Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 397: raging ai

As soon as Fenghuo's shadow clone approached the cloud ninja camp, he was discovered by the perception ninja on the opposite side.

"Enemy attack!!"

A team of cloud ninjas who were in charge of security immediately surrounded and killed them, and the ninja headed by them was impressively powerful.

"Don't be nervous, don't get excited, put down your weapons, I'm here with sincerity."

Huameinan's No. 1 shadow clone approached with his hands raised, and said loudly, "I want to see your leader Ai!"

"You are…"

Seeing Shulunyan of Fenghuo, the jounin's expression changed, "Uchiha Fenghuo!"

"What? He is Uchiha Fenghuo?"

"Back back, back, this is a master of the same level as Lord Ai and Sir Kirabi!"

"Go and inform Master Ai!"

The shadow of a famous tree, after the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, and several vicious fights with Brother AB, now the daimyo of Fenghuo already possesses a terrifying deterrent force.

More and more cloud ninjas emerged from the big camp, surrounding the No. 1 shadow clone of the handsome flower boy in all directions!

The flower boy No. 1 shadow avatar was very honest, he didn't care about the increasingly tense atmosphere around him, instead he said with a smile: "Everyone, in fact, I am a messenger engaged in the great cause of peace, and I came here this time to bring good news to you. ,for…"


A thunderclap suddenly broke out in the air, interrupting his speech.

In the next moment, a purple thunder light flashed and passed through the body of Flower Boy No. 1 in an instant.


"A mere shadow clone dares to come to my camp to be arrogant!" Ai's body was covered with lightning, and his face was gloomy looking at the shadow clone that turned into a pile of smoke, but his heart sank.

'Sure enough, the Yuki man has fallen into your hands, Uchiha seals the fire! '

As soon as the No. 1 shadow clone of the beautiful boy disappeared, another shadow clone sprang out not far away, and said with a smile: "Ai, you should have guessed why I came to you, right?"

Ai sneered again and again: "Uchiha Fenghuo, you don't even have the courage to meet me now!"

"Don't change the subject, or, do you want to see her dead body?"

"Are you threatening me!" Ai said coldly, "It's a pity that Yun Nin will not accept the task threat! If she dies, it can only be said that her life is over, but those of us who are alive will definitely To avenge her, never die!!"

All the cloud ninjas beside him stood together at this time, their momentum connected, and they looked at the No. 2 shadow clone of the handsome boy with cold eyes.

The flower boy No. 2 shadow avatar is a bit confused at this moment. According to the script given by the ontology, shouldn't Ai be very cooperative and reach a verbal agreement with them, and then set a deal on an auspicious day?

How should he accept this opening method?

Worried about breaking the main body, Huamei Boy No. 2 shadow clone had no choice but to unseal and blew himself up, sending all the memories here back.

In the Konoha camp, Feng Huo received the memory of the shadow clone, his eyebrows twitched, and he sneered in his heart, this Ai is still playing tricks, shameless!

He didn't believe that Ai could really ignore the life and death of the two Yumu people!

He said to Nara Shikoku: "Brother Shikaku, I'm going out for a while."

"be careful!"

"Do not worry."

Leaving the Konoha camp, Fenghuo directly recovered all the shadow clones. According to the memory of the shadow clones, he came to the nearest mountain to the cloud ninja camp, and after finishing the cloud ninja stationed here, Fenghuo came to On the top of the mountain, looking down, you can clearly see the Yunin Camp.

There was a sneer at the corner of Fenghuo's mouth, and Isota's chakra gushed out from his body in an endless stream, directly turning on the tailed beast, and then he opened his mouth, and the chakra that had been condensed to the extreme was slowly condensed like a bubble, turning into a fist The size of the Tailed Beast Jade!

The tailed beast jade exudes a purple-black luster, and the terrifying aura unscrupulously oppresses the surrounding air.


With a roar from Fenghuo, the tailed beast Jade instantly turned into a shooting star and flew from the sky, carrying terror and coercion towards Yunnin's camp!

When the Tailed Beast Jade landed 100 meters above the Cloud Ninja camp, the powerful coercion and the sound of the wind instantly alarmed all Cloud Ninjas in the camp.

