Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 400: Troublesome 2 Tail Jinchuriki

The two wooden men were taken as prisoners, but they had excellent treatment that most Konoha ninjas did not have, such as...a separate tent prison?

Unlocking the sealing technique outside the tent, Fenghuo walked in silently.

When arresting the two Yumu people, he made a lot of calculations, but he didn't expect Ai to be so virtuous. He didn't care about her life and death, and directly smashed the abacus of sealing the fire.

Fenghuo is angry, he just punches and kicks when he goes up, and beats Yumuren fat.

Yumuren was also stubborn, gritting his teeth and staring at Fenghuo, without saying a word.

"I have good news for you, you have been abandoned by Yun Nin!" Feng Huoshuang clapped his hands and stood aside, humming.

"It should be that your plot didn't succeed!" You Muren sneered and got up from the ground.

Her chakra and the tailed beast in her body have been sealed by the fire-sealing technique, and her hands and feet are also chained, and the slightest movement makes a tinkling sound.

"Oh? Then you're talking about my conspiracy?" Feng Huo asked with interest.

The wooden man narrowed his eyes, looked at Feng Huo's facial expression, and said, "It's nothing more than coercing us to surrender!"

Fenghuo's expression remained unchanged.

The wooden man's eyelids twitched, and he continued: "Or, what do you want to get from the battlefield... can it be worth your attention..."

Turned from Mu Xin's thoughts, although she is arrogant, she is also extremely intelligent. While observing Feng Huo's face, thoughts flashed through her mind quickly.

"Master Ai's ninjutsu **** burst... no, it's the thunder body!"

Seeing that Feng Huo frowned, the wooden man finally showed a happy smile: "I'm right!"

Feng Huo said in amazement: "It's quite smart, as expected of hellokitty."

"Hmph, you really think too much. The Thunder Dungeon Body is the untold secret of my Yunyin Village. Nothing can compare to its value!" Yu Muren said proudly.

"Even if it's the cat inside you?" Feng Huo teased, "After all, you are worthless."

Yukito was furious: "Uchiha Fenghuo, you bastard!"

"But what I'm in trouble with now is how to deal with the cat in your body." Feng Huo sneered, "Should I extract it and put it in the Cloud Ninja camp, or send you directly to Yanyin Village?"

The face of the wooden man changed drastically.

Of these two possibilities, if the first one is the case, once the tailed beast is extracted, she will surely die as a Renzhuli.

But the second possibility is even more terrifying. Judging from the hatred between Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village, once she is sent to Yanyin Village, she will lose her freedom for the rest of her life, and will be kept as a prisoner by Yanren in Xiaohei for the rest of her life. In the house, the sun never sees!

Yumuren was unwilling and wronged, his eyes were red with anxiety.

"Aren't you very smart just now? Come on, come on, think of any way to save yourself?" Feng Huo said with a faint smile.

Facing Fenghuo's teasing, the wooden man was so angry and wronged that he trembled all over.

She opened her mouth to say something, but finally gritted her teeth and turned around without saying another word.

"Hey, say something?" Feng Huo patted her on the shoulder.

You took two steps forward from the wooden man, avoiding the salty pig's hand that sealed the fire.

Fenghuo walked over quietly, and when the wooden man heard the sound, he immediately took two steps forward, facing Fenghuo all the time.

Although she gritted her teeth tightly, there was still the slightest sob.

When the fire was turned off, his scalp felt numb.

Why are you still crying?

As a prisoner, don't you have any psychological preparation?

Feng Huo shook his head, turned and left the tent, and then sealed the tent.

In an instant, the crying in the tent suddenly became louder.

Yukito is proud, but after all, he is only fifteen years old, facing the threat of death and life-long imprisonment, his mentality is finally overwhelmed.

Feng Huo felt that she was pitiful, so he didn't add insult to injury, but he would never let her go just because he was pitiful.

This girl has a proud mind, and after this catastrophe, her heart will definitely become stronger. If she let her go, she will never be grateful, but will take even more revenge on him, and even the entire Fire Nation society!

Stop the fire and don't do stupid things.

So, really kill her and send Erwei to the cloud ninja camp?

Doing this seems to make Yun Nin feel overwhelmed, but when Ai suppresses Erwei, he can choose another Jinzhuri, and he can even be Jinzhuri himself!

At that time, Ai's strength will be even more terrifying!

So Fenghuo won't do that either.

So, stay in Konoha?

Fenghuo thought of the rock in his body.

At the beginning, he dared to seal the three-tailed yang attribute into his body because he had read the original work and knew that Wuyin Village would fall into civil strife and kill each other after the defeat, and his strength would be greatly damaged. It has been closed to the country for a long time, so he dared to do this.

The situation in Yunyin Village is different.

First of all, looking at the three wars, Yunyin Village's strength is definitely the most perfectly preserved, and there is no one.

Secondly, although there is a hint of division within Yunyin Village due to the election of the fourth generation head, if it is reported that he left Erwei in Konoha, all internal contradictions in Yunyin Village will definitely be transformed into external conflicts. At that time, Eight-tailed Jinzhu Riki Rabbi will definitely bring thousands of cloud ninjas to the Land of Fire!

Therefore, you can't leave Yumuren in Konoha!

In this way, it is logical that the disaster will be diverted to the east, and the wooden man will be sent to Yanyin Village.

Feng Huo found Nara Shikahisa and told him his decision.

Nara Shikaku pondered and said: "Send Erwei Jinchuriki to Yanyin Village... But what if Iwanin kills Jinchuriki directly and replaces them as Renchuriki? In this way, their strength is bound to increase greatly. The threat is greater."

Feng Huo didn't see it that way, and said: "Yanyin Village and Yunnin Village had already formed a relationship in World War II. During World War III, the old man of the third generation of Tsuchikage Onoki killed the third generation of Raikage. This hatred is even greater. Killing the wooden man and replacing him with his own man Churiki will definitely anger Kumo Shinobi!"

Fenghuo analyzed the situation in the ninja world. Konoha has already formed an alliance with Sand Hidden Village. If Yan Ninja completely angered Yun Ninja, Konoha can form an alliance with Yun Yin Village to attack the land of earth. With the support of Sand Hidden Village, how about Yan Hidden Village? One against three?

Therefore, Tsuchikage Ohnoki would never do such a stupid thing~www.readwn.com~ Nara Shikahisa still shook his head: "Although what you say makes sense, if you really plan to send Ninao Jinchuriki to Iwa Hidden Village must be approved by three generations."

Yan Yin Village is not a good bird, no matter how reasonable the closure of the fire is, there may be accidents, so it is the safest way to consult Sarutobi Hiruzen.

What else can I do to seal the fire? I can only agree.

When Lu Jiu sent the information back, Yun Nin's offensive became more and more fierce.

Ai led people to kill Konoha's camp several times, and he was like a broken bamboo, causing huge damage to Konoha with his terrifying speed!

Konoha couldn't stop Ai, so he could only stop killing with killing, fighting with Yun Nin to consume.

Of course, Fenghuo is not idle. Every time there is a battle, all the shadow clones will be dispatched. Ten shadow clones will kill Yunnin, and ten shadow clones will deal with Ai. See more about the mysteries of Thunder Shield.

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