyone knows that Kakashi is a genius no less than Fenghuo. The reason why Fenghuo surpassed him is because he lacked a pair of Sharingan?

And now, Sharingan, Kakashi got it!

Does this mean that he will grow crazily at a speed beyond Fenghuo?

The elders of the Uchiha clan expressed that they cannot accept and cannot bear it!

Kakashi's Sharingan must be recovered!

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