Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 412: My name is Uchiha Rake

"The geography of this country is really strange."

Looking at the waterfall with a drop of more than ten meters in front of me, it is amazing to seal the fire.

Along the way, they have encountered more than a dozen such waterfalls. Each waterfall has a drop of more than ten meters. The violent water seems to fall from the nine heavens, rumbling down, and hitting the water with a huge roar.

Uchiha Shisui said: "Because it is a coastal country with abundant water vapor and abundant rainfall, there are constant waterfalls all year round. However, it is surprising that there are so many waterfalls."

The two moved forward and encountered several villages along the way. After some inquiries, they did not get any information about Konoha Ninja and Orochimaru.

"Could it be that Orochimaru is in the Land of Rain?" Uchiha Shisui felt that this possibility was the greatest.

After the end of the third Ninja World War, the Land of Rain, the battleground of fire, earth, and wind, did not restore peace. For some reason, the leader of the country's Rain Ninja Village, known as the demigod of the Ninja World, Sanshoyu Hanzo suddenly He disappeared in a short time, which directly led to wandering ninjas, black market ninjas, ninjas from the five major countries, and native ninjas from the Land of Rain fighting for the leadership of this country!

This chaotic situation is like a huge swamp, mixed with fish and snakes, it is most suitable for characters like Orochimaru to hide!

Feng Huo traveled far and wide, and seemed not to have heard Uchiha Shisui's words.

"Captain, captain?" Uchiha Shisui patted Feng Huo on the shoulder, waking him up, "What are you thinking?"

"Huh? Well, yes." Feng Huo's eyes glowed. He was distracted just now because he suddenly remembered that in the original book, there is a holy object in Taki Ninja Village. It's called Hero Water. After drinking it, it can increase the chakra by ten times!

As the saying goes, the virtuous people live there, and Feng Huo, who has always stood at the highest point of morality in the ninja world, feels that he should drink some hero water.

Then he remembered the yang attribute Sanwei in his body.

If Sanwei drank the hero water, his chakra would increase tenfold...

Fenghuo felt a burst of heat in his heart!

"The captain also thinks Orochimaru is in the Land of Rain?" Uchiha Shisui said excitedly.

Feng Huo clenched his fists: "It's such a happy decision!"

"Then let's go to the Land of Rain immediately!" Uchiha Shisui said.

"What the hell? Who said we're going to the Land of Rain." Feng Huo turned to look at him strangely.

Uchiha Shisui was stunned: "Captain, you... were you listening to me just now?"

"Don't care about these details!" Feng Huo waved his hands and smiled, "Let's go, let's go to Longin Village first."

Uchiha Shisui was speechless.

But who made Feng Huo the captain?

There is a friendly relationship between Takinobu Village and Konoha Hidden Village, so after showing their identities, Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui were invited by a Takinobu to visit Takinobu Village.

Takinobu Village is located behind the largest waterfall in Takino Country, and its location is very hidden. In addition, there are so many messy and criss-crossed waterfalls along the way. It is no wonder that Takinobu Village has not been breached by other Ninja Villages for so many years.

Because Feng Huo and Uchiha Shisui are not very old, the leader of Taki Ninja Village did not come forward in person, but sent a young ninja of about the same age to entertain them.

This ninja is called Shisha, and he has the special strength of being a ninja. He is a genius ninja of Taki Ninja Village, so he looks a little arrogant and disdains the ninja from Konoha, but when he saw Fenghuo's Sharingan, his eyes A flash of greed suddenly flashed.

"It turned out to be a ninja from the Uchiha clan, welcome to Taki Ninja Village."

Shisha squinted his eyes, hiding the desire in his eyes, and then warmly entertained Feng Huo and the others.

Sharingan is famous in the ninja world because of Fenghuo's outstanding performance in the Battle of Kikyo Mountain. Shisha suddenly saw Fenghuo's Sharingan, and his hormones went crazy, and he didn't even bother to ask his name.

Uchiha Shisui tugged at Fenghuo's sleeve, and gave him a look that you understand.

Feng Huo rolled his eyes angrily.

I blame myself when I said it, too honestly, after I turned on the kaleidoscope, I kept driving the Sangouyu, regardless of whether it was Uchiha Fugaku or Uchiha Shisui, they all made a fortune in silence, pretending to be pigs and eating tigers.


So don't give a good face.

Uchiha Shisui was baffled, and he kindly reminded him, why was his eyes rolled?

After Shisha arranged a place for Fenghuo and the others, he asked: "The two of you are here in our village this time, are you here for tourism or for business?"

"Travel, haha, I heard that the scenery of Takinobu Village is very beautiful, I have wanted to visit it for a long time, no, I will come as soon as I have time." Feng Huo said with a smile.

Shisha's eyes lit up: "If that's the case, then let me be your guide. I grew up here and am very familiar with the scenery here. Both of you have a rest for a day. I'll take you on a tour tomorrow!"

"Okay." Feng Huo smiled until his eyes rolled.

"By the way, I don't know the names of the two of you yet." When Shisha left, he finally remembered that he hadn't asked their names.

Feng Huo rushed in front of Uchiha Shisui and said: "My name is Uchiha Rake, he is Shuizhi."

"So that's how it is." Shisha felt that Fenghuo's name was a bit weird, Haki? What the hell?

When Shisha left, Uchiha Shisui asked in wonder: "Captain, what exactly do you want to do? Didn't we come to find Orochimaru? Why did it become a tourist, and this is called Shisha Ninja, to your Sharingan No good intentions."

"It's called rake." Feng Huo said seriously.

"..." Uchiha Shisui opened his mouth, unable to utter a cry.

"Forget it, call me Captain." Feng Huo said without forcing, "Tracking Orochimaru is very important, but what we are encountering now is also very important~www.readwn.com~ Don't ask, just look at it gone."

"It's... okay."

"It's not too late, let's go, let's go out for a stroll." Feng Huo took the lead to go out.

Taki Ninja Village is also a ninja village after all, so there are still a lot of people here. There are various shops on the street with a variety of goods. It seems that the villagers in this village are living well.

At the same time, the hookah also started to act at this time.

As a genius, at a young age, he was already a very ninja hookah, and he was not satisfied with his own strength, especially after hearing the battle of Kikyo Mountain, where the fire was sealed off, he was so itchy that he wished to replace him with his own body. So naturally, he began to covet the village's sacred water of heroes!

The water of heroes is holy water obtained from a giant tree every hundred years. Drinking the holy water can increase the chakra tenfold, which is extremely precious!

It took Shisha several years just to confirm the hiding place of the Water of Heroes!

Moreover, the leader of Taki Ninja Village also set a powerful seal on the Water of Heroes, which cannot be broken with the strength of Shisha!

But when Fenghuo and Zhishui came, he had a bold idea in his heart!

"Sharingan, Water of Heroes, these two things are mine!"

The greed in Hookah's eyes is like a monster that chooses to eat people, and is crazily devouring his heart.

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