Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 333: No, I'm going to be beaten!


However, Konoha is far away from Snow Country, even if there are Lunwu brothers to travel, it may take several months to go back and forth.

It would be bad if Lin was captured during this time.

"It seems that Brother Lunwu must learn reverse spiritism."

Fenghuo went to find Namikaze Minato, this guy is now a successful career and love, he is proud of his spring breeze, not only has become the heir of Hokage, but also has set a date for marriage with Kushina, living together in a stately manner, envious of Fenghuo, a single dog.

Wearing an apron with a happy smile on his face, Jiu Xinnai opened the door, saw that the fire was sealed outside, and immediately put away his smile: "Why is it you!"

Feng Huo looked embarrassed: "Haha, sister Jiuxinna, I'm here to find Brother Minato."

"He's not here." Kushina invited Fenghuo in, and said, "Master Hokage asked him to deal with the matter of forming an alliance with Wuyin Village. He was not at home during this time. Really, he knew that I was going to marry Minato soon. Let him go to such a far place, three generations is really abominable!"

Kushina was full of resentment.

Feng Huo hurriedly changed the subject and asked, "Sister Jiuxinna, do you know about reverse psychics?"

"Reverse spiritism? It seems that Minato mentioned that it has something to do with his **** master." Kushina recalled.

Feng Huo's eyes lit up. Others may not be able to reverse spiritism, but Jirai who is backed by Mt. Miaogi, one of the three holy places, will definitely know it.

It's a pity that Namikaze Minato is not at home.

"If that's the case, then I'll leave first." Feng Huo got up and said.

"Wait a minute!" Kushina stopped him with her hands on her hips, with a serious expression on her face.

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat: You won't be beaten, right? Did I say something wrong?

Jiu Xinnai looked Feng Huo up and down, and finally hummed: "That girl Hong is really, how could she fall in love with you?"

The corner of Fenghuo's mouth twitched, feeling that he had been insulted.

But Jiuxinna asked seriously: "How is the sealing technique? The three tails in the body haven't gone berserk, right?"

It turned out to be asking this.

Feng Huo said: "The three tails in my body were sealed together by Brother Minato and I, and they will never go berserk."

"Even so, you have to learn the sealing technique well, the tailed beast rampage is not a joke!" Kushina, as a 'senior' of Jinzhuli, has the most say, "Red has no talent for practicing the sealing technique, so you must not Relax, you know!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect Hong." Feng Huo also looked serious.

"That's pretty much the same, hmph, if there's anything you don't understand, feel free to come to me, for Minato and Hong's sake, I can still guide you well." look up.

"Haha, sister Jiuxinna, although you are extremely grumpy, you are really kind-hearted."

Seal the fire and say happily.

"Little devil... what are you talking about?!" Jiuxinna's red bared her teeth and claws suddenly, "Grumpy? Who are you arranging for!!"

The corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched: How did you speak your mind? No, I'm going to be beaten!

After being beaten up by Fatty, Fenghuo left Namikaze Minato's house smoothly, and secretly recorded all the beatings he received in a small notebook. In the future, it will be tens of thousands, no, the worse one is still on Naruto!

"Wait, Brother Minato went to Sand Hidden Village to form an alliance... he won't bring Kakashi and Rin with him, will he?"

Feng Huo hurriedly ran to Kakashi's house, and it was Kakashi's father, Sakumo Hatake who opened the door.

"Kakashi, he followed Minato to Sand Hidden Village, Fenghuo, do you need him?" Hatake Sakumo looked at Fenghuo strangely. Him, so jealous?

Of course, Fenghuo didn't know about the rich psychological activities in Hatake Sakumo's heart, otherwise...otherwise he would have nothing to do with Konoha Baiya.

After Feng Huo bid farewell and left, he immediately went to Huo Ying Building to pick up a task, and then hurriedly left the village.

Two days later, a few civilians suddenly appeared in front of the Hokage Tower, clamoring to see Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, saying that he had something important to report.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't put on airs, and immediately invited these civilians in, and after some questioning, his heart tightened, realizing the seriousness of the situation.

It turned out that these civilians came from two families, and the pillars of these two families were ninjas, but, in these two days, their pillars... disappeared!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi comforted the civilians while sending Anbu to investigate. Soon, news kept coming back.

"Master Hokage, according to the investigation, the two missing ninjas did not leave the village!"

"Master Hokage, the restrictions around the village have not been broken."

"No trace of them was found nearby."

In other words, these two ninjas disappeared in the village!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned, his face a little ugly.

Is Danzang caught to supplement the root ninja, or...

Hiruzaru Sarutobi immediately sent additional manpower to step up the investigation.

As soon as Anbu made an action, Danzo had already received the news, and he immediately went to Orochimaru's secret research base with a sullen face.

"Oshemaru, what are you thinking!" Danzo asked directly when he arrived, "I will transport the experimental materials from other places, why do you take the risk of capturing the ninjas in the village at this time!"

Orochimaru looked calm: "Hey, I won't accept accusations as soon as I come here."

"Isn't it you?" Danzo didn't believe it.

Orochimaru sneered and said, "Even if I did it, it won't leave any traces, so don't mess around, no one will discover our secret."

Danzo frowned: "If it wasn't you, would there be someone else doing human experiments in secret?"

"With your intelligence ability, there are no clues?" Orochimaru's voice became hoarse, "This is not your style."

"Anyway, you have to be careful this time, Ri Zhan seems to be doing it for real, if he finds out, hum!"

Danzo's figure slowly disappeared into the darkness.

Orochimaru showed a thoughtful look.

Meanwhile, Jiraiya has finally returned from the Land of Rain.

He has been looking for Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan these days, but unfortunately, he has not found any traces of the three of them in the Land of Rain, and he also found that Hanzo, the leader of Urenin village, seems to have disappeared. He is also very vigilant, but after investigating for a long time, Jiraiya has no other useful information except that he has vaguely noticed that the Akatsuki organization has changed from bright to dark.

Helpless, he had no choice but to return to the village.

As soon as he came back, Jiraiya watched the material at the women's bathhouse for a day, then invited Orochimaru and Tsunade to dinner, and finally went to the Hokage Building to find Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen saw this disciple, his head was as big as a bucket.

"You still know about coming back~www.readwn.com~ Jiraiya, I thought you were going to be a traitor!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said angrily.

Throughout the third Ninja World War, Orochimaru hosted a battle at Mount Kikyo anyway, what about Jiraiya? Make soy sauce all the way.

In the end, he even ran to find his three disciples, who were completely disorganized and disciplined. If he hadn't cultivated such outstanding disciples as Namikaze Minato, Hiruzaru Sarutobi would have passed him by.


Do not order?


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