Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 427: Urban Routine Deep

The leaves of the country of fire.

After returning, Fenghuo separated from Uchiha Shisui, went to Anbu headquarters first, exchanged recent information with Hatake Sakumo, and also talked about the general itinerary of his trip. Of course, about Takinobu Village He briefly mentioned the matter of the sacred tree.

Then, he returned to his one-acre-three-point land, and first checked the **** task of the small caravan that the five Gennin had accepted.

The intelligence showed that the mission was successful, but the five ninjas were attacked by rock ninjas on the way back and all died!

Feng Huo sneered, this looks like Danzo's handwriting, he must have noticed that he was going to track down these five ninjas, and simply destroyed the corpses and wiped out the traces without doing anything!

It's really hot.

Then he called Fei Tian and asked about the surveillance results during this period.

Fei Tian brought the recorded information and reported: "Captain, Danzo's surveillance has not made any progress so far, the Uchiha clan..."

After all, Fenghuo is also surnamed Uchiha, so it is better not to say some things from your own mouth.

It is not difficult for him to seal the fire, he took the information and looked at it.

Oh, this is really starting to kill.

Uchiha’s police department is one of the important functional departments of the village. It is responsible for maintaining the daily security of the village. Naturally, it also has many contacts with other departments of the village. However, recently, the police force has begun to act arbitrarily and no longer cooperates with other departments. If there is even the slightest contact, no matter what happens, I will do it to me. Don't interfere with my posture.

This made the atmosphere in the village more and more tense.

As for Sarutobi Hiruzen, it seems that he is already preparing to attack the police force.

After reading the information, Feng Huo secretly wondered if Uchiha was planning a coup in advance?

Feng Huo thought for a while and said, "Bring Uchiha Itachi's information."


Fei Tian left quickly, and then retrieved a small scroll.

It is ordered to monitor the Uchiha clan, so Feng Huo will naturally not forget this Itachi God.

After taking the scroll, Fenghuo opened it and saw that it contained some things about Itachi Uchiha in the ninja school, as well as the graduation exam that had just been completed.

"He graduated." Feng Huo asked.

"Yes, captain, Uchiha Itachi graduated with the top grades in the school nearly a year after entering school, his talent is very outstanding, the school teachers think his talent may not be inferior to Uchiha Shisui." Feitian replied.

Feng Huo nodded: "What about his information after graduation?"

"Well, captain, Uchiha Itachi just graduated yesterday."

"Uh..." Feng Huo looked at the date of the information, and felt embarrassed.

"Ha, haha, good job, I'll give you a red envelope later!" Feng Huo smiled awkwardly, then waved his hand, sending him away without sincerity.

Then he looked at the information sent back from the third group of the Supervision Department. They were all messy and worthless, so Feng Huo would forget it after reading it.

After finishing the work, Feng Huo hurriedly ran to find the young lady, Xi Hihong.

Half an hour later, he saw Xi Hihong who was practicing **** the training ground. At this time, she was sweating profusely, and her hair was soaked in sweat.

Sealing the fire felt a little distressed.

"Hong, let's have a rest." Feng Huo flashed behind her and said with a smile.


Kurenai Yuhi turned around and shot a shuriken.

"I'll go!" Feng Huo was taken aback, never expecting that Xi Rihong would dare to do such a rebellious thing of murdering her husband, she was completely shocked.

Kurenai Yuhi reacted quickly, threw out another kunai in a hurry, and knocked out the shuriken first.

"You you you you..." Feng Huo pointed at her in grief and indignation, unable to speak.

Yuhi Hong's face turned slightly red, but it was not known whether it was because she was too tired from practicing, or because she was embarrassed.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was you." Xi Hihong lowered her head and ran to Feng Huo to admit her mistake, blinking her big red eyes twice, "When did you come back, why didn't you inform me, hee hee."

Feng Huo said with a straight face: "I didn't want to surprise you."

"Yeah!" Yuhi Hong nodded happily, "I feel it."

Nonsense, your surprise almost disfigured me.

Feng Huo sighed.

Xi Hihong felt a little flustered when she saw it, and shyly took Fenghuo's hand and shook it: "Fenghuo, don't be angry, it's my fault, it's okay for me to admit my mistake."

Feng Huo's face was indifferent, and he howled in his heart, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Xi Rihong didn't know that Fenghuo had so many routines, and it was a good meal, and he was taken advantage of a lot to make Fenghuo smile.

Then the two went to a fried chicken restaurant and had a big meal.

When Fenghuo and Yuhihong arrived, they were really surprised.

I haven’t been back for a while, but several fried chicken restaurants have opened in Konoha, and the business is very good. According to the waiter at the fried chicken restaurant, it has begun to “spread” to other surrounding cities.

The fried chicken industry has already embarked on a journey!

Feng Huo's blood is surging, how many Detonation Talismans can he buy with the next month's dividends!

After the two sat down in the corner, Xi Hihong looked at him with her chin propped up, her eyes sparkling, and she asked, "Feng Huo, do you also have a share of this store's popularity?"

Feng Huo nodded: "Well, it's the same as Konoha Newspaper."

Then he was startled, and looked at her vigilantly, "Why, you want to take over the financial power before you get through the door!"

Before Feng Huo could speak, he got kicked on the back of his foot.

Xi Ri Hong snorted and said: "What stupid things are you talking about! Hmph, if you do this again, I will ignore you!"

Feng Huo said with a shy face that my money is your money, and your money is still yours!

Yu Hihong smiled and said, "Feng Huo, I heard that you funded an orphanage with the dividends from the Konoha Newspaper. Is it true?"

Feng Huo was stunned and nodded, feeling ominous in his heart.

Sure enough, Yuhihong showed great kindness, hoping that Fenghuo would use the dividends from the fried chicken shop to fund more orphanages, nursing homes and other welfare institutions.

The muscles on Feng Huo's face stiffened slightly to show his resistance.

"It's fine if you don't want to." Xi Hihong lowered her head, with an unhappy expression.

The fire is tangled.

In the next few years, the ninja world will be a little more peaceful, and Fenghuo intends to take advantage of this time to develop desperately, accumulate a lot of money, and strive to live with Yuhihong to the era of bloggers.

Among them, the mutual detonation symbol is a very important item.

If he can accumulate 600 billion Detonating Talismans comparable to Konan's~www.readwn.com~ and blast them out by multiplying detonating Talismans with each other, who else can hold it except Uchiha Madara's level? Even if the three generations of Raikage are reborn, they will definitely run out of chakra, and then be blown to pieces!

"Hong, there are some things I can't tell you yet, but I have important uses for the dividends from the fried chicken shop, so I'm afraid I can no longer support the orphanage." Feng Huo sighed.

"Oh." Yuhihong puffed her mouth, blinked her big red eyes twice, and soon became happy again.

A young and beautiful girl of her age is just at the time of sentimentality, but it will not affect her feelings for Fenghuo just because of these things.

As soon as the fried chicken was served, the two began to sprinkle dog food.

At this moment, two more customers walked in at the door of the fried chicken shop, it was Shisui Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha!

The customers in the store saw the Uchiha costumes on them, their faces were weird, and they all bowed their heads and discussed.

That's right, what the police force has done during this period has already affected how the villagers view them.

Feng Huo also sighed secretly. The great prestige of the Uchiha clan who sacrificed the lives of countless clansmen in the Three Wars was corroded bit by bit because of their inner desires. One day...

Feng Huo looked at Itachi Uchiha, who was only seven years old, with complicated eyes.

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