Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 325: Housewarming

Sensitive ninjutsu has always been the shortcoming of sealing the fire, but in the past few years of constant wars, he has no time to settle down to practice, and now the war in the ninja world has finally come to an end, coupled with Kushina's fat meal Beat, Fenghuo finally came to his senses.

‘If I have practiced perception ninjutsu, how could I not notice that Kushina is standing behind Minato-san? '

Feng Huo made up his mind.

After entering the house, he asked Namikaze Minato for advice.

Of course, Minato Namikaze was not stingy, and taught a few practical sensory ninjutsu on the spot, but it would take a long time to master it, and even practice it instinctively.

Kushina's eyes were not eyes and nose was not nose the whole time, if it wasn't for Minakame Minato and Kuroyuki Yuhi, Feng Huo felt that he would probably get another fat beating.

After having dinner at Jiushina's house, Fenghuo took Yuhihong and left.

"Fenghuo, sister Jiuxinna taught me a lot of sealing techniques." Yuhi Hong puffed up and said, "It's a pity that I can't even learn it."

Feng Huo said: "The difficulty of learning the sealing technique is higher than that of ninjutsu and illusion. It takes a lot of time to immerse yourself in order to gain anything."

It took Fenghuo six full years to master 60% to 70% of the sealing technique since he received the Uzumaki clan seal book presented by Namikaze Minato. Like the sealing iron chains that Namikaze Minato imposed on him, Fenghuo has not mastered it. .

The two chatted while walking, under the moonlight, Feng Huo found that the girl next to her was even more beautiful, especially her figure!

When Fenghuo traveled to this world, it was Konoha's 39th year, which was the day Kakashi graduated. At that time, he and Yuhihong were both six years old, but today, Konoha's 47th year, the two of them didn't know it Have known each other for eight years!

In the past eight years, Feng Huo has grown from an immature kid to a heroic boy who is famous in the ninja world, and Yu Hi Hong has also grown from a cute and innocent little girl to a beautiful girl with protruding front and back!

The gentle moonlight fell on Xi Hihong's body, like a layer of silver veil, showing her beautiful figure to the fullest. She hadn't noticed it before, but now they were alone, and Feng Huo realized that the girl beside her had really grown up. up.

Well, it's really big.

Fenghuo's nose felt hot, and he felt a little ashamed.

With her hands behind her back, Xi Rihong was bouncing and jumping as she walked, she looked up at the moonlight, her eyes smiled into crescents: "That's great."

The two walked slowly on the moonlit road and returned home.

"I'm home." Xi Hihong turned her head to look at Fenghuo, her face was red.

Since Fenghuo moved out of the Uchiha clan, he has been living in Yuhihong's house.

Inexplicably, sealing the fire felt a burst of beauty.

The two of them were little kids before, even though Fenghuo had matured mentally and had no idea, but now Yuhihong has grown into a youthful and invincible beautiful girl...

Two voices suddenly appeared in Fenghuo's body.

The first voice said: There are flowers that can be broken straight away, don't wait for no flowers to break branches!

The second voice said: Three years starting, the maximum death penalty.

The first voice said: If the two feelings last for a long time, the day will be day and night!

The second voice said: Three years to start, the maximum death penalty!

The first voice said: long-term lovesickness, long-term lovesickness, short-term lovesickness, endless days!

The second voice said: Three years to start, the maximum death penalty!

Then, the door opened.

Yuhi's really red face appeared behind the door: "I'm back, seal the fire, red."

Feng Huo saw that Xiri Zhenhong was in a bad mood: "Uncle Zhenhong, hehe, you are at home."

Feng Huo said in his heart that it was dangerous, but fortunately he didn't make a move, otherwise he would be embarrassing.

Then he became more determined to practice perception ninjutsu!

Yuhi Makoto called the two of them in with a smile: "Hong said she wanted to accompany Kushina, but she came back right after you came back, ha ha."

Yuhi Zhenhong smiled ambiguously.

Xi Hihong immediately blushed, and stomped into the boudoir.

