Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 347: You two are the pirates!

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Nagato's reincarnation eye was transplanted on him by Uchiha Madara. Although it can be used, it is at the cost of consuming life force. If Nagato is not from the blood of the Uzumaki family and has strong vitality, ordinary people would have been killed by the reincarnation eye. Drain your vitality!

From this point of view, in Uchiha Madara's eyes, Nagato is just an 'incubator', whose function is to warm the eyes of reincarnation until Uchiha Madara's resurrection!

The country of tea.

Feng Huo and Xi Hihong successfully escorted a group of tea merchants to the country and completed a B-level task, and then the two began to wander around the country.

The country of tea is still below the country of wave, and the land area is small, similar to the island country in the previous life.

This place is far away from the five great powers, not only the number of ninjas, but also the number of samurai is very small, so that the country is full of bandits and even pirates.

After Feng Huo learned about these situations, his eyes flashed, no, it was golden light!

Pirates are often accompanied by legends about treasures. The side of Fenghuo is short of money. How can we let go of this piece of fat?

"Fenghuo, you really fell into the eyes of money." Xi Rihong couldn't help complaining when she heard about Fenghuo's thoughts.

Feng Huo pinched her delicate cheeks, and teased, "I can't help it, how can I support you if I don't have money."

Xi Hihong blushed instantly, but said stubbornly: "Who wants you to support me, I can do tasks to support myself!"

"There are still children." Feng Huo said distressedly.

"Who, who is going to have a baby with you." Xi Hi blushed and couldn't lift her face.

"I didn't say I was going to have **** with you either!" Feng Huo's soft waist took a 180-degree turn in an instant under the hands of a certain slender jade.


Yuhi Hong snorted coquettishly, raised her head and walked forward arrogantly.

"Hey, let's go to the beach." Feng Huo shouted, rubbing his soft flesh.

The two talked and laughed, and came to a fishing village by the sea.

The fishing village is not big, there are about a dozen families, and they all fish for a living, but because of the existence of pirates, the lives of the fishermen are not very good.

The two of them were lucky. When they first arrived, they saw an old fisherman and a young man preparing to go to sea.

Fenghuo wasn't too polite, and he directly spent one thousand taels on the fishing boat, and then set sail for a long voyage.

"You two, alas, now is the time when pirates are rampant, why do you have to go on board?"

The old fisherman smiled happily after receiving the money, and only after getting on the boat did he pretend to remind Fenghuo and the others about the pirates.

Feng Huo rolled his eyes, and immediately clamored to get off the boat. The old fisherman's eyes flickered, and he said that he had already gone out to sea, and it would be unlucky to return, and it would be a waste of his time, unless you give him another thousand taels.

Feng Huo sneered, he could see that this old fisherman was not a good bird, he was even more greedy for money than him.

As for that young man, his eyes kept sneaking at Yu Hihong's body, it was like lighting a lamp in the toilet, looking for shit!

But in order to attract the pirates, we can only make do with it.

Kurenai Yuhi frowned and stood aside, saying nothing.

The old fisherman sang fisherman's songs proudly, and slowly drove away from the small pier.

"Hey, come and help!"

The old fisherman parked his fishing boat in a sea area, then cast a net to catch fish, and asked Fenghuo and Xihihong to help, showing enthusiasm that I didn't treat you as outsiders.

The young and diabolical past wanted to teach Xi Hihong how to close the net.

In the fishing village, no matter men, women, old or young, people here are exposed to the scorching sun and sea breeze every day, and their skin is rough enough to be used as a chopping board. Have you ever seen a young, beautiful, fair-skinned and beautiful girl like Yuhihong?

Kurenai Yuhi frowned, although she was unwilling, but she was kind by nature, and the opponent was not an enemy ninja, so she could only swallow the net with disgust, and did not forget to stare at Fenghuo who was standing aside.

That young man was even more enthusiastic, he gave Feng Huo a frightened look, how could your little white face compare to me, a sailor who is exposed to the sun, rain, sea wind and has a broad mind like the sea?

Feng Huo felt nauseous for a while, and gasped: "Hey, you just said that there are a lot of pirates here, is it true?"

The old fisherman smiled and said: "Pirates, there are indeed, but they don't come out to rob every day. I have already discovered the rules of their going to sea, so put your heart in your stomach, we will not meet today." Pirates!"

When Feng Huo heard this, he was not happy. If the pirates did not come out, where would he go to rob?

He was about to ask the pirates about the rules of going out to sea, when he saw a dilapidated large fishing boat approaching aggressively in the distance.

I don't care about sealing the fire.

But the old fisherman and the young man turned pale with fright.

"Damn it, why did you run into pirates?"

"Didn't they just plunder yesterday! It should be four days before the next plunder, right, **** it!"

Feng Huo's face also turned pale.

"Hey, is this a pirate ship?"

No matter how you look at it, these ships in front of you are fishing boats, right?

And looking at the appearance, it seems that a few 'patches' have been applied!

"This is the fat fish in your mouth?" Xi Rihong put down the net and walked over, humming, "It looks very poor."

In fact, the economy of the country of tea is mediocre, and there is no sea trade. The pirates who rob customers are not the fishermen. It's no wonder they are rich!

Feng Huozui insisted: "What if they like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers? We can't let go of every opportunity to make money!"

"Anyway, I don't care, I hate this place, and I'm going back to the village tomorrow!" Xi Hihong said charmingly.

"Okay, I'll go back after finishing this ticket." Fenghuo had to compromise.

The old fisherman and the young man next to him had strange expressions on their faces. Why do you feel like you two are pirates?

Before they had time to express their doubts, they saw Feng Huo and Xi Hihong suddenly jump off the fishing boat, and then sprinted across the sea, rushing towards the opposite pirate ship.

"How can they run on the sea?" The young man's worldview began to collapse.

"It's ninjas, they must be ninjas!" After all, the old fisherman has eaten more salted fish than the young man has eaten fresh fish, and he can see through the truth at a glance!

"Ninja...Damn it!" The young man's eyes were red, he was envious and jealous, especially when his eyes glanced at Kurenai Yuhi, his saliva was about to flow down.

At the same time, Fenghuo and Yuhihong have arrived on the pirate ship.

Looking around, the 'pirates' on the pirate ship are dressed more shabby than the old fishermen, and the weapons in their hands are also quite distinctive, such as the three-pronged sea king halberd, the five-tiger knife, and the pig-killing knife in the vegetable market. fill.

Feng Huo's face was getting darker and darker, but Xi Hihong was holding her stomach and laughing non-stop.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting, Fenghuo, you, you really want money."

The muscles in the corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched, and he directly used his "overlord look" murderous aura, stunning all these pirates.

Regarding the use of murderous aura, Fenghuo is now considered a beginner's method. Although it is useless to ninjas, it is naturally accurate to deal with these little pirates.

"Hong, don't laugh, if you do this again, I'll jump into the sea." Feng Huo didn't like it anymore, and pretended to jump into the sea.

"Hmph, I don't believe it." Xi Hihong grimaced, "Look at what's valuable, money fan!"

"If you're not in charge, you don't know how expensive firewood is."

Seal the fire and do good things~www.readwn.com~ Drill into the pirate ship and search wildly, get a few salted fish, a few sophisticated weapons, and a few pieces of pirate equipment, and then, nothing more.

I can't stand the fire. Who else can pirates do this?

When he got out of the cabin, he kicked a man who looked like a leader awake, ready to torture him to extract a confession.

Time flies so fast, it's the end of the month!

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