Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 423: don't worry about my safety

After closing the Sharingan, Feng Huo and Uchiha Shisui disguised themselves as wandering ninjas, and entered the Land of Rain in coir raincoats.

The heavy rain was like a waterfall, and the road was muddy. The two of them walked with one foot deep and one shallow foot. Although they were wearing coir raincoats, they still couldn't stop the erosion of the heavy rain, especially when sealing the fire. The glasses wipe off the water stains on the lenses, otherwise you will not be able to see the road ahead at all.


Take off your glasses?

That's even worse.

Since the awakening of Kaleidoscope, Fenghuo has fought everywhere with these eyes, such as AB Brothers, Three Generations Tsuchikage, Four Tails Jinchuriki, he has all fought hard, and he is famous in the ninja world in the Battle of Kikyo Mountain.

Behind this huge reputation is his kaleidoscope sharing eyes that are close to blindness.

Without glasses, in this heavy rain, he would directly lose the north, south, east, west, up, down, left, and right.

"Captain, why don't I carry you on my back." Uchiha Shisui stretched out his friendly little hand.

Feng Huo slapped the boat of friendship away: "Fuck off, no need, let's play!"

Uchiha Shisui shook his head and smiled wryly.

This rain lasted for three days and three nights without stopping. After walking for two days, Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui were completely wet. In the end, Fenghuo gave up on himself, took off his coir raincoat, and hurried on the road in the heavy rain .

Wait until the rain slowly ends, shut off the fire, oh, he's fine, Shisui Uchiha caught a cold.

"I said, obviously I took off my coir raincoat and got caught in the heavy rain, so why did you catch a cold in the end?"

After the heavy rain, the sky seldom showed a ray of clearness, with a faint sunshine pouring down, sealing the fire like drying salted fish, putting Uchiha Shisui on a rock to dry, and he built a fire next to the rock, and put the clothes on his body Toast dry.

"Captain, it's because your physical fitness is better than mine." Uchiha Shisui lay on the rock, basking in the sun with only a trace of warmth, and coughed twice from time to time.

There is nothing wrong with what he said. The Uchiha clan mainly relies on Xueji Jijie Sharingan. Who is full enough to support the practice of body skills, let alone follow Mite Dai for several years like Fenghuo? Devil Death Trained.

Although the eight doors of Dunjia Fenghuo can only be opened to three doors, it is undeniable that his physical fitness has been trained by Maitedai ​​to be quite abnormal. The usual rain and soaking in water should not make him catch a cold at all.

"Captain, I'm sorry, I have troubled you."

Although he has already taken medicine, it will obviously take a few days to recover. Uchiha Shisui smiled bitterly, "This is the first time I have encountered such weather."

Feng Huo said: "It's not bad, I think that when I fought in the two battlefields of the Kingdom of Rain, I encountered worse weather than this."

With that said, Feng Huo took out the map and looked at where the two were.

"The village closest to us..." Fenghuo stared at the map hard, sighed, "It seems that it was wiped out by sand ninja during World War Three."

During the Three World Wars, the Land of Rain was the battleground of the Three Kingdoms. Under the destruction of the Ninja Army of the Three Kingdoms, many villages disappeared, and many new villages were established. The map that sealed the fire is obviously outdated.

"You stay here to bask in the sun first, and I'll go look around."

Fenghuo left the No. 1 shadow clone of the beautiful boy, and then the main body left quickly, using Chakra perception to check the surroundings, and luckily found a small village ten miles to the west.

Multiple shadow clones have a characteristic, that is, after one of the shadow clones dies, his memory will not only be passed on to the main body, but also to other shadow clones.

Feng Huo couldn't be bothered to run back, so he summoned the No. 2 Kage clone of Huamei Nan, and then beat him up. Not long after, the No. 1 Kage clone of Huamei Boy arrived with Shisui Uchiha on his back.

"Captain, you found the village." Uchiha Shisui's complexion was still ugly, but at least he got a little sun and carried out a rare photosynthesis. As long as he doesn't get rained again, he should get better soon.

"That's right, this village is not shown on the map. It should have been established after the Third World War. Let's go, have a rest and eat some meat."

Speaking of traveling these days, they can only eat Bingliang Pills to satisfy their hunger. Although this stuff can fill them up, Fenghuo always feels a strange smell, which is very uncomfortable.

The two headed towards the village, and found that the village was really small, with only about 30 households, and there was not even a market, let alone a hotel or a barbecue restaurant.

Someone in the village had already seen Fenghuo and the others, and a muscular middle-aged man greeted them. When they saw that Fenghuo looked exactly the same as the flowery boy No. 1 who was carrying Uchiha Shisui, he immediately realized that this was a ninja-sama , hastily bent down: "Master Ninja."

Feng Huo sighed, he could feel that the other party was a pitiful person, probably because Sanzhan Village was destroyed, and he had no choice but to bring relatives and friends to settle here.

"Do you know where the nearest village is? It should be bigger." Feng Huo asked.

"Master Ninja, the nearest village is fifteen miles to the northwest, about half a day's journey." The middle-aged man replied.

Feng Huo nodded, turned and left.

Flower Boy No. 1 followed closely.

Uchiha Shisui suddenly looked back at the middle-aged man, and asked, "Since it's only half a day's journey, why don't you go to the village to settle down?"

Feng Huo frowned.

The middle-aged man hesitated and said: "Actually, that village has been taken over by a few wandering ninjas from other countries, so, so..."

Looking at the clothes of Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui, he guessed that they were also wandering ninjas. He was afraid that he would make too many mistakes and lead to death, so he didn't dare to say anything later.

"I see." Uchiha Shisui understood his feelings, nodded, and didn't ask any more questions.

After leaving, Uchiha Shisui said: "Captain, do you think those wandering ninjas are from the Fuma clan?"

"You'll know if you go and have a look." Feng Huo shrugged.

Uchiha Shisui smiled wryly: "But just in case you meet Orochimaru..."

Feng Huo said: "I'm not stupid, don't worry, if I encounter Orochimaru, I will leave you and run away immediately, so please don't worry about my safety."

"That's good, uh..." Uchiha Shisui breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately felt something was wrong, "Captain, what did you just say?"

"Ah? What did I just say? Why is your complexion so bad?" Feng Huo looked at him worriedly, "Although I am a medical ninja~www.readwn.com~, I am really not very good at colds. After arriving in the village, I'll find you a barefoot doctor and give you two injections."

Uchiha Shisui's face darkened, he was too angry to speak.

For the ninja, the land of fifteen miles is really within a blink of an eye.

And the weather in the Land of Rain can change at will!


There was no sign of the heavy rain, and it came as soon as it was said. In a blink of an eye, the whole world was bathed in endless rain.

Many villagers in this village put on coir raincoats in the heavy rain, and ran home in a hurry, just lost their sight, Fenghuo immediately took Uchiha Shisui, and entered the village among the crowd.

Who is tearing up my ticket!

Stand up, I must beat you!

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