Yuri Zhenhong patted Feng Huo on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Feng Huo, you have done very well in the past few years! I heard that when you returned to the village, the villagers regarded you as a hero, how do you feel?"

Feng Huo looked righteous: "This is what I should do. I don't feel proud, proud, happy, happy, normal, yes, normal. I am very calm now, and I don't feel like a hero."

Yuhi's red eyes lit up: "That's right, don't be arrogant in victory and not discouraged in defeat, seal the fire, your achievements will never stop here!"

The two chatted for a while, and Yuri Zhenhong asked Fenghuo to go to rest earlier, and then he stroked his chin and thought: Fenghuo is a grown-up boy, and it would not be appropriate for him to live at home. Although Hong likes him, but I still have to think about the future for my daughter.

Then Yuhi Zhenhong went to the Hokage Tower overnight.

What was Sarutobi Hiruzen doing? With a big wave of his hand, he directly designated an independent mansion with a small courtyard and gave it to Fenghuo.

In terms of the feat of sealing the fire, the reward for a mansion can only be called an appetizer.

Although Yuhihong was a little unhappy, she was sensible and didn't stop her.

Feng Huo moved his clothes to the mansion, and began to feast many friends as a joy for his housewarming.

After this invitation, Feng Huo realized that he had really formed a deep bond here.

Namikaze Minato, Kushina, Tsunade, Shizune Shifu, Ikacho, Yume Shiwei, Chito Baisato, Nonoyu, Akidodo Higashi, Akidodo Kita brothers, Inuzukazuo and his wife also hold 4 The year-old Inuzuka Hana came to the banquet, as well as Inuzuka Jaw, Hatake Sakumo and Kakashi, Kai, Asma, Shiranui Genma, Mystery Brother Ebisu, and the mobile unit that I met on the Iwanin Battlefield The ninjas, as well as the teammates of the third combat brigade, and even the bear boy he subdued when he was the deputy captain of the logistics supply unit also ran over to join in the fun.

Of course, the two important guests, Yuhi Zhenhong and Yuhihong, must have attended.

Halfway through the banquet, the Hyuga Clan also sent gifts, and at the end of the day, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was so busy, also made a show.

As for the Uchiha clan, they just ignored it, as if nothing happened.

Feng Huo didn't care, he ate and drank with everyone, and the banquet finally ended when the moon was in the sky.

The members of Qiu Dao's family returned satisfied, and praised Feng Huo's cooking well, saying that they would come again next time they have the opportunity.

Feng Huo's face darkened, this time the fat man from the Qiu Taoist family ate the worst.

Namikaze Minato, Ikacho and others also left one by one.

In the end, only Yuhihong, Nonoyu, Tsunade and Shizune were left in the field.

"Fenghuo, come here, I have something to tell you." Tsunade walked to the corner while hiccupping, Fenghuo turned to look at Yuhihong and Nonoyu, they had already started to clean up the dishes, Shizune also ran away I went over to help.

So Fenghuo followed Tsunade.

"Hi~~" Tsunade stretched his waist comfortably, and said with a smile, "It's been a long time since I ate so happily!"

"Uh..." Is that what you were going to say to me? Is it too unreliable?

As if aware of what Fenghuo was thinking, Tsunade snorted and said: "Fenghuo, you have made great achievements in this war, the old man values ​​you very much, and the reward for you has almost been decided."

Feng Huo's eyes lit up: "What, what is it?"

Tsunade turned around ~www.readwn.com~ staring closely at his eyes, said: "You can learn three forbidden techniques from the sealed book!"

Sealed book?

Feng Huo was stunned, and then suddenly realized that the sealed book in Hiruzaru Sarutobi's mouth was a sealed book that recorded a large number of forbidden techniques passed down from the second generation!

The mutual multiplication detonating symbol that can explode infinitely!

A technique of darkness that can take away all light!

Time and Space Ninjutsu Flying Thunder God Jutsu!

Terrible dirt reincarnation!

The Four Scarlet Yang Formation that can imprison even Ten Tails!

The chakra perception technique that can see the chakra strength of any target within a thousand miles!

The saliva is about to flow down the fire.

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