Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 384: cell cloning

In the early morning of the next day, after Fenghuo ate something casually, he went to find Xihihong, and the two of them went to press Malu to spread dog food early in the morning.

I didn't expect to encounter ghosts after walking too much at night, and get entangled by a single dog after spilling too much dog food.

"I said Kakashi, did you have a full breakfast?" Feng Huo snorted.

"It's okay, I just ate a bowl of ramen." Kakashi lazily followed behind the two, wearing a black mask on his mouth, and covering his left eye with a ninja forehead, tilting his head slightly, with long silver-white hair Hair rippling in the wind (referred to as Yindang), with a rogue expression following an idiot.

Feng Huo was furious, this guy pretended not to understand, right?

He said angrily, "Are you full after eating?"

"It's not too long, but walking after a meal really helps digestion." Kakashi yawned, and then took out a manga from somewhere and read it happily.

"..." Feng Huo was at a loss for words.

Then he noticed that the cover of the manga in Kakashi's hand had been torn off, and when he saw Kakashi's narrowed right eye, he suddenly felt annoyed.

Feng Huo looked up at the sky, and was sure it would not be eight o'clock in the morning, so he couldn't help feeling: "Kakashi, your kidney...is really good."

"What?" Kakashi asked intently.

"Kakashi, what are you looking at?" Kurenai Yuhi asked curiously at this time, and stretched out her delicate neck to see.

Kakashi paused to avoid Kurenai Yuhi's prying eyes, and said, "Ah, it's just an ordinary ninja manga, you probably won't like it."

Feng Huo was aggrieved, hurriedly pulled Xi Hihong over, and said solemnly: "Hong, stay away from this guy already."

"Why?" Yuhihong certainly couldn't understand.

"Because he... is coquettish!" Feng Huo couldn't say anything, his mouth seemed to be growing moss.

Kakashi snorted twice, but didn't care, just followed along while reading the manga, facing the morning wind and rising sun, yawning twice from time to time, as leisurely as he wanted.

The more Fenghuo walked, the more annoying he felt, and he felt that there were hundreds of lice on his body, jumping up and down, scurrying from left to right, and his whole body was not well.

Yuhihong is a girl after all, she is careful, how can she not understand that Kakashi has something to say to Fenghuo, the three of them happened to pass by a women's clothing store, let Fenghuo and Kakashi wait outside, and then slipped away went in.

Seeing Kurenai Yuhi leave, Kakashi raised his eyelids, put away the manga as expected, and said seriously: "Fenghuo, I have something to tell you."

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen!"

"..." Kakashi's eyes twitched, and a strange feeling rose in his heart: I really want to hit someone.

He suppressed this thought, and said, "In fact, Hokage-sama has appointed me as the captain of the dark section, and I'm recruiting teammates, do you want to come?"

Feng Huo gave him a sideways glance: "No."

"Why?" Kakashi said, "Didn't you also stay in Anbu before? And you are short of money recently. If you join Anbu, the reward for missions will be much higher than ordinary missions."

"Money, money, I know money! I never bowed down for five buckets of rice since I was a child, who do you look down on!" Feng Huo turned his face.

Kakashi just felt baffled, and said, "Then why did you take something valuable from Orochimaru's laboratory?"

"It's not good to do public welfare and charity!" Feng Huo said proudly, "I have been funding an orphanage, so don't look at me with colored eyes."

There is nothing wrong with this statement, Yakushi No Naoyu's orphanage is funded from the dividends of the Konoha newspaper that was sealed off.

"Okay, but, I still hope you can join Anbu." Kakashi felt that today's fire sealing was weird and not suitable for negotiation, and planned to come to him again in two days.

When Yu Hihong came out of the women's clothing store, Feng Huo was the only one left.

"Kakashi is gone?" Yuhihong handed the two bags in her hand to Fenghuo.

"Ah, this guy has too little eyesight, he deserves to be single for the rest of his life!" Feng Huo felt at ease physically and mentally.

"Then let's continue shopping."

In a huge underground space on the border of the Land of Fire, Shin Uchiha is moving his new right arm.

On the night of the Tailed Beast Rebellion, Konoha Shirato Hatake Sakumo chopped off his right arm with a single knife. After returning, Bai Ze used his own cells to help Uchiha Nobu make a new one.

In fact, it is better to use the cells from Senjujuma, but don’t forget that Uchiha Shin’s physique is very special, and he will not reject any tissue transplanted on him. The cells in the room are fused with the sharing eyes, and the sharing eyes are opened, so Uchiha Madara is still playing with wool.

Therefore, whether it is Bai Zee or Hei Ze, they will not give Uchiha credit with the cells of Senju Bashirama.

Of course, Uchiha Shin himself doesn't know this, otherwise, with his gradually expanding ambition, it will inevitably go against Uchiha Madara's established plan.

"Although there is still some discomfort, it has not affected the battle."

Uchiha Shin clenched his right fist, very satisfied with this right arm.

"Of course, this is the cell proliferation that Madara spent years studying." Bai Jue said with a smile.

"But!" Uchiha Shin's Sangoudama Sharingan turned into a kaleidoscope in an instant, his voice was a little dissatisfied, "The sight of these kaleidoscopes has dropped a lot, is there no way to stop it!"

"Even if the light is lost, it will be enough to transplant another pair of Sharingan." Bai Jue said.

"It's too troublesome!" Nobuo Uchiha snorted, "And I'm very satisfied with the two pupil skills of this pair of kaleidoscopes~www.readwn.com~ If I change to a pair of kaleidoscopes, what if the awakened pupil skills are too poor!"

"This is a little troublesome." Bai Jue said that he was helpless.

Uchiha Nobu's eyes suddenly fell on Bai Jue, and his voice was a little excited: "When Uchiha Madara created you, he must have used cell cloning technology, right?"

"No, I don't know." Bai Jue pretended to be stupid.

"That's right, cell cloning, as long as I master this technology, I won't be afraid that the kaleidoscope will lose its light!"

As long as he clones his own pair of kaleidoscope cells, he can get countless pairs of identical kaleidoscopes. If the pair of kaleidoscopes lose their light, he will change a pair, and he will change another pair after they are used up. This is endless, and his kaleidoscope will never be lost. bright!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Shin was so excited.

"That's right, that's it, that's it, cell cloning, Bai Ze, I must learn cell cloning!" Uchiha Shinobu stared at Bai Ze ferociously, his eyes flickering fiercely, looking as if he would tear you apart decisive attitude.

Bai Jue's legs were weak, and he hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, for cell cloning, I know someone has mastered this technology!"

"Who? Who is it?!" Uchiha Shin grabbed Bai Jue's throat and lifted it up.

"It's Orochimaru, Orochimaru!" Bai Jue screamed.

"Oshemaru? Didn't he just defect from Konoha? Hahaha, great!"

Uchiha Shin threw Bai Ze away with a frenzied smile on his face.

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