Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 330: Advent to the black market

The words Uchiha Fugaku said when he left, on the surface, it was just to let Fenghuo visit Obito's grandmother, but it has another meaning when it goes deeper.

Kakashi got Sharingan, as a price, let Uchiha seal the fire and return to Uchiha's embrace!

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Namikaze Minato, Nara Shikahisa and others can all hear the subtext.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

If they refuse again, they cannot guarantee how the Uchiha clan will react, and direct rebellion is possible.

It's just that the fire is not a commodity, it's a living person with its own thoughts, how can it be possible to say that returning to Uchiha means returning to Uchiha?

And even if Feng Huo is willing, he Sarutobi Hiruzen is not willing!

When Fenghuo left Uchiha, he only turned on Shuanggoudama, but now he has turned on Kaleidoscope, and he has become Sanwei Jinchuriki. You want to go back just by playing tricks?

Miss you!


Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Fenghuo, and found that the latter had no other reaction except for a little self-blame, and immediately understood that Fenghuo didn't hear Uchiha Fugaku's subtext.

Inexplicably, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Fenghuo, bring some presents and visit grandma with soil later."

Feng Huo nodded, this matter was indeed his fault, Obito grew up with him, and when his "bones were not cold", he was indeed obliged to take care of his grandma.

"I'll go with you." Namikaze Minato smiled.

Fenghuo nodded, then went to the street with Namikaze Minato to buy some gifts, and then went to the Uchiha clan to visit Obito's grandma.

Uchiha Fugaku didn't lie to Fenghuo. Obito's grandmother was already very old. When she heard the news of Obito's death, she instantly aged ten years. Now she is lying on the bed dying, her mind is blurred, and she doesn't know what to say. What are you talking about? It's already dying.

Fenghuo wanted to use medical ninjutsu to treat him, but unfortunately it didn't work at all.

Talk to her, she can't listen at all.

"I should have come earlier!" Feng Huo blamed himself.

Namikaze Minato patted him on the shoulder, and said softly: "Don't blame yourself, I visited the old man shortly after returning to the village, and at that time she was already...don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Just as Feng Huo was about to speak, his heart suddenly moved. He closed his eyes, poured Chakra from the soles of his feet to the ground, used the 'Chakra Perception Technique', and instantly felt a powerful Chakra approaching here.

After practicing chakra perception, Fenghuo has opened up a new world in terms of perception, and there is no need to worry about being ambushed in the future.

"It's the patriarch Fuyue." Namakaze Minato smiled, "You stay here with the old man, I'll go see him."

After speaking, he turned and left.

"Clan Chief Fuyue!"

At the gate of Obito's house, the figure of Uchiha Fugaku floated up.

"Namikaze Minato, why are you here?" Uchiha Fugaku snorted.

"I'm here to accompany Fenghuo." Namikaze Minato smiled, "Clan Chief Fuyue, there are some things that I think I need to clarify with you in advance."

"Hehe, if you have something to do in the future, please tell the fourth generation." Uchiha Fugaku squinted his eyes with a bit of mockery.

Namikaze Minato calmly expressed his suggestion.

It is impossible to return to Uchiha's embrace by sealing the fire, but as a price, Namikaze Minato promised that during his tenure as the Fourth Hokage, he would not take the initiative to introduce policies against the Uchiha clan, that is to say, as long as Uchiha himself If you don't make trouble, then Namikaze Minato will not come against you.

Uchiha Fugaku was silent.

There was no expression on his face, but ripples still couldn't help but appear in his heart.

But, can you believe Namikaze Minato's words?

Once you become a Hokage, various forces are intricately coiled around you, and it is not something you can do with passion if you want to maintain a balance.

"These words, let me believe you."

There are some things that can be done, but they cannot be said, not to mention that it is not good for the Uchiha clan to break the face with the fourth generation. Uchiha Fugaku turned around, his eyes flashed brightly, and said, "At the same time, as a congratulatory gift for your promotion to the fourth generation, I will give you a piece of advice, be careful of Danzo!"

"Thank you for the reminder." Namikaze Minato said with a smile.

Leaving Obitujia, Fenghuo will part with Namikaze Minato.

After wandering around for a long time, Fenghuo finally lifted his spirits, and then he found an excuse to leave the village and head to a nearby town.

