Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 414: holy tree

The sacred chakra tree was brought by Kaguya Otsutsuki from outside the sky. It is the root of all chakras in the world and is unique.

To put it simply, this ninja world did not have Chakra at all before the Chakra God Tree came.

So the question is, why can the heroic water born from the giant tree in front of me increase its chakra by ten times?

Is this giant tree really related to the Chakra sacred tree?

Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui came under the giant tree smoothly under the leadership of Shisha.

Approaching the shade of the giant tree, Feng Huo suddenly had the illusion of turning into an ant, because the tree was really too big.

"What a miracle!" Uchiha Shisui exclaimed.

"It is said that every hundred years, this giant tree will give birth to holy water, and taking it can increase the amount of chakra tenfold!" Shisha stared at the giant tree with shining eyes.

The legend is naturally true, but a hundred years is too long, let alone Taki Ninja Village, even if you look at the whole ninja world, it is impossible for anyone to live to be a hundred years old, and even if you can, that person cannot stay in this tree all the time. The water of heroes waiting in front of the giant tree once every hundred years!

Only the leader of Longin Village, who has been passed down from generation to generation, knows the exact date of the birth of the Water of Heroes. Every hundred years, the leader of Takinoshi Village will collect the Water of Heroes, and then...seal it! When a strong enemy appeared in Taki Ninja Village, they were willing to give a little to be taken by others. They were extremely stingy!

Thinking of such a powerful Heroic Water being "ruined" in this way, Shisha suffered a lot in his heart. He wished to directly kill the current leader of Takinobu Village, She Yue, and replace him. Conquer neighboring countries, expand the territory, and finally unify the entire ninja world!

The more Shisha thought about it, the more excited he became, and he couldn't contain his excitement.

Beside, Fenghuo gently poured Chakra into the ground through the soles of his feet, and used Chakra perception to detect the giant tree.

Being able to strengthen chakra ten times, this giant tree is definitely not easy.

Chakra Perception is a kind of perception ninjutsu to perceive Chakra, but in Fenghuo, Chakra Perception has gradually evolved towards "radar", and wherever his Chakra passes, it will be in his mind Build a 'real-time map' of the same scale, and it is a 3D version!

Feng Huo gently closed his eyes, and with the spread of chakra, he built a map of the underground world in his mind. In the gloomy and dark soil underground, countless huge tree roots were intertwined, as ferocious and thick as a horned dragon!

At this time, the chakra in Fenghuo's body was not enough, so he hurriedly borrowed some from Isoto.

Chakra continued to spread along these tree roots until it went deep into the ground for nearly a thousand meters, and came to the end of the tree roots, but still found nothing unusual.

what happened?

Am I thinking too much?

Feng Huo opened his eyes, a little confused.

Uchiha Shisui had already walked around the giant tree, his palm covered the rough bark surface of the giant tree, and exclaimed: "This tree must have existed for more than a thousand years, it's amazing!"

Feng Huo also stepped forward, stretched out his salty pig hands up and down, touched the giant tree vigorously, and poured chakra into the giant tree at the same time, but unfortunately he still didn't find it.

He was a little discouraged.

"Hookah, can you go up and have a look?" Uchiha Shisui asked.

Shisha squinted his eyes and said softly, "Of course."

After Feng Huo heard the words, he immediately covered the soles of his feet with chakra, and stepped on the huge tree trunk to walk upwards.

At the same time, Taki Shinobi Anbe, who was watching from a distance, stared out his eyes: "Damn it, he actually climbed the holy tree of the village. Didn't the hookah guy stop him?"

Just at this time, Shisha turned his head and looked over, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, with a helpless expression that I persuaded them but they didn't listen to me, and I couldn't help them.

At this time, Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui had come to the first branch of the giant tree, and further up, there were more densely woven branches, like a huge spider web.

"It's strange, there are no birds on this tree." Uchiha Shisui was careful, and quickly discovered the abnormality.

According to the rules of nature, the more luxuriant the foliage, the more it can attract birds to live in. It stands to reason that there should be countless birds, insects, and snakes on such a huge tree, but now they can't see a single tree. Birds, some violate the rules of nature.

"Could it be Taki Ninja who drove away the birds?" Feng Huo asked.

"Even if it can drive away birds, what about insects?" Uchiha Shisui asked back.

Feng Huo said: "This tree must be weird!"

Uchiha Shisui suddenly looked at Fenghuo seriously, and asked, "Captain, the purpose of your coming to Takinobu Village is actually the water of heroes, right?"

There is nothing to hide, Feng Huo has always been open and aboveboard in his work, and said: "Actually, it's just a side trip. You know, it's mainly to check for the traces of Orochimaru."

Uchiha Shisui said with a bitter face: "But Captain, have you ever thought about Taki Shinobi's attitude? From the legend of Shisha, it can be inferred that the hero's water is very important to Taki Shinobi, and they will only do it when the village is in crisis. Ken took out the water of heroes and took it. If we really **** the water of heroes, Taki Shinobi will never give up!"

"I know, I know." Feng Huo hated Uchiha Shisui's words the most, and always felt that he was brainwashed by him, and then he used perception to explore the canopy on the top of the giant tree.

"Also, Captain, the relationship between our village and Taki Ninja Village has always been very friendly. If there is a rift between the two Ninja Villages because of the heroic water, then..." Uchiha Shisui said again.

Fenghuo’s head is getting bigger, he is performing Chakra Perception, Uchiha Shisui keeps nagging, he can’t calm down, it’s like doing a math problem, thinking about the process of solving the problem, the students next to him beep beep beep beep It's not over~www.readwn.com~ My heart is stuck!

"I was wrong, it's okay if I was wrong, please hold back your words." Feng Huo said with a bitter face.

Uchiha Shisui then shut up and turned his gaze to the giant tree.

At this time, Chakra, who had sealed the fire, had rushed to the top of the giant tree along the trunk.

Then, he noticed something unusual.

At the same time, in the sealed space within Fenghuo's body, Sanwei Isota also poked his head out, his one-eyed eyes showing solemnity.

Just at this time, the shout of hookah came from under the giant tree.

"Captain, Shisha is calling us to go down." Uchiha Shisui said.

"That's it." Feng Huo thought for a while, the secret of this giant tree might not be unraveled in a short time, why not go back now, and come over quietly to find out at night!

When they got down the tree, they saw Shisha looking at them with a wry smile, and said, "You two, I'm sorry, this giant tree is the sacred tree of our village, it would be bad if people saw it."

When Feng Huo heard it hehehe, he was so anxious now, why didn't he say it just now?

Feng Huo's eyes moved, and he suddenly remembered the two Taki Shinobu Anbe who had been following and monitoring them since last night.

Could it be that Shisha did this on purpose? Want to cause misunderstanding between Taki Shinobu Anbe and us?

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