Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 335: Uchiha Madara's decision

Looking at Uchiha Madara who fell into silence, Bai Jue said softly: "Master, in this Ninja World War, the Uchiha Clan's Sharingan is once again famous in the Ninja World. You are not allowed to go out, so, apart from Obito and Uchiha Fuu, no one else from the Uchiha family is outside."

In other words, if you miss this village, there will be no such store?

Uchiha Madara said slowly: "Even so, my identity must not be revealed!"

Sand Hidden Village and Konoha form an alliance, so when Kakashi and Rin are surrounded by Sand Ninja, Kakashi and Sand Ninja will definitely communicate. In this way, the so-called "Tail Beast Attack" plan will be completely exposed. With Uchiha Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato present, there is a high possibility of getting burned. This is not the ending Uchiha Madara wants to see.

"Master, what are you going to do?" Bai Jue ran out of brain cells.

Uchiha Madara turned around and came to Obito's room, and directly stunned him with the power of Sharingan pupils, and then deleted Obito's memory, deleting all the information about him and Bai Ze!

"Throw them out, the farther the better." Making a choice, Madara Uchiha acted vigorously, "At the same time, go outside to find someone who doesn't reject Sharingan."

"Master, what do you mean?"

"It's not very difficult to make a Uchiha tribe." Uchiha Madara stretched out his skinny hand, and gently stroked his Sangouyu Sharingan, "Just a pair of Sharingan is enough!"

"Then why didn't you just kill Obito and Lin?" Bai Jue asked with a smile.

"I have a hunch that once they die, Uchiha Fuho and Namikaze Minato will find me." Uchiha Madara squinted his eyes, his voice full of killing intent, "So find someone who meets my requirements as soon as possible, and then...kill Uchiha Sealing Fire and Namikaze Minato!"

"Understood, master!"

Waking up from a coma, Lin touched her drowsy brain.

"What's going on... It seems that someone attacked me and Kakashi, but why can't I remember?"

Lin stood up with difficulty, and then found that there was a person lying on the side next to him, his body was covered with bandages, and he looked seriously injured.

She turned the man over, looked at the face, and immediately burst into tears.

"Bring...Bring the soil? You are the belt? The belt, the belt, wake up, the belt!"

Rin shook Obito, then she hurriedly put her ears on Obito's chest, and after confirming her heartbeat, she finally floated on his chest and cried.

Tears soaked the bandage and flowed into the wound, and Obito screamed in pain instantly.

Lin was startled, but then she came to her senses and said angrily, "Obito, you've woken up a long time ago, haven't you!"

"No, no, that's not the case. I woke up when I heard Lin's cry!" Obito said hard, but in his heart he was recalling the tenderness that Lin felt when Lin was crying on his chest just now, ahahahaha, this is really amazing OK

"Stupid!" Lin wiped away her tears before asking, "By the way, Obito, since you're not dead, why didn't you go back to the village? Also, who saved you? I was attacked, why did I stay with you?" Together?"

As soon as Obito recalled it, his brain immediately hurt: "Ah, this and that, it seems that an old grandfather saved me? I don't know."

The two of them were in more pain than Nao Ren, and Feng Huo had already found them with the help of Chakra perception.

"Fenghuo, why are you here?" Lin was even more surprised when she saw Fenghuo.

"Haha, Fenghuo, it's me, I'm not dead, haha, I'm not happy, I'm not surprised!" Obito sat on the ground and laughed.

Sealing the fire is actually a bit confusing.

Obito is alive, he has already guessed, but what does Uchiha Madara mean?

He was ready to have a hard fight with Uchiha Madara, but he didn't expect it to be like this...

Did Uchiha Madara give up Obito?

Or is there another conspiracy?

Also, what is the tone of Obito's speech... Could it be that he was time-traveled?

Feng Huo's brain hurts too.

"Hey, Fenghuo, why don't you talk, I'm Obito! Bastard, don't you recognize me!" Obito said angrily.

The right half of his face is wrapped with a bandage, if you are not familiar with it, you may not recognize it, but Feng Huo grew up with him, if you don't recognize it, it will hurt your feelings.

Looking at Obito's resentful right eye, Feng Huo smiled wryly.

"No, I thought I had run into a ghost." Feng Huo came back to his senses, and just slapped him on the right shoulder in the past.

"It hurts..." Obito was on the verge of crying.

‘No matter what, bring Obito and Lin back to the village first! '

Fenghuo psychic chakra brothers, let Obito and Lin sit in the third chakra dance pose, and he sits alone in the chakra round dance second pose, flying high into the sky.

A white head drilled out of the ground: "Ah, finally left, the task is completed."

On the other side, Namikaze Minato also found Kakashi, and after the two reunited with Fenghuo, they both looked at Obito in surprise.

Kakashi clenched his hands, trembling with excitement.

"Damn it, why didn't you go back to the village even if you didn't die!" Kakashi suppressed the turbulent feelings in his heart, and the dead fish looked at Obito with malicious intent, and snorted, "It's all right now, you are already a martyr, All the 'remains' were buried in the martyrs' cemetery!"

"Nani? I'm obviously living a good life, how can I do this!" Obito was very dissatisfied, and loudly wanted to go back to the village to find Hiruzaru Sarutobi to settle the score.

"In short, since you survived, Obito, it is a gratifying event. As for the matter of the cemetery, haha, you can cancel it when you go back, but I am curious, who saved you?" Bo Feng Shuimen asked seriously.

Obito scratched his head: "Sorry, Minato-sensei, I really can't remember."

"Could it be someone falsified the memory?" Feng Huo rubbed his chin, with a sense of sight possessed by the famous detective Conan, his eyes were full of drama.

"Lin, what about you? You and Kakashi were attacked, why are you with Obito? Who is the person who attacked you?" Namikaze Minato asked Lin again.

Lin shook her head: "Minato-sensei, the person who attacked me and Kakashi did not show up. I have been in a coma since I was captured, and when I woke up, I saw Obito beside me."

"It seems that this matter is not that simple~www.readwn.com~ Namikaze Minato pondered, "But this time going to Shayin Village is very important, I can't escape, seal the fire, you take the three of them back to the village, Then let Haiyi check it out. "

The Yamanaka Clan has very deep research on spiritual aspects, and it should be possible to check whether the brains of Obito and Rin have been tampered with memories.

"Okay, then be careful yourself." Feng Huo nodded, then suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said, "Wait, Brother Shuimen, do you know reverse spiritism? Can you teach it to me?"

Namikaze Minato smiled and said: "No problem, but the reverse spiritism is performed by the psychic beast, I'd better pass it on to the chakra dance brothers directly."

"This is the best." Feng Huo heaved a sigh of relief, he hadn't reached the fourth level of Niaoyu, and he was really afraid of talking to the Chaolunwu brothers.

Then Fenghuo separated into a shadow clone, and sat on the back of the second chakra dance with Namikaze Minato and flew towards the land of the wind. On the way, Namikaze Minato passed the reverse spirituality to the second chaotic dance.

And the main body of Fenghuo took Kakashi, Obito and Lin back to the village in the three-style chakra dance. Can't find the latest chapter of the book you want to read? Cough cough cough, this is not a problem, I recommend an official account, there is a young lady here to help you find the latest chapters, and chat with you awkwardly!

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