At the same time, Namikaze Minato was also called to Hokage Tower by Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

"Minato, this is a letter from the fourth Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village, please take a look." Hiruzaru Sarutobi handed a scroll in his hand to Minakame Minato.

The latter took it and opened it, his eyes lit up.

"Sha Yin Village wants to form an alliance with us? This is great!" Namikaze Minato was overjoyed.

"I think so too." Hiru Sarutobi nodded his head.

Although Hidden Rock Village surrendered, the opponent still has more than 5,000 ninjas, which is enough to start another war that will sweep the entire Konoha. An alliance with Hidden Sand Village is in Konoha's interest.

"This is a win-win situation, Master Hokage, we should form an alliance with Hidden Sand Village as soon as possible!" Namikaze Shuimen said.

"Then, I will leave this matter to you." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said.

"no problem."

Feng Huo came to the black market with ease, and went straight to the shop that had cooperated with Konoha's logistics supply.

Along the way, people in the black market looked into his eyes from time to time, with malicious intentions.

"Look, it's Sharingan."

"A member of the Uchiha clan?"

"Driving Sangouyu at such a young age, it seems that his Blood Inheritance Boundary is very good!"

"Hey, he won't be the Uchiha Fuho who shined in the Battle of Kikyo Mountain?"

"Idiot, how could such a big man come to such a place!"

"That's right."

"Follow him closely and see if there is a chance to dig out his Sharingan."

"Someone in the black market has already offered a reward for Sharingan. A pair of three gou jade is worth tens of millions!"

Feng Huo passed by quietly, turning a deaf ear to him, a little clown, if he dared to jump out, hum.

When he arrived at the destination, Fenghuo saw that the fat boss was sleeping.

"Wake up, there is business coming." Feng Huo kicked him awake directly.

"Bastard, who would dare...haha, so it's you, huh? Your eyes... Whoosh, so you belong to the Uchiha clan." The fat boss was very enthusiastic when he saw Fenghuo, "Master Uchiha, I don't know this time Is there any business to take care of the small shop?"

After the war, Konoha has stopped buying detonating charms, so the fat boss has been a little free recently.

"It's not a big business, let's go in and talk about it."

Fenghuo walked into the shop on his own.

The fat boss followed along.

"This time, I'm going to buy the detonator."

After entering the house, seal the fire and cut straight to the point.

"Master Uchiha, how much do you want to buy? In view of the previous love, I can give you a discount~" the fat boss said enthusiastically.

Feng Huo directly took out a lot of money.

These are the dividends from his Konoha Newspaper. Excluding the funds for No Naoyu's orphanage, all his money is here.

The fat boss grabbed it and started counting it immediately. After a few minutes, he said: "This money can buy 3,000 detonating charms. After the discount, I can give you 3,500. How about it?"

The muscles on Feng Huo's face twitched. In fact, this amount of money was quite a lot. Putting it on an ordinary person, it would definitely last most of his life. In the end, he could only buy 3,000 Detonating Talismans.

Then he thought of Xiao Nan.

In the original book ~www.readwn.com~ Konan used 600 billion detonating symbols to attack and kill Obito.

Six hundred billion detonating symbols.

The Konoha newspaper that I have worked so hard to build, the dividends over the past few years, unexpectedly...

The gap is too big.

Xiaonan is the number one rich woman in the ninja world.

But remembering that the Akatsuki organization uses war as a means of gathering wealth, he can only sigh with emotion.

"Deal!" Feng Huo said, "I will come to patronize in the future, and hope to always have this preferential price."

"This, this..." The fat boss immediately said with a bitter face, "Master Uchiha, this, today's discount is because of the previous big business, and it is only once. If you buy frequently in the future, of course there will be a discount, but it will not be so big. It’s quite a discount, hehe, I hope you don’t mind.”

Feng Huo frowned, but he also knew that the black market was like this, and there was no human kindness.

"Okay, that's it."

Then he put away 3,500 detonating talismans, turned and left.

"Please wait a moment." The fat boss suddenly lowered his voice, "Master Uchiha, in fact, there are rewards for Sharingan in the black market. You, please be careful when you go out."

"It seems that you are not bad, haha, we will see you again."

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