"what is that?"

"Tail Beast Jade?!"

"Damn it, it must be Uchiha sealing the fire!"

"Pay attention to concealment!"

Ai's roar overwhelmed the roar of the Tailed Beast Jade for an instant, and then his whole body burst into lightning, he activated the Thunder Shield, and rushed directly into the sky, actually wanting to face the impact of the Tailed Beast Jade!

"Hell stab..." The endless thunder light condensed in Ai's eyes exploded, "A single hand!!"

boom! !

The terrifying explosion turned into a powerful wave of air and exploded with countless fine thunderbolts, like a brightly blooming fireworks!

A part of the buildings in the cloud ninja camp were directly destroyed by the air waves, and even the unlucky ninjas were unable to escape and were blown and rolled by the thunder waves, their skins were torn and their flesh was bruised, and they were in a state of embarrassment!


As the thunder exploded, Ai, who was bathed in the thunder light, slowly descended from the sky. When he saw the tragic situation in the camp, his anger instantly started a prairie fire.

"Uchiha seals the fire!!"

Thunder exploded in the air, and a purple thunder shot towards the mountain where Fenghuo was located.

However, when Ai came to the top of the mountain, what he saw was still just a shadow clone!

The No. 3 shadow clone of the beautiful boy smiled and said: "Ai, of course you can destroy me directly, but you will never stop until the main body achieves your goal. I advise you to calm down."

Ai Yin's face was gloomy, and thunder flashed all over his body.

"Let's make a deal, you two Yumu people, I can return it to you intact, but in exchange, of course you have to pay some price." The flowery boy No. 3 shadow clone smiled.

"Say!" Ai sneered again and again, his tone full of disdain.

"It's your ninjutsu - Lightning Shield!"

"You are so whimsical, hahaha" Ai Yangtian laughed wildly, and the lightning on his body exploded like out of control.

"Even if the two Yumu men are in my hands?" the No. 3 shadow clone of the handsome man squinted his eyes.

"So what?" Ai's momentum rose wildly and exploded like thunder, "If you dare to kill Yumu, I will kill ten thousand Konoha ninjas and bury her with her!"

"What a bursting temper." The third shadow clone of the handsome boy frowned and remained silent.

Ai showed a cruel smile: "This is... Yun Ren!!"


"Thunder Plow Hot Knife!"

With a flash of thunder, Ai cut off the neck of Huamei Boy No. 3 with almost no power to fight back, and instantly disappeared into smoke.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, I know you're here, come out!" Ai wandered around, his tiger eyes glowing with thunder, strafing all suspicious places around.

At this moment, from the dense forest and strange rocks around the top of the mountain, more than a dozen shadow clones of Fenghuo suddenly sprang out, rushing towards Ai with a dull head.

"Heavy storm!!"


Ai concentrated the Lightning Chakra on his elbow, and shattered a shadow clone with his elbow at top speed.

"Wind escape-helix pill!"

"Fire escape-helix pill!"

"Thunder Dungeon - Helix Pill!"

"Fire escape - head hard!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

More than a dozen shadow clones launched a berserk attack in all directions at the same time. In an instant, thunder and fire blazed together, and the strong wind raged like a natural disaster.

"Thunder bombs me!"

Ai braved the berserk attack~www.readwn.com~ so savagely grabbed the two shadow clones at a high height, smashed them down violently, and cooperated with the thunder escape explosion, smashing the two shadow clones again.

At the same time, his body also endured more than a dozen violent ninjutsu attacks in an instant.

Helix pills of various attributes exploded on him, bursting his lightning coat layer by layer!

"Ho Ho!"

Ai Yangtian roared, the thunder light all over his body soared, dazzling like a star, and he forcibly resisted all the ninjutsu including the attribute spiral pill!

"Yi Lei Shen Fu Thunder Axe!!"

In the next moment, in the flash of thunder, Ai appeared in front of a shadow clone again, and directly kicked it down hard. The shadow clone couldn't withstand such a terrifying offensive, and dissipated in an instant. Even the earth sank, countless mud Stone splash, dust fly!

"Get out of here, Uchiha seals the fire!!"

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