Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 432: Hinata Kidnapping Case

Kurama Yakumo was very excited. It was the first time for her to stand with so many people of the same age since she was a child. After a while, she found a few girlfriends, who held hands, chirped and jumped, and were so active that she There was a blush on his face.

But this blush is not a healthy apple red, but a sickly weak red.

Her mother, An Malin, looked worried.

After Hiruzaru Sarutobi's speech was over, the freshmen were led into the teaching building by their homeroom teacher.

Seeing that they were about to part with their parents, many children cried until the scene became uncontrollable.

The leader of Yunin, when he saw it, immediately showed a proud expression, pointed at those crying little kids and said: "Nara Shikahisa, your Konoha children are so fragile, our freshmen of Yunin never shed tears when they enter school. "

Shikahisa Nara said with a smile: "This shows that our children have attached great importance to feelings since they were young."

The leader of Yunin snorted coldly, very upset. Isn't Nara Shikahisa's words mocking their Yunin's children as cold-blooded animals?


Kurama Lin also waved goodbye to her daughter.

The little girl's eyes were red, and she tightly held the hands of the two new friends, looking back at her mother from time to time.

"Yakumo, mom will pick you up after school, don't run around." Kurama Lin said with a smile.

"Well, I see." As soon as she heard that she would be able to go home at night, the little girl immediately revived with full blood.

Kurenai Yuhi stood beside Fenghuo, and sighed: "Yakumo's physical condition is not good, and I don't know if she can withstand the training of ninjas."

"Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to heal her body." Feng Huo said solemnly.

Xi Hihong said: "Is there really a way?"

Feng Huo said: "A body like Obito can be cured, and I believe Yakumo's body can also find a solution."

"I hope so."

As time passed, with repeated trials and arguments, the peace talks between Konoha and Yunin finally got on the right track, and one peace treaty after another was established and abided by both sides. To enter the age of peace.

However, under such circumstances, a group of members of Fenghuo's Supervision Department discovered that the leader of Yunin finally met Danzo!

The place where the two met was even more arrogant, it turned out to be Konoha Fried Chicken Restaurant!

Feng Huo didn't know whether the two of them were on purpose or not. After getting the news, he didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately went out personally to monitor the whole process.

The leader of Danzo and Yunin is eating fried chicken at the fried chicken restaurant, chatting and laughing, talking happily about the chicken, and the two of them are talking to mung beans, one-eyed to one-eyed, the hero cherishes the hero, and can't wait to kowtow and worship!

Feng Huo hid in the corner, with his ears on his ears. Unfortunately, the fried chicken shop was doing very well and there were too many people talking, so he couldn't hear what the two of them were saying.

A few minutes later, the leader of Yun Nin was full, patted his stomach and left happily.

Danzo didn't stay any longer, and turned and left after paying the bill.

When he left, his sinister eyes swept towards the hidden corner of Fenghuo intentionally or unintentionally, and a strange arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth, as if he was mocking Fenghuo.

'Discovered? '

Feng Huo didn't care, he made a few gestures to let others continue to monitor Danzo, while he himself monitored the leader of Yunin.

In his opinion, there must be a collusion between the leader of Yunin and Danzo. After holding back for so many days, they finally couldn't help meeting each other. It can never be a simple reminiscence, there must be fraud in it!

Maybe it's still Wang Zha!

But after two days in a row, the leader of Yunin did not show any abnormality. Every day, he discussed peace agreements with Sarutobi Hiruzen and Nara Shikahisa, and then went shopping, eating, drinking and having fun, drinking and smoking opium.

Surveillance for two days yielded nothing, sealing the fire would inevitably lower vigilance, and as a result, something went wrong.

That night, Feng Huo followed Yun Nin's leader all the time, and he didn't realize that something was wrong until the early morning.

"Aren't you going back so late?"

Feng Huo's heart moved, and he immediately touched the ground with his fingers, and the chakra perception technique instantly covered Yun Nin's leader, and then his face sank.

The opponent's Chakra strength is only at the level of a special ninja at most, it is impossible to be the leader of cloud ninja!

"The golden cicada escapes its shell? Damn, make trouble!"

Fenghuo couldn't hold back his face, and immediately expanded the range of Chakra Perception.

These days, his shadow clone has been practicing chakra perception all the time, and now he can search a range of five kilometers at a time!

But compared to the huge Hidden Leaf Village, the range of 5 kilometers is still not big enough.

He immediately summoned twenty shadow clones and asked them to disperse and search for the traces of Yun Nin's leader.

And his body subconsciously searched in the direction of Hinata's home.

He had a premonition that the leader of Yun Nin was attacking Hinata Hinata.

In the backyard of Hyuga's mansion, the sleeping Hyuga Hinata was suddenly awakened by a slight noise.


He stared, the meridians on both sides of the white eyes were instantly infused with chakra, the veins were exposed, and they bulged ferociously!

The Zong family's white eyes have a field of vision of 365 degrees, without any dead angle, and it will not affect their vision whether it is day or night!

Under Bai Yan's strong perspective ability, Hyuga Hinata saw a sneaky guy running out quickly with his precious daughter Hinata Hinata on his back.

Hyuga Hizuru sneered, his figure flickered, and he disappeared instantly.

As Konoha's taijutsu powerhouse, the Hinata family is not only powerful in soft fists, but also not slow in speed. Even Yunnin who is good at taijutsu doesn't have much advantage!

The leader of Yunin jumped over Hinata's mansion with the sleeping Hinata on his shoulders, and after only one mile, he was caught up by Hinata Hinata!

"Put her down!" Hyuga Hyuzu shouted coldly.

"Are you... the guard of the Hyuga Clan? Heh, you are so stupid to dare to block my way!"

