Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 430: I'm not, I'm not!

It was already half an hour later when Anbu escorted the Yunin peace talks team to the Hokage building.

The leader of Yunin has a goatee, a bandage on his head, and a distinctive ninja forehead covering his right eye. That appearance is a replica of Danzo.

Sure enough, when the leader of Yunin came to Hokage, he checked his eyes with Danzo calmly, and then he laughed and exchanged greetings with Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

Feng Huo watched coldly, making gestures towards the dark place from time to time.

There are three groups of people in the supervision department. The third group went out all over the world to find traces of Orochimaru. It felt like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The second group monitors the entire Uchiha clan. Compared with the entire Uchiha clan, the members of the second group are also somewhat stretched.

Only the first group, which is only responsible for monitoring one target, is Danzo!

They took turns monitoring Danzang 24 hours a day in shifts, even when they went to the bathroom, they would stare at his little ass!

At this time, there was naturally a group of members watching from the dark.

After Fenghuo gestured, one member of the group immediately jumped out to the corner.

Feng Huo secretly formed a seal, leaving a shadow clone to deal with the cloud ninja peace negotiation team, while the main body ran over.

"team leader!"

Seeing Feng Huo approaching, Anbu immediately knelt down on one knee.

"Immediately assign people to monitor the Yunnin peace talks team, especially the leader of Yunnin, I want to know everything he said after entering the village!" Feng Huo narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

If he guessed correctly, Yunin was able to attack Konoha immediately after the Tailed Beast Rebellion, relying on the collusion between Danzo and the leader of Yunin!

If he can find conclusive evidence, Sarutobi Hiruzen will no longer be able to protect Danzo with the "big picture first"!


The Anbu retreated immediately, passed down the order to seal the fire, and then assigned someone to monitor the leader of Yunin, and there was no need to worry about sealing the fire during the response process. After all, the ninjas who can enter the Anbu are all elites!

Danzo seemed to feel Fenghuo's deep malice, and suddenly turned his head to look at Fenghuo in the corner.

Feng Huo showed a bright smile, which was full of killing intent.

Danzo also sent out a cold expression with a half-smile.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen had invited the leader of Yunin into the Hokage Building and came to a conference room.

After the two parties were seated, they directly entered the topic of peace talks.

The leader of Yunin looked around, his eyes passed Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo, Mitomon Yan, Zhuanju Koharu, Hatake Sakumo, Nara Shikahisa, and finally fell on Fenghuo.

"You, you must be Uchiha Fenghuo." The leader of Yun Nin said with a smile, "I heard that you once fought against Raikage-sama and Kirabi? It is not easy to survive, hahaha, after all, you are just a brat ,Hahaha…"

Sarutobi Hiruzai and the others' complexions darkened, and they were suddenly unhappy.

Feng Huo didn't expect the cerebral palsy to bark at him as soon as he came up, subconsciously glanced at Danzo, and found that the latter was looking at his nose, nose, and heart, looking like an old man who was indifferent to the world.

Then he looked at the leader of Yun Nin and said with a serious face: "I won't be angry with you, because I know your head must be moldy, otherwise normal people wouldn't wrap a bandage on your head! Your right eye is too It must be maggots, otherwise why do you want to cover it up? Don’t worry, I can understand the perverted self-esteem of a disabled person like you, and I won’t say it. You see, I am such an excellent ninja who always thinks about my friends. You Don't talk, don't deny, don't contradict me, I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen..."

"I'm not, I'm not! You... bastard, **** it!"

The boss of Yun Nin was so angry that his duodenum was broken into twelve pieces. He pointed at Fenghuo and couldn't hold back a word.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi and the others felt relieved, but the next moment, they couldn't help but cast their eyes on Danzo.

In the end, even the leader of Cloud Ninja looked at Danzo.

The old **** Danzo was sitting there, he was puzzled when he noticed everyone's gaze, and then he reacted suddenly, his head was also wrapped with a bandage, and his right eye was also covered with a bandage!

On the surface, Uchiha Fenghuo was scolding Yunin, but secretly, he also scolded Danzo!

Danzo's face changed wildly, the disgust in his heart!

Finally, he turned his head to look at Hiruzen Sarutobi, and said sharply: "Three generations, Uchiha Hienhuo insulted the envoy of the peace talks of Yunnin, and clearly wanted to destroy the peace between the two countries. I suggest that he immediately revoke his Anbu status and drive him away. Peace conference!"

That cloud ninja also reacted immediately, yelling that Konoha's ninja was disrespectful to him, clearly not wanting peace talks!

He also wants to tell Fourth Raikage about the humiliation today, and ask him to send troops to attack the Fire Nation immediately!

The two joined forces in mixed doubles, preparing to exclude Fenghuo from the peace talks.

