Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 404: please start your show

The Country of Grass is a small country surrounded by the four countries of Fire Country, Earth Country, Rain Country, and Taki Country. Its domestic politics are corrupt, but fortunately, there is a small Kusanagi Village to support it, so that the country will not be in danger of being destroyed. .

Grass Ninja Village is a small ninja village, but the ninjas in the village are good at learning, especially keen on studying ninjutsu from other countries, so they are often active in other countries, and at the same time they also collect information, so that the country of grass can protect itself again and again.

Recently, a strange ninja came out of Cao Ninja Village. He has a strange yin and yang face, and there are huge and ferocious saw-toothed leaves on both sides of his head. It looks very intrusive, but after contact He has a surprisingly good temper.

Someone asked him where he came from, and he said that he was a ninja from Kusanagi Village, but when he was young, he went to other countries to study ninjutsu, and he turned himself into a human, a ghost, and wasted Came back after a while.

Naturally, other ninjas couldn't believe his words, but after in-depth questioning, he found that he still answered fluently and knew everything about the village. He could never be a spy of other ninjas or a wandering ninja. The ninjas in Grass Ninja Village gradually accepted him.

It didn't take long for Jue to become famous in Kusunin village with his excellent reconnaissance skills, and with the activeness of Kusunin, his name spread to neighboring countries.

In the end, it caught the attention of Nagato and Konan!

If you want to implement Nagato's plan and monopolize the wars of major countries, this is not a trivial matter. You must first have enough information, so scouting ninjas are essential, and excellent scouting ninjas in the ninja world meet their requirements and can be recruited Yes, there is currently only one unique!

So Xiaonan decided to go out immediately!

"I'll go with you." Nagato was a little worried.

"It's fine for me to go alone, after all, the other party is just a scout ninja." Xiao Nan said.

"But you..." Nagato hesitated.

"Don't treat me like paper just because I use paper escape." Xiao Nan said solemnly, "Let me complete this task alone!"

Nagato was struggling, he wasn't worried about Xiao Nan's safety, but Xiao Nan and her...

Since Yahiko's death, Xiaonan has been silent a lot, and he has gradually dismissed all the members of the Akatsuki organization, and Xiaonan has no one to chat with him, and as time goes by...

Forget it, just take it as a gamble.

"Okay." Nagato nodded, "Be careful."

The Country of Rain is adjacent to the Country of Grass. It took Xiaonan only two days to reach the vicinity of Grass Ninja Village. At the same time, Jue also spotted Xiaonan through the ubiquitous clone.

"finally come."

A sneer appeared on Jue's yin and yang face.

"Please start your performance." Bai Juexi smiled.

"Shut up, you bastard, don't cause trouble for me!" Hei Jue said coldly.

"Whispering!" Bai Jue snorted, "Don't forget that this body is mine!"

"Do you have the ability to get rid of my control?" Hei Jue said disdainfully.

He is the product of Otsutsuki Kaguya's will, his possession involves yin and yang escape, ordinary people can't even think about getting rid of his possession control!

Bai never believed in evil, tried to resist for a while, then struggled again, and finally stopped talking with half of his face in mourning.

At this time, pieces of paper floated from the sky, dancing in the air beside Jue, the dance became more and more anxious, and finally collided with each other to reveal a delicate and tall figure.

Xiao Nan was wearing a coat with a black background and red clouds, her purple hair was **** in a bun, and a paper flower was inserted, which made her look even more cool.

At this time, her eyes were indifferent, staring straight at Jue.

"You must be the best." Xiao Nan said lightly, "I am Xiao Nan."

"What's the matter?" Hei Jue controlled his body, and his facial expression gave off a subtle feeling that I was surprised but I was still ho1d in the end.

Xiao Nan didn't doubt him, and said: "This is not a place to talk, come with me."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Nan swayed in the wind, turning into flying pieces of paper and drifting away into the distance.

The muscles on the left side of Bai Jue's face tugged: "Hey, is this guy really here to recruit us? Isn't he sincere?"

Heijue said angrily: "Bastard, didn't I tell you to shut up!"

"Hey, I see, it's really long-winded!"

Afterwards, Jue's body sank into the ground, and he chased the piece of paper to a corner of Cao Ninja Village.

Xiao Nan showed her body, looked around but there was no sign of him.

The next moment, two huge jagged leaves suddenly drilled out from under her feet.

With a move of her finger, the sharp pieces of paper shot out immediately, but then she reacted absolutely, and with a wave of her delicate hand, the sharp pieces of paper suddenly turned into soft pieces of paper, floating and falling freely in the wind .

"Is there something wrong?" Jue drilled out of the ground, still saying the same thing.

"Join Xiao!" Xiao Nan said straight to the point.

Even Hei Jue couldn't control his facial expression now.

This guy, don't talk about sincerity, he doesn't even have the most basic negotiating skills!

If it wasn't for his plan to sneak into Akatsuki, the ghost would be willing to talk to her!


If you agree directly, will it arouse suspicion because you are too straightforward?

Hei Ze slandered why Nagato sent her here, and at the same time he was thinking about how to follow the words perfectly without revealing his intentions.

Seeing that Xiao Nan never said a word, he said again: "Xiao can fulfill all your wishes!"

Hei Jue felt relieved, and said with a sneer: "Even if it is to destroy the world?"

Xiao Nan nodded in a hurry. She was still a little worried that she would not be able to succeed. Now it seems that it is very simple!

After half the payment, the atmosphere at the scene once again fell into embarrassment.

Hei Jue as a whole, no, both of them are bad (Hei Jue and Bai Jue).

You should say something!

If you don't speak, it's embarrassing for me!

But in the end, seeing Xiao Nan's expression of not wanting to talk anymore, Hei Jue compromised.

"Okay, I agree."

Xiao Nan showed a smile: "Then, please come with me."

"..." Heijue: I will bear it!

Bai Jue: I can bear it too!

Absolutely leaving, did not cause any shock in Kusunin Village. After all, he was just a scout ninja with no other specialties. He did not make friends with anyone in Kusunin Village, so no one mentioned him after two days.

And Jue, he also followed Xiao Nan to the Akatsuki organization base in the Land of Rain, the ruined city bathed in the rain!

Uchiha Shin was defeated by Nagato in this city and fled like a lost dog.

"Let's go." Holding a paper umbrella, Xiao Nan walked into the city step by step.

Jue kept looking around, the rainwater flowed down the sawtooth leaves on both sides of his head, avoiding his head perfectly.

"This city~www.readwn.com~ is already in ruins, why did you put the organization here?" Jue asked.

Xiao Nan didn't turn his head back and kept talking, heading north all the way.

Bai Jue was so angry that he couldn't help it.

Fortunately, they soon met the puppet of the master of the city... Penn Liudao!

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