Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 345: cold case

Over the sky of Tianzhi Kingdom, a dark cloud moved across quietly, covering all the bright moonlight. Under the dim starlight, crime was spreading crazily.

Feng Huo quietly came to the mansion of the daimyo of Tian Zhiguo. Under the chakra perception technique, he found that there were only two ninjas in this huge mansion, and both of them had chakra levels of the ninja level.

Terrible defense.

In addition to the two ninjas, there are also a large number of sword-wielding warriors in the mansion, but for Fenghuo, these warriors are all decorations.

Illusion all the way cleared the way, and Feng Huo walked into the depths of the mansion almost swaggeringly.

Then, he started running from room to room.

Considering his glorious status as a Konoha ninja, Fenghuo didn't make much noise, and he didn't know how to dig three feet.

After strolling around, Fenghuo really found a lot of good things, such as famous paintings, ancient swords, armor, and the furs of various rare and exotic animals, all of which are worth at least several million taels.

It's just that the targets of these things are too big, once they disappear, they will definitely be noticed.

Fenghuo doesn't intend to make a one-shot deal!

"By the way, there should be a treasure house here."

With a rigorous attitude that he would rather I owe money to the world than to let the world owe me money, Feng Huo entered Tian Zhiguo Daimyo's room, and then manipulated him with illusions, asking him to show, no, let him say A treasure trove.

"Under my bed..." Daimyo Tian Zhikun glanced, as if dreaming, he said where he had searched for most of his life.

Feng Huo kicked him out of the bed, and after groping for a while, he found the mechanism. After twisting it, a secret passage was slowly revealed on the huge bed amidst the sound of the mechanism.

Feng Huo strolled down, the surrounding darkness couldn't block his Sharingan's vision at all... well, it's just a little blurry.

Feng Huo squinted his eyes, thinking that after finishing this job, he had to get a pair of eyes.

I don't know if there is such a thing as invisible eyes.

Thinking about it this way, Fenghuo has already reached the bottom of the passage, which is connected to a secret room of about ten square meters, where seven or eight large wooden boxes are neatly stacked.

Feng Huo seemed to smell the money, and rushed over with a low growl.

Open the first box, which is full of jade antiques.

The second box is antique calligraphy and painting.

The third box is calligraphy and painting classics.

Feng Huo suddenly wanted to chop his hands.

It's not his own, but the hand of the daimyo of the land of fields outside.

It's so irresponsible!

As a great name in a country, why don't you search for the people's fat and people's anointing, what are you doing with all these rags... He can't even pretend!

Feng Huo continued to open other boxes, and finally found a box of paper money. Unfortunately, these valuable denominations are all in one hundred denominations. Even if a box is filled, it is estimated to be hundreds of millions of taels.

"Shocked! The dignified name of the country of Tiantian is not worth as much as Hilyuho!"

What a failure.

Fenghuo put the money into the sealing scroll, and then left a shadow clone to cover up the traces, while the main body left quickly.

The next day, the sun rose as usual, and Tanokuni Daimyo had no idea that a box of paper money had been stolen from his treasure house.

And Fenghuo, relying on his excellent talent for investigation, quickly found the black market in this town.

He wanted to directly exchange all the paper money for detonating talismans, but unfortunately, the black market here was not large, and there were no detonating talismans at all.

Helpless, I can only exchange small money for big money.

That night, Fenghuo acted again, stealing wooden boxes from the treasure house of the daimyo mansion one by one, and then exchanged them for paper money in the black market. Two days later, the daimyo's treasury was empty.

Then the fire was sealed off and all the valuables used for decoration of the mansion were also looted.

So far, they have made a total of more than 300 million taels before and after sealing the fire!

Before leaving, Feng Huo went to see Dou again, and after checking the progress of his three-body technique, he passed on the hemostasis technique to him, and then walked away.

As for the daimyo mansion, it was already a mess.

"You idiots are all blind! So many things disappeared, and none of you noticed?! What are you kidding?!"

Looking at the empty mansion, Tanokuni Daimyo was furious, wishing to kill all the guards!

Then he seemed to remember something, ran back to the bedroom, opened the mechanism under the bed, went in and looked, and was completely dumbfounded.

"How could this be...how could this be?"

"Who, who is it?"


I searched for most of my life's treasure, and it's gone like this?

how is this possible? !

"There are so many things that one person can't move at all. Yes, there must be more than one thief! And to be able to steal so much treasure under my nose, there must be someone inside me!"

The more Tian Zhiguo daimyo thought about it, the more excited he became. There are many thieves, and there must be many traces left behind. His eyes were red, and he called two ninjas in the mansion to check around. Unfortunately, they found nothing useful. clue.

Naturally, this has become an unsolved case in Tianzhi Country!

Leaving Tianzhiguo, Fenghuo finished the task in hand by the way, and then returned to the village.

At this time, Kushina has confirmed that she is pregnant, and Kakashi, who joined Anbu, is also arranged to guard Kushina.

Little friends like Obito and Kai are not idle, either doing tasks, or exercising crazily, and constantly improving themselves.

Hong became Jiu Xinnai's sister Amoy, spending all day together, inseparable.

These days, Jiuxinna's precepts and deeds have gradually opened the door to the new world for Hong, and the eyes that look at Fenghuo seem to be dimmed, making Fenghuo stand up.

I took the time to go to the black market, exchanged all the money for detonating charms, and then went to the snowy mountains of the Snow Country through reverse psychics.

Then, he was messed up in the wind.

"Here...where is it?!"

The muscles in the corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched, looking at the strange Xuefeng around him, he felt unwell.


The second form of round dance screamed in the air, flapping its wings and flying around, quite contented.

Feng Huo thought for a while before reacting.

Brother Lunwu must have changed his 'home'.

This is indeed the case, as the Lun Wu brothers gradually mastered Feng Dun, their strength became stronger and stronger, and naturally, their range of activities became wider and wider, and snow eagles are carnivorous animals, so they naturally It is non-stop relocation to the place where 'food' gathers.

Seal the fire and greet the round dance 2~www.readwn.com~ Then fly in the cold and windy high sky, looking at the snow-capped mountains that stretch for an unknown length, you can only see snow-capped peaks one after another, you can’t see them at a glance side!

With such a large area, I am afraid that even if the fire is sealed off for half a year, it may not be possible to find it.

But after thinking about it, as long as the psychic formula in that cave is not destroyed, he can still use the detonating talisman to channel all the detonating talismans in the cave and bombard them indiscriminately!

So he happily opened up another cave, engraved a psychic formula for multiplying the detonating talisman, put the detonating talisman on the psychic formula, and finally sealed the cave with the five-element seal!


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