Feng Huo rolled his eyes, and said with a sneer: "I remember that the excellent Danzo-sama had already exchanged peace with the two Yumu people and Yunyin Village with Erwei Jinchuriki. Where is our excellent Danzo-sama? Hmm? Doesn’t the excellent Danzo-sama lose face? Can he agree? No!"

While talking about sealing the fire, he looked at Danzo, sneered and said, "Master Danzo, am I right?"

Danzo stared at Fenghuo with a sullen face, and said coldly: "I believe in Yunin's determination to negotiate peace, but if you keep speaking rudely, I'm worried about Yunin..."

"Wait a minute, hehe, just now the leader of Yunin took the lead in ridiculing. Could it be that the excellent Danzo-sama didn't hear it?" Feng Huo asked back.

Danzo said coldly: "The leader of Yunin just said it casually, why should you take it seriously? He even arranged to slander, it's really petty, Uchiha seals the fire!"

Feng Huo immediately replied: "I just said it casually just now, why should the excellent Danzang-sama take it seriously? You are still online, I have to say that your mind is really too small!"

The muscles at the corners of Danzo's mouth twitched slightly, and he snorted, "Excessive words!"

"Danzo-sama only allows state officials to set fires, and civilians are not allowed to light lamps. I just don't know whether you are an official of Konoha or Yunyin Village!" Feng Huo said in his heart.

"Presumptuous! Uchiha Fenghuo, what is your attitude!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said angrily, "Danzo is an elder's advisor, how dare you be so unscrupulous!"

Feng Huo squinted at him: "Elder advisor? Hehe, those who knew thought he was Konoha's elder advisor, and those who didn't know thought he was the elder advisor of Yunyin Village! After all, this elder advisor has always been Standing on the front line of this cloud ninja leader, the relationship is too close, right?"

Danzo hummed: "The leader of Yunin is the envoy of the peace talks, and he is the plenipotentiary representative of Yunyin Village. As Konoha's elder advisor, I defend him to facilitate the two parties to reach a peace agreement!"

"In addition to what you think, there are two elder advisors here. Why don't you see them standing up to defend the leader of Yun Nin?" Feng Huo laughed and said, "What have you done that you don't have any compulsion in your heart?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen finally couldn't take it anymore, before the peace talks started, his own people started to quarrel, if this continues, will the peace talks still be discussed?

However, that's what he said, but Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes flashed brightly from time to time, "Danzo, Fenghuo, both of you get out! You don't need to participate in this peace talk!"

"What?!" Danzo stood up suddenly, and said sharply, "Three generations, this peace talk was facilitated by me, you..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi narrowed his eyes, and interrupted him directly: "Danzo, don't forget, if Fenghuo hadn't captured Ninao Jinchuriki of Kumo Shinobi, how could there be this peace talk? In terms of credit, he is no better than You are low, he didn't say anything, what do you have to say?!"

Although Feng Huo felt that he had been 'betrayed', he felt quite comfortable seeing Danzo's embarrassing face, and said, "I accept Master Hokage's punishment!"

"Wait a minute!" The leader of Yun Ninja had something to say.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi waved his hand, and said decisively: "This is an internal matter of Konoha, so I won't bother Messenger Yunin to intervene!"

The head of Yun Nin was stunned, thinking that what Sarutobi Hiruzen said made sense, he couldn't refute it.

Danzo hurriedly looked at Zhuanzi Xiaochun and Mitomen Yan.

The latter looked at each other and fell silent.

Danzo realized something, but at the moment the situation was stronger than others, he could only temporarily avoid the edge: "In this case, then I will withdraw from the peace talks."

Said, Danzo got up, looked at Fenghuo coldly, turned and left.

Feng Huo shrugged and left the peace talks meeting room.

After leaving the conference room for the peace talks, Feng Huo did not leave the Hokage Studio, but ran to the next room to sit down, and began to listen openly.

If Danzo dared to do this, Sarutobi Hiruzen would definitely go crazy, but it doesn't matter if he sealed the fire. After all, although he was expelled, Sarutobi Hiruzen's real goal was to kick Danzo out of the peace talks, and sealing the fire was just an excuse. , Therefore, even if Hiruzaru Sarutobi found out, he would only turn a blind eye and close one eye.

Peace talks officially started.

According to the usual practice, the two sides first brag about their own outstanding ninja qualities, to a powerful ninja army, to abundant supplies, and even powerful allies.

Then, he began to belittle his opponent crazily.

