Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 359: 3 Tails Rebellion (1)

After entering the delivery room for nearly ten hours, Kyuubi pried the seal several times, trying to escape from Kushina's body, but was suppressed by Namikaze Minato who rushed in in time.

"How's it going?"

Seeing Namikaze Minato flashing out again, Fenghuo asked nervously.

"The seal is still strong, but when Naruto is born, I'm afraid it needs to be strengthened again, otherwise..." Namikaze Minato smiled excitedly.

He had a hunch that his child, Naruto, was about to be born.

Konoha Shirato Hatake Sakumo and Sarutobi Hiruzen stood on the other two sides.

"It looks very peaceful tonight."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi said while smoking a cigarette.

"Until all the dust settles, you still can't be careless." Hatake Sakumo was as cautious and calm as ever.

Feng Huo's face was sullen, and his expression became more serious.

Right now...

boom! !

A huge roar resounded from Muye Village, like a nuclear bomb explosion. The aftermath of the terrifying explosion turned into a huge wave of air hitting all directions, and sparks exploded like fireworks!

The Anbu ninjas around took out their kunai in an instant and entered the fighting state.

"That's..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi's expression changed.

"Nine Tails?" Feng Huo was in a bad mood, and hurriedly turned his head to look at Minato Namikaze.

The night wind blows, and the figure of Namakaze Minato has disappeared there.

Entering the delivery room, Kushina was still working hard, Sarutobi Lake Biwa and Tianji were encouraging her nervously.

"Not Nine Tails!"

Namikaze Minato flashed outside again.

Fenghuo's chakra perception technique couldn't perceive a place two kilometers away, and his brows were tightly frowned at this time.

‘Could it be that Danzo and Orochimaru rebelled and wanted to attract our combat power? '

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Let me go and see, who dares to... Nani at this time? That's..."

In the village, amidst the turbulent explosion waves, a huge figure appeared. The huge tortoise shell was covered with ferocious thorns. While roaring upwards, the three thorny tails smashed countless buildings to pieces, accompanied by angry roars. Countless screams could be clearly heard several kilometers away.

"Three tails? Red?"

The three-pointed jade in Feng Huo's eyes instantly turned into a black and red pentagram, and traces of blood slowly diffused from his pupils.

"Seal the fire, let Captain Sakumo accompany you!" Namikaze Minato made a decisive decision.

"No, the other party is Tiaohulishan, I can handle it alone, brother Minato, protect sister Kushina."

After the words fell, Feng Huo's left eye spun wildly.

"The five-point world!!"

The pupil power of the left eye boiled completely, and an invisible pentagram fell from the sky, and instantly landed on the body of the yin attribute Mitsuo Isogi five miles away.

It was related to the life and death of Xi Hihong, Feng Huo completely ran away regardless of the exhaustion of pupil power.

With a thought, his figure has disappeared there.

"What a powerful pupil technique!" Hatake Sakumo was startled.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato looked at each other, thinking of the sequelae of Kaleidoscope, worry flashed in their eyes.

"Captain Sakumo, it's enough to have me and three generations here, please go back to the village to help seal the fire and suppress Sanwei and the rebellious enemies!" Namikaze Minato said without hesitation.

Hatake Sakumo took a deep look at Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Hiruzen, and nodded solemnly: "I see!"

In the next moment, his figure turned into a breeze and flew away.

in the village.

The figure of Fenghuo appeared beside the Yin attribute Sanwei Isota in an instant.

At this time, his left eye had already overflowed with traces of blood, which slowly flowed down his cheek. The severe pain forced him to close his eyes, and at the same time, the Pentagram Realm also slowly disappeared.

'Isaac! ! '

The spirit of Fenghuo projected into the sealed world pool in the body, and the terrifying pupil power instantly froze the water surface of the pool.

The yang-attribute Sanwei Isota exposed its head guiltily against the boiling pupil power, its buttocks were still submerged in the water, and before Fenghuo could question it, it snorted first, "What are you doing? This has nothing to do with me, It is it, I am me!"

Feng Huo gritted his teeth, word by word: "Tell me what state it is in now!?"

"It's just a runaway, as long as you suppress it, hey, I'm Sanwei Isao, don't even think about talking to me like this in the future!"

Saying that, Isato slowly sank to the bottom of the water.

"Chakra!!" Feng Huo roared.


The berserk Chakra rushed in like a flood that destroyed a dike.

At this time, Feng Huo was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, it was just a runaway!

Once the tailed beast is stripped off, Renzhuli will die. Depending on the individual's physique and strength of vitality, this death process will be faster or slower.

With Yu Hihong's vitality, I'm afraid she will die in less than two minutes.

However, the runaway is the tailed beast's backlash against Renzhuli. As long as the tailed beast is suppressed and re-sealed in time, it will not cause too much damage to Renzhuli, but if it cannot be suppressed, the damage to Renzhuli will be extremely terrifying.


The yin-attributed Sanweiji roared up to the sky, and the three tails crazily fell towards Fenghuo.

"Fire escape-helix pill!"


The violent explosion turned into layers of surging air waves and swept around, rolling up countless dust and grass clippings.


Feng Huo saw the three eye-catching jades in the one-eyed eyes of the yin attribute Misao Jiji!

Is it Uchiha Fugaku, or the plan executor who replaced Obito?

Feng Huo's face was gloomy.


Suddenly, a burst of maniacal laughter came from above the head of the yin attribute Mio Isota.

"Uchiha Sealing Fire, you are Uchiha Sealing Fire!! Hahahahahaha..."

A man in a black robe and a whirlpool mask was covering his face and laughing, between his fingers, a pair of three-goat jade writing sharing eyes were releasing the evil, **** and powerful pupil power.

This familiar pupil power instantly reminded Feng Huo of Uchiha Madara!

"I'm going to kill you, Uchiha seals the fire, hahahaha...I'm going to kill you!!"

Feng Huo frowned.

‘This guy is the one chosen by Uchiha Madara? His eyes... It should be Uchiha Madara who transplanted his own eyes to him, but who is he who can perfectly inherit the powerful pupil power of this pair of Sharingan? '

"Kill him, Sanwei!" The masked man, Nobuyuki Uchiha, yelled madly.


The Yin attribute Three Tails swept forward with three huge tails.

Feng Huo was shaken all over, violent chakra gushed out of his body, and turned into a huge turtle in an instant, facing the yin attribute Sanwei Isota.

"Prestige-Susano!" Uchiha Shin's Sharingan turned, and the three hook jades instantly turned into a strange pattern, and then a layer of Wutengu armor instantly covered the Yin attribute Mio Isota's body.

"Come on, Uchiha seals the fire, let me see who is the strongest of the Uchiha clan, hahahaha..."

Uchiha Shin completely disregarded the consumption of the kaleidoscope, and covered Wutengu's armor directly to Sanwei's whole body.

Feng Huo's expression changed.

The other party also opened a kaleidoscope?

Uchiha Madara helped him open it?


Feng Huo tried to open his bleeding left eye~www.readwn.com~Although there was a sharp pain, fortunately it did not affect his use of Susanoo.

"In order to get here quickly, I overused the pupil power of my left eye. Although I can barely use the prestige-Susano, Mio..."

Before sealing the fire, he used this move against brother aB of Yunyin Village, but at that time he directly used the kaleidoscope pupil power to control the Yang attribute Sanwei, and then covered the Wutengu armor.

But at this moment, the pupil power of his left eye was exhausted too much, if he split the pupil power to control the yang attribute three tails, he might lose in a short time.

And losing means death!

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