Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 407: The attitude of sealing the fire

In less than a month, the monitoring department was operating in an orderly manner, and the two groups of members monitoring Danzo and Uchiha also sent back a steady stream of news, of course, most of them were useless information.

As for the members of the three groups who went to neighboring countries to find traces of Orochimaru, nothing has been found so far.

Of course, Yoshida Shoichi, who attracted Fenghuo's attention the most, also entered the root smoothly on the grounds that he was squeezed out by Uchiha Fenghuo!

Although Yoshida Shoichi left the root very early, but just as Feng Huo thought, Yoshida Shoichi entrapped him for the old master Danzo in the third war, which shows that Danzo's status in his heart is much higher than Sarutobi Hiruza Or Hatake Sakumo, this kind of loyalty can never be a hot-headed shave, so Fenghuo has reason to believe that Danzo trusts Yoshida Masaichi very much, and even Yoshida Masaichi left the root and entered Anbu under the instigation of Danzo !

Within a few days, Fenghuo went to check the acceptance work, found Yoshida Masaichi, and asked him to look up the information about Yaoshidou.

After the roots were disbanded, those root spies who were wandering outside completely lost contact. It has been a long time since there was any news from the pharmacist pocket.

Yoshida Masaichi was in a very bad mood. He had only entered the root for a few days, and Uchiha Fenghuo asked him for information. If things went on like this, he might be taken care of by Danzo in less than half a year.

But with the curse on his body, he had no choice but to obey orders.

Fortunately, the information in Yaoshi's bag was not top secret, so he found it easily.

But unfortunately, the information on Yaoshidou was no longer updated half a year ago. After asking, I found out that Yaoshidou had been snatched away by Orochimaru, and completely lost contact with Genbu!

Feng Huo was a little bit embarrassed, but Yao Shidou finally embarked on the path of the original book against the sky.

He is not worried about the safety of the pharmacist's pocket, the only thing that worries him is that he doesn't know if the warmth he sent before will leave traces in the pharmacist's pocket, if not, his kaleidoscope may have to find another way.

After that, sealing the fire allowed Yoshida Masaichi to stay at the root with peace of mind.

The next day, Uchiha Shisui finally entered Anbe.

Of course, at present he does not have an Anbu number, so he can only be regarded as a peripheral member.

When Uchiha Shisui entered Anbu, his face was expressionless, and it could be seen that he was not in a good mood.

It's not that Uchiha Shisui was unwilling, but when Sarutobi Hiruzen invited him to join Anbu more than a month ago, this incident caused a huge shock within the Uchiha clan. Uchiha Fugaku and the elders of the clan even held a meeting A meeting of the elders was held to discuss the pros and cons of this matter for Uchiha.

After discussing for a full month, Uchiha finally agreed to Uchiha Shisui's entry into Anbu.

In this case, Fenghuo can also think with his little finger that Uchiha Shisui must have some family mission when he enters Anbu.

Feng Huo is very glad that he got out of this quagmire early, otherwise, with his temperament, it would be impossible not to be forced to rebel by Uchiha.

Therefore, putting himself in the shoes of others, sealing the fire did not allow Uchiha Shisui to come into contact with any useful confidential information, lest he be caught between the village and the family and be difficult to be a man.

This is indeed the case. In the first few days after entering Anbu, every time Uchiha Shisui went home, he would be called away by Uchiha Fujigake in the name of Uchiha Itachi. The name was to cultivate a relationship with Itachi, but in fact it was to interrogate Anbe intelligence.

Uchiha Shisui didn't come into contact with any secrets, so naturally he had nothing to explain, which made him thank Fenghuo from the bottom of his heart.

Within two days, Fenghuo couldn't stay idle.

Danzo is an old fox. It is very difficult to catch him when the roots are recovering. Instead of wasting time, it is better to get out of Konoha and track Orochimaru!

At this time, the three teams of the Ministry of Supervision discovered an abandoned secret research institute by the seaside of Tanokuni!

Feng Huo received the news and called Uchiha Shisui overnight, and rushed towards Tian Zhiguo!

The reason why I brought Uchiha Shisui was for my own safety.

Although Uchiha Shisui is smaller than Fenghuo, his illusion and instant body skills are already very powerful, and Fenghuo guesses that Uchiha Shisui also opened a kaleidoscope during World War Three. In this way, who in the entire ninja world can resist The combination of him and Uchiha Shisui?

Nor can the AB brothers.

Unless Payne is in person.

Uchiha Shisui also readily agreed, without any displeasure.

In the past few days, he has had a hard time. The heavy responsibility of the family was pressed on his shoulders by Uchiha Fugaku's clever words, which made him breathless. He wished for the opportunity to leave.

Leaving Konoha, the two went directly over the mountains and ridges, and rushed to Tian Zhiguo with the shortest distance.

In a dense forest, Uchiha Shisui suddenly said: "Fenghuo, sometimes I really envy you."

"Call the captain."

"...captain." Uchiha Shisui laughed.

"What envy me? I have a beautiful girlfriend?" Feng Huo joked.

"...That's right." Uchiha Shisui sighed, "Actually, I can guess the reason why Anbu established the monitoring department."

While walking quickly, Feng Huo glanced at him sideways, and said with a smile: "I have tried my best to keep you away from those core secrets, why do you still have such an expression?"

** is an honest person, who only writes down good deeds in a small notebook, and Feng Huo, is an honest and honest person, who has done good deeds and tells the other party face to face that you owe me a favor.

This is true for Yakushito, and so is Uchiha Shisui.

"Of course I am very grateful to you. However, the patriarch let me stand on the side of the family, alas." Uchiha Shisui looked very tangled.

"Without a country, where is a home?" Feng Huo pretended to be forceful, "I realized the truth early on, so that I can stand tall and see far."

Uchiha Shisui was stunned, as if he was recalling this wise saying of Fenghuo.

"Without a country, where is a home..."

Feng Huo said: "Of course, this is just my personal understanding, just listen to it, don't take it seriously."

There are some things that Fenghuo has been trying to change, such as the death of Maitedai, such as the Nine-Tails Rebellion, some succeeded, some failed, and some things, such as the death of Uchiha Shisui, such as the Uchiha Extermination, The attitude of sealing the fire is to let nature take its course.

After all, he is not the Virgin Mary, he will not save anyone he sees, he is not that great.

He is just an ordinary person ~www.readwn.com~ with his own feelings and selfishness.

Just like Danzo, Danzo has done a lot of practical things for Konoha, and he has made a lot of contributions. In the previous life, many Naruto fans still think that Danzo is remarkable, and endorse and whitewash Danzo in the major comment areas , Fenghuo occasionally sees it and likes it.

But when he came to the world of Hokage, Danzo made trouble for him several times, and even "killed" Namikaze Minato and Kushina who had been taking care of him. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, if you find a chance, I will kill you, there is no negotiating!

This is his attitude.

People respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot.

People bully me once, I will draw circles and curse you every day!

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