The eloquence of this cloud ninja leader is quite good. From his mouth, Konoha Hidden Village has been going downhill since the third Ninja World War. There are fewer and fewer ninjas, and their strength is getting weaker. Then, the fourth generation died. Now, he and Uchiha seem to be in harmony again. The legendary Sannin who is famous in the ninja world either defected or ran away. The high-end combat power is in short supply. It is the time when the weakness is in a mess. At this time, Yunin is willing to negotiate peace. Fortunately, we must be grateful and accept the various peace agreements proposed by Yunyin Village with an open mind.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was naturally unhappy, took a puff and began to refute, saying that although the fourth generation is dead and the Sannin is gone, there are many excellent ninjas in Konoha, such as the powerful Hatake Sakumo, Uchiha Fenghuo, Zhuludie, and the younger generation of Kakashi, Mitekai and others are also growing rapidly! As for Uchiha, it is just a disease of scabies, because Konoha has already formed an alliance with Sand Hidden Village, and has close ties with several neighboring countries such as Taki Shinobi. thing!

When the leader of Yunin heard this, he sneered and threatened, saying that Konoha's Uchiha Fenghuo was so audacious that he dared to arrest Mio Isota from Kirigakure Village, and he would be Renzhuriki himself. Wuyin Village has powerful allies, and the war is bound to sweep across the Fire Country again. At that time, the weak Shayin Village and Longin Village, these small ninja villages, really dare to fight against the powerful ninja army of Wuyin Village and their allies ?

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face darkened, obviously, the powerful ally that the leader of Yunin was talking about was their Yunyin Village!

Seeing Sarutobi's livid face, the leader of Yun Nin was aggressive, grasping the point of Fenghuo Sanwei Jinzhuriki, desperately asking for a price.

Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally refused.

Then the highly intelligent Nara Shikuhisa appeared on the stage, saying that the third generation of Raikage of Yunin was also bold enough to lead people to invade the land of earth and kill Yingye.

Nara Shikahisa warned the leader of Yunin, saying that the matter of Sanwei is a matter of Konoha and Wuyin Village, and has nothing to do with Yunin. If Yunin dares to provoke for no reason, sow dissension, then don't blame Konoha and Iwa who has five thousand ninjas Hidden Village forms an alliance to fight against Yunyin Village together!

The face of the head of Yun Nin's complexion sank in an instant.

The feud between Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village has intensified since the second Ninja World War. In this Ninja World War, even three generations of Raikage have fallen in the Land of Earth. The deadly feud between the two sides is difficult to resolve , if there is a chance, the two hidden villages will not let each other go!

So this threat works!

Several ninjas brought by the leader of Yunin also started talking, drooling, trying to disturb Konoha's rhythm.

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mito Menyan also went into battle shirtless, arguing with reason.

Gradually, the peace talks eventually reached an impasse.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi calmed down, smiled and asked the leader of Yunin and others to rest for a day, experience the prosperity of Konoha Hidden Village, and continue the negotiation after resting.

The leader of Cloud Ninja naturally nodded repeatedly.

At the end of the first peace talks, Anbu sent the leader of Yunin and others to the hotel where they rested, and Koharu and Mito Menyan also left after sleeping.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Nara Shikahisa, and Hatake Sakumo went directly to the room where Fenghuo was, and sat down one by one.

Feng Huo was not guilty, and smiled directly: "It seems that Yunyin Village does not have much sincerity~www.readwn.com~ The purpose of war is the national interest. At this time, no matter how sincere Yunyin Village is, it will not be for the benefit. And take half a step back." Nara Shikahisa said solemnly, "We are the same, so if we don't find a point that both sides can accept in this peace talk, I'm afraid..."

Speaking of this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi stared at Fenghuo, he couldn't help bringing up the old story about Sanwei, and gave Fenghuo a hard bite.

Fenghuo is so angry, this is really an emperor and a courtier. I think that when the fourth Namikaze Minato was in power, the fourth Mizukage Goju Yakura of Wuyin Village personally wrote a letter with a scroll to put pressure on Konoha to return Mio , but was carried down by Namikaze Minato, and then all kinds of Tai Chi, Fenghuo as the party involved, but he didn't even feel the pressure at all!

Thinking of Namikaze Minato's goodness, Fenghuo couldn't help but sigh.

Hatake Sakumo said with a smile: "This peace talk is of great importance, and it will never be over once or twice, but I believe that since the Fourth Raikage is willing to send people to Konoha for peace talks, as long as we continue the talks slowly, You can always find that spot."

Several people chatted for a few more words, and then dispersed.

When Feng Huo left Huo Ying Studio, he suddenly remembered something.

It seems that Hinata Hinata was captured by a certain cloud ninja during the peace talks, and then that cloud ninja was killed by Hinata Hizuki, and finally it was Hinata Hinata who stood up, apologized himself, and calmed down the chaos in Yunyin Village anger.

In his mind, Fenghuo had little impression of the brothers Hyuga Nichizu and Hyuga Nichizai, and the bird in the cage of the clan branch made him sick even more, so he didn't bother to care about it.

As for Hinata, she is the right girl after all, so naturally nothing will happen.

Fenghuo shook his head, then went to Anbu for a drink... and went to work.

Haha, look who says I'm short!

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