Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 390: Stones from other hills, can learn

Compared with the temple with its most prosperous incense, the mountain behind the Temple of Fire is as clean as a deep pool, quiet and distant... Uh, if you ignore the screams that come from time to time.

This scream is quite fresh and refined, and it comes from Asma's mouth as soon as it is heard.

Feng Huo stepped quickly, walked through the dense forest, and came to an open grassland, and saw Asma lying on the ground, panting, with a miserable appearance of overfertilization.

In front of him stood a young monk with a bald head. His face was as sharp as a knife and an axe.

As soon as Feng Huo appeared, the monk spotted him, his eyes flashed sharply, his toes pointed, his figure turned into a gust of wind, he punched him, and at the same time he sternly asked, "Who are you!"

Feng Huo felt the sound like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, ringing non-stop in his eardrums. When he came back to his senses, his eyes dimmed, and he saw a fist the size of a casserole hitting his face.

"Banana, you bastard!"

The fire-sealing jump is a roundabout kick.


Fists and kicks hit each other, and the vigor soared, turning into violent air waves and spreading out in all directions, the grass and trees bent their waists, and the gravel flew into the air.

After Fenghuo landed on the ground with his left palm on the ground, his two long legs whirled like a fan, spinning wildly and kicking at the handsome monk.

The man didn't dodge or dodge, his feet stood upright in a horse-like stance, his back was straight, his fists radiated a faint light, and he punched him with one punch after another.

Boom boom boom!

Qi Jin exploded crazily between the two, turning into countless crisscross ripples and spreading around.

At this time, Asma finally got up, seeing this posture, she hurriedly shouted: "Dilu, seal the fire, you two stop!"

Dilu's eyes lit up, and he took advantage of the momentum to close his fist and take a half step back: "You are Uchiha Fenghuo from Konoha Hidden Village?"

"Lu Lu?" Feng Huo raised his eyelids, my good guy, is this the way to open the Twelve Guardian Ninja Warriors?

"Fenghuo, why are you here?" Asma came over with a displeased face, "Did my old man ask you to arrest me?"

"How is it possible? I sincerely want to ask the Buddha to borrow Buddhist scriptures from the abbot Kongshan here." Feng Huo took out a few Buddhist scriptures from the sealed scroll and said, "Look, this is the Buddhist scriptures I borrowed earlier."

Di Lu looked Feng Huo up and down, no matter how he looked at him, he didn't look like a Buddhist believer.

"Is that really the case?" Asma also looked skeptical.

"Tch, believe it or not, I don't need to explain to you, you're crazy." Feng Huo snorted coldly, looked around, "Where's Abbot Kongshan?"

"Master, his old man is in the monastery." Di Lu said, "Benefactor, let me take you to find him."

So easy to talk to?

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, and said, "Okay, let's go."

Lu Lu glanced at Asma and said, "Asma, you should rest here first."

"Ah, I see." Asma walked to the side of Mudun and sat cross-legged, closing his eyes and condensing his chakra.

Feng Huo followed Di Lu and quickly left the dense forest.

"Benefactor, are you here to bring Asma back?" Di Lu asked suddenly.

"Didn't I just say that it's nothing." Feng Huo said.

Di Lu said: "Then it should be Asma's father who asked you to come and see him. In fact, every time I go out of the mountain, my master will worry about me like this."

"What do you want to say?" Feng Huo felt that there was something in his words, and the monk was not good at this, he talked around the bush, and called it "smart tricks", which made people confused.

"Oh, it's nothing." Di Lu sighed and said, "I won't understand even if I tell you about the benefactor."

Feng Huo rolled his eyes.

Having read the original book, what else does he not understand?

Isn't it just like Asma that a famous name in the Land of Fire is enough, what kind of **** Hokage should play glass **** on the sidelines.

It sounds like you want to build socialism, and you are pretending to be a wolf with a big tail.

When he arrived at the front yard, he was introduced by Di Lu, and Feng Huo successfully met the abbot Kong Shan.

"Abbot Kongshan, long time no see, hehe, I'm here to borrow Buddhist scriptures from you." Feng Huo observed Kongshan's reaction with a smile.

"Hey, what is the need for the benefactor, you have no destiny with the Buddha, and it is useless to read more Buddhist scriptures." Abbot Kongshan shook his head slightly, with a look of compassion.

Feng Huo said with a smile: "That may not be true. As the saying goes, if you put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately, a butcher can still become a Buddha with a single thought. What's more, I am always good at fighting injustice, approachable, like a crown jade, and a jade tree facing the wind. There is no reason why I can't make it." Buddha."

The muscles at the corners of Abbot Kongshan's mouth stiffened slightly to show his heart, and when he was about to speak, his eyes froze suddenly: "Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately?"

Feng Huo was also stunned: 'Could it be that there is no such sentence in this world? '

The abbot of Kongshan stood there and began to grind his teeth, and the rosary in his hand was spinning rapidly: "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately..."

"Abbot Kongshan?" Seeing him distracted, Feng Huo hurriedly interrupted his chatter.

"Oh, benefactor, I'm sorry, I was distracted just now." Abbot Kongshan said, "About the Buddhist scriptures, since the benefactor is interested, I can lend you a few more copies."

Hey, what a small mind!

Sealing the fire was all amused.

Under the gaze of Abbot Kongshan, Di Lu came over and asked Fenghuo to choose Buddhist scriptures.

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes, turned and left.

After leaving Abbot Kongshan's meditation room, Feng Huo rolled his eyes, and suddenly asked, "Di Lu, your master should have taught you to greet-Qian Shou Kill, right?"

Di Lu was startled, nodded and said, "Master has already taught me."

"Have you learned it?"

"Of course, I'm a talent of the fairy clan!" A smile appeared on the corner of Di Lu's mouth.

Immortal uncle, you are so stupid, didn't you just read Buddhist scriptures for a few more years!

Feng Huo sneered endlessly. From the old monk Kongshan's reluctance to borrow Buddhist scriptures just now, it can be seen that his previous guess is absolutely correct. The so-called talent of the immortal race is Buddha nature, and it will definitely be cultivated by reading Buddhist scriptures for a few more years.

As for the non-existent thing about talking about the talent of the immortal clan, it is just to avoid the coveting of those who are interested.

In the eyes of the old monk Kongshan, UU reading www. uukanshu.com He Uchiha Fenghuo is a caring person.

Although it was because of Laozi that the old monk Kongshan would welcome the Thousand Hands Killer to Fenghuo, but Kongshan knew that without the corresponding Buddha nature, it was impossible for Fenghuo to learn it, and now Fenghuo borrowed Buddhist scriptures several times, which made him The old monk Kongshan was full of vigilance, for fear that Fenghuo had read too many Buddhist scriptures and would come to us - the Thousand Hands Killing Society. Once the news got out, the Temple of Fire would be in trouble.

After all, Laiying-Thousand Hands Killer is powerful enough to attract wandering ninjas and black market ninjas to flock here.

Thinking of this, Feng Huo was overjoyed, wondering if he could go to the old monk Kongshan to learn about the sealing technique?

You know, in the ninja world, creatures like monks are very proficient in sealing techniques. Although they are not as good as Uzumaki, but stones from other mountains can attack jade, monk's sealing technique may help him master the sealing chain faster!

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