Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 349: Guiding Jonin?

There seemed to be endless conversations between the girls, and Kushina took Yuhihong to talk from noon to evening, and they didn't stop after dinner, which meant a decisive battle until dawn.

Since Minato Namikaze became Hokage, he often didn't go home to eat, and spent every day in the cafeteria of Hokage Building, enjoying himself, which made Fenghuo very boring. In the end, he couldn't stand the chattering of Hong and Kushina, so he just I found an excuse and ran away.

At this time, the lights are on, and both sides of the street gradually become lively. There are old people walking their dogs, parents walking their dolls, and couples pressing the road. The depression caused by the war is gradually moving away from Konoha.

Ramen shops, flower shops, restaurants, gambling houses... In the past six months, all kinds of shops have sprung up, bringing infinite vitality and business opportunities to the village.

Feng Huo's heart suddenly became active.

Based on his knowledge, it is no problem to take a few scoops of water from this business opportunity.

Fenghuo looked left and right.

As far as the industry that makes money fast, it must be pornography, gambling and drugs, but I don't want to touch these three kinds of fire.

What about other industries?

Like brewing?

Open a Chinese restaurant?

Produce the atomic bomb?

Open a supermarket?

Grave robbery?

It seems that something messed in, Fenghuo shook his head, there were too many industries that could make money in the previous life, but there are indeed very few industries that are really suitable for the ninja world.

The most important thing is that Fenghuo doesn't want to put too much energy on it, although he does need a lot of money to buy detonators.

"Yo! Fenghuo, my lifelong enemy!!"

Suddenly, a hot-blooded voice woke Fenghuo up.

It's like a sweet dream, just after the climax, there is a broken voice shouting in the ear: three years starting, the maximum death penalty.

Feng Huo's entire face was pulled down, and he turned around and ran away without saying a word.

"Bastard, where are you going!"

Kai was wearing a dark green tight-fitting battle suit, and blocked the retreat of the fire with a jump.

"Youth is not allowed to escape, Fenghuo, come on, let's have a fight in the afterglow of the sun!" Kai clenched his fists excitedly, "Eight Door Dunjia, I have already repaired the fourth door, let me completely defeat you today !"


The fourth door?

Feng Huo was so big, this guy was able to open the fourth door without making a sound?

Fenghuo's current physical fitness can only be maintained at the third door at most. To open the fourth door, he needs a lot of training, and it is the extreme training and death training of Matt Dai, otherwise he will not be able to improve at all.

"Kai, don't make trouble, brother is busy!"

"No matter how busy a youth is, it needs hearty fighting to adjust! Fenghuo, I haven't fought with you for a long time, and I will never let you go this time!"

The background wall behind him has a picture of the sea surging ears, and looking at Kai again, he looks like I can't control how much I can send, so excited.

"I said, why didn't you go to Kakashi?" Feng Huo felt that he could save him again.

"That guy Kakashi has become very cold since he joined Anbu!" Kai complained, "Although I know that Anbu's mission really needs to be kept secret, but, but, it just makes people uncomfortable."

When Feng Huo saw this posture, he knew that he couldn't refuse, so he could only find a small forest and challenge Kai one-on-one.

After Matt Dai died of exhaustion in the battle with the seven ninja swordsmen of Mist Ninja, Kai's training became more and more desperate. In addition, he is now in the developmental period. It can be said that his physical fitness is improving every day, regardless of Both physical strength and physical skills have far surpassed Fenghuo.

The two fought against each other for a few minutes, and Fenghuo found that he could only rely on his richer combat experience than Kai to maintain his invincibility, but after a long time, he would definitely lose.

‘Why don’t you train gymnastics with Kai? '

Feng Huo's heart twitched, but immediately wavered.

At the beginning, I practiced Bamen Dunjia with Matt Dai because he didn't feel safe at that time, and Bamen Dunjia is the number one martial art in the ninja world, so he naturally wanted to learn it.

But now that he is a three-tailed Jinchuriki, he has opened the kaleidoscope, and he has mastered the sealing technique and the forbidden technique.

Extremely distracted, Kai seized the opportunity to punch Feng Huo in the face.

"Great!" Kai was so excited that he rushed up to prepare a set of combined punches. As a result, a terrifying chakra suddenly surged like a tsunami, and he vaguely saw a big turtle, waiting for him to watch Go, let alone the tortoise, even the fire is gone.

"Damn it, Feng Huo, you actually ran away!" Kai tapped his toes, and immediately chased after him.

After running around the village ten times, Fenghuo finally threw Kai off.

"Hey, it's no wonder that Kai has been single all his life. It's not unreasonable. Well, I definitely can't learn from him."

The next day, Feng Huo wanted to get two more missions and go out with Hong Xihihong, but was pulled by Namikaze Minato to become a young man.

"Sato, Akimichi Dingbo, Iruka?"

Feng Huo looked at the three documents in his hand, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth twitched.

Sato didn't know him, but this Akimichi Dingpeng was his brat when he served as the deputy captain of the logistics force during the war, and Iruka was even more famous!

"Well, these three are carefully selected by me. Although they are average in talent, they are definitely excellent ninjas!" Namikaze Minato said with a smile.


Iruka is more than excellent!

However, Feng Huo smiled wryly: "I said, how can you let me be the guide of Jōnin?"

Namikaze Minato looked at his Sharingan and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just think you should bear something, otherwise I will be jealous seeing you doing nothing every day."

"But..." Feng Huo looked at the ages of the three of them, "Sato and Akidou Dingpeng are alright, but Iruka is twelve years old, and is only three years younger than me. Let me be his guide Jonin. Is it inappropriate?"

In fact, Fenghuo was worried that he would lead Iruka astray. If this is the case, it will really be "endless troubles".

"It's not all about age to guide a johnin, don't worry about sealing the fire, I believe you can do it!" Namikaze Minato made a final decision.

"OK then."

Minakame smiled and said: "I have asked Anbu to inform these three ~www.readwn.com~ to gather at the school's training ground at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, so don't be late."


Leaving Huoyinglou, Fenghuo felt that the future of the whole world was on his shoulders. It was so heavy that one couldn't help but want to defect out of the village.

‘If Iruka is crooked, will he sacrifice himself to save Naruto in the future? No, no, how could that guy Mizuki let him live for so long? '

'But if there is no Mizuki, how could Naruto think of stealing the three generations of the sealed book? '

‘By the way, where is that guy Mizuki envious and jealous recently? '

'If Iluka is really crooked, it may directly affect nine of the twelve young strong, tsk tsk tsk, this needs to be understood carefully. '

Worrying about gains and losses, Fenghuo ushered in a brand new day!

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