Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 373: Weak fire seal

At the moment of touch, Sakumo Hatake, the leader of the dark army, suddenly appeared in the room.


Hatake Sakumo looked around with sharp eyes, ten Migennin immediately stood still, not daring to take half a step beyond the threshold.

"Sakumo Hatake, what do you want to do?!" Danzo stepped forward with deep eyes.

"I should be the one asking you this!" Hatake Sakumo refused an inch, "When will Genbu arrest the village's jounin for no reason!"

Regardless of strength or influence, Konoha Hakuba Hatake Sakumo is not bad for Danzo. At this time, Danzo is hard-nosed, and Danzo's tough attitude makes Danzo roll his eyes.

"Hehehe..." Danzo laughed out of breath, looking at Hatake Sakumo and Fenghuo coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

But as an old fox, he doesn't intend to fall out with this dark army captain. After all, as long as Hiruzaru Sarutobi dies, he can support Orochimaru to take power, and then he can easily depose Sakumo Hatake As the leader of the dark army, he then controlled Uchiha in the name of searching for the fourth generation. Not only did he want to dig out his kaleidoscope, but Danzo also wanted him to die, to avenge his broken arm!

"Uchiha seals the fire, this matter is not over yet."

Danzo sneered and turned to leave, and the dozen Genin also all evacuated.

Seeing that Danzo had left, Koharu and Mitomonyan who turned to bed still refused to let go of Fenghuo, and pressed him for information on Sidai and Kushina.

Feng Huo was so annoyed by them that he turned to Sakumo Hatake for help.

But Sakumo Hatake also showed horror at this time: "Fenghuo, the fourth generation...is he really dead?"

Both he and Sarutobi Hiruzen guessed that Kushina was dead, but how could Namikaze Minato die?

Who in this ninja world can take his life if he masters Flying Thunder God?

Feng Huo gritted his teeth and nodded, saying: "The one who died for love, he loves sister Jiu Xinnai too much."

Hatake Sakumo was stunned for a while.


Such a powerful reason, but, but... Hatake Sakumo couldn't find any reason to refute it, because Namakaze Minato really, really likes Kushina, remembering that a few years ago, several cloud ninjas kidnapped Kushina Nai, at that time, Namakaze Minato had just graduated, and not long after he got the ninja forehead, he dared to follow up alone, and desperately snatched Kushina back, which shows how much he loves Kushina.

Sacrifice for love is indeed a possibility.

"Uncle Shuomao, where is Naruto?" Feng Huo asked.

"Ah, this kid is at my house, you just came back, go and see him." Hatake Sakumo was still immersed in the news of Namikaze Minato's death.

Feng Huo nodded, and left directly regardless of the angrily questioning of Xiaochun and Mitomenyan.

Coming to Hatake Sakumo's house, Fenghuo directly found Naruto with Chakra perception.

At this time, Naruto was being hugged by a nanny to bask in the sun, smiling heartlessly and happily. There were three fox whiskers on each of the left and right cheeks, which were very eye-catching.

The nanny knew Fenghuo, and when she saw him coming, she hugged Naruto to him.

The little Naruto was huddled in his swaddling clothes, but he opened his teeth and claws dishonestly, making unexplainable ahhh sounds with his mouth open, and his eyes were bright and lively.

At first glance, he followed Jiu Xinnai's temperament.

Feng Huo stretched out a finger to tease Naruto, and Naruto immediately stretched out his fleshy little hand to grab the finger, and then shook it vigorously, as if he wanted to pull the finger off and use it as his own toy.

Not long after, Hatake Sakumo also rushed back.

At this time, he felt that the sealing fire was abnormal.

"Fenghuo, your eyes?" Hatake Sakumo stared at Fenghuo's dim eyes, feeling ominous in his heart.

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, and said with a smile: "It's just a little nearsighted, it's nothing serious."

But in fact, his myopia is already quite serious. When looking at people, he has to squint his eyes to see the blurred outlines. It seems that he is not far away from losing his light.

But Fenghuo is not in a hurry. After some things are cleared up, there is nothing to worry about. At worst, learn Uchiha Madara and change a pair of Sharingan, and at worst learn Uchiha Madara again and fuse the cells of the first generation!

In this world, there is no unparalleled road!

Fenghuo teased Naruto for a while, then handed him over to Hatake Sakumo, and left.

Hatake Sakumo was worried about the safety of Fenghuo, so he sent two Anbu ninjas to protect Fenghuo.

Back in his mansion, he closed the fire and locked himself in the bedroom.

He lay on the bed, projecting his spirit into the sealed world inside his body.

The deep water pool is like a pool of stagnant water, lifeless.

Feng Huo walked on it, and there were ripples under his feet, rippling far away.


Feng Huo shouted, but got no response.

Taking Namikaze Minato and Kushina from the Land of Fire with reverse psychic technique to the Land of Snow, the distance of tens of thousands of miles requires an astronomical number of chakras. The stalemate with Nine-Tails was already a lot of energy, and if he did it again, he would almost be drained of chakra.

It was a blessing in misfortune that the poor baby turtle fell into a deep sleep.

Feng Huo yelled twice and left the sealed world without getting a response.

He sat on half a salary, and then did eye exercises twice, and found that it was useless, so he thought about going out and bought a pair of deep eyes.


Feng Huo frowned, and realized that there was one more person in his tracking team.

‘Except for the two Anbu, the extra one is the root? '

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes and walked home.

At this time, his kaleidoscope was on the verge of losing its light, and the detonating talisman was also consumed in the battle with Uchiha Shin, and the yang attribute Sanwei in his body fell into a deep sleep. It was unprecedented weakness. If someone took the opportunity to sneak attack, He didn't even have a place to cry.

So during this period of time, he must keep a low profile and never put himself in danger.

But, how to restore strength?

Three tails fell into a deep sleep, and could only wake up when it recovered enough chakra on its own.

The detonating talisman had to be bought on the black market outside, how could Fenghuo dare to go out alone at this time.

As for the kaleidoscope... Feng Huo smiled wryly, even if he wanted to exchange for a pair of ordinary three-god jade, he had no place to buy Sharingan.

He evaluated his current strength, and Feng Huo felt that he was sure to deal with the special Jnin, but among the Jnin, he might be at the bottom.

"Teacher Fenghuo!"

"Brother Fenghuo, you are finally back."

Suddenly three voices called out to Fenghuo.

He turned his head and saw that it was Iruka, Akidou Dingbo, and Sato.

"It's the three of you." Feng Huo scratched his head, after the Tailed Beast Rebellion, he almost forgot that he was still guiding Shangren.

"Brother Fenghuo, where have you been these few days? There are a lot of big things happening in the village~www.readwn.com~ Qiudao Dingpeng said excitedly, "I saw two huge monsters making trouble in the village..."

He talked a lot, and when he looked up, Feng Huo had already taken Iruka and Sato towards the Hokage Building.

"Wait for me, Brother Fenghuo!"

"Call the teacher!"

"Yes, Teacher Fenghuo!" Qiudao Dingpeng chatted unabated, "Brother Fenghuo, you haven't said where you have been these few days?"

Seal the fire and cover your head, you really want to beat someone up.

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