The leader of Yun Nin couldn't stop laughing, he didn't pay attention to Hinata Hizuru at all, he took out Kunai with his left hand and rushed to kill him.

Hyuga Hyuzu snorted coldly, together with soft fists, it was a combination of punches in an instant.

The leader of Yun Nin barely resisted a few palms with one hand, and immediately couldn't hold it anymore. He hurriedly threw away the Hinata in his hand, and responded with both hands, but soon he was overwhelmed and embarrassed.

The Hyuga family is famous in the ninja world, and the soft boxing is indispensable. Ordinary physical arts simply cannot withstand the crazy blows of the soft boxing. Moreover, once the soft boxing starts, it is like the Yellow River bursting its banks. Once it is out of control, it is difficult to fight continuously , with the strength of the leader of Yunnin, there is only one way to resist!


"Wait a moment!"


"Stop it, do you know who I am?!"

Clap clap!

"Damn it, you... poof!"

Unknowingly, dozens of slaps were slapped on the head of Yun Nin. From the pain at the beginning, to the numbness at the back, and finally, I just felt that the whole person was soft, and then he was really crisp, and the whole person was like a boneless creature. He collapsed to the ground with a bang, traces of blood overflowed from his knuckles, wrists, elbows, shoulder blades, knees and other bone joints, and soon soaked the ground, staining a large area red.

Hinata Hyuzu hugged Hinata, looked down at the head of Yunin whose bones had been broken by him, and vaguely felt something was wrong.

He looked at Hinata Hinata who was still sleeping soundly, his brows gradually furrowed.

The supercilious detection ability of the Hyuga family is unmatched even by Sharingan, but here, the Hyuga clan has disciples guarding it no matter day or night. miss?

It's just manual funny!

Who will believe it?

Hyuga Hyuzu looked carefully at the face of the ninja who was paralyzed on the ground and gradually lost its vitality, his eyes gradually became serious.

Cloud ninja... the boss?


Hinata Hinata's mind was in a mess.

Although the head of Yun Nin wanted to kidnap his precious daughter, but at this juncture, killing the head of Yun Nin himself, no matter how good the reason, may arouse the anger of Yunyin Village. If this destroys the peace talks between the two villages...

Hinata Hinata's expression changed again and again.

Suddenly, a hazy figure in the eyes of the white eyes was approaching more than ten miles away, Hyuga Hyuzu felt terrified, did not dare to stay, and hurriedly hugged Hinata Hinata and left here!

When Feng Huo arrived at the scene, the leader of Yun Nin was already dead, and his body was like an indescribable lump, limp and horrible.

Fenghuo checked, and found that the bones and even the cartilage of the head of Yunin were broken, but his muscles and meridians were not damaged. To be able to hit such damage, only the soft fist of the Hyuga clan in Konoha can do it.

Obviously, the identity of the perpetrator is ready to be revealed, and it is Hinata Hidetsu.

How to do?

Feng Huo looked around, at this moment, there was no trace of people around, and Hinata Rizu had already 'hit and run' that day, do you want to destroy the corpse?

Or let nature take its course?

But Feng Huo felt something was wrong, so he sorted it out carefully.

At present, the peace talks between Konoha and Yunyin Village have come to an end, and it will be completed in about two days. The leader of Yunnin chose to kidnap Hinata Hinata at this time, and the timing was very subtle!

If Hyuga Hinata doesn't show up, then the leader of Yunin can smoothly take Hinata Hinata, the eldest lady of the clan, back to Yunyin Village, and thus get the precious Blood Successor Limit Boundary Supercilious Eyes!

If it was discovered, it would be no big deal, at most it would be to return Hinata Hinata back. Anyway, talking about it to this point, Konoha dare not break up with him because of a little girl, even if she is the eldest lady of the wealthy Hinata family!

Looking at it this way, it is reasonable and reasonable for the leader of Yunin to kidnap Hinata Hinata, and there is no risk at all. There is no reason for the leader of Yunin not to do so.


Feng Huo suddenly remembered the meeting between Danzo and the leader of Yunin at the fried chicken shop, and Danzo's cold eyes when he was leaving.

A flash of light flashed through his mind, but before he had time to think about it, an angry voice came from behind just right.

"Uchiha seal fire...you! What did you do?!"

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun stared at Fenghuo with staring eyes.

Beside her, Mitomonyan couldn't believe it: "Uchiha Fuhuo, why did you kill the leader of Yunin? He is the envoy of the peace talks of Yunyin Village. If you kill him, do you know how serious the consequences will be? !"

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slightly.

I see!

Feng Huo glanced at the leader of Yun Nin on the ground, and instantly understood.

The death of the leader of Yun Nin is a matter of great importance, affecting the peace and war of the two hidden villages. It can be seen from the original book that even the wealthy Hyuga clan cannot afford it, so Hyuga Nichizai had to stand up and commit suicide to apologize.

But now, standing next to the corpse of the leader of Yun Nin is Fenghuo. With his 'buffer', Hyuga Hyuzu will readily admit his crime?

Then there is Danzo secretly lobbying, thinking about it from another perspective, I am afraid that Hinata Hyuga will probably join forces with Danzo and put this pot on Fenghuo's back!

What makes Fenghuo most uncomfortable is that even if Danzo does not succeed in the end, the relationship between Fenghuo and the Hyuga family will be completely frozen, and it will be cold to the end!

"Uchiha Fenghuo, I'm so disappointed in you!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun was heartbroken, "Follow me to see the third generation, this matter..."

"I didn't do this." Feng Huo sneered, "When I came, he was already dead."

"There are only you and the leader of Yun Nin here, who else is there if it's not you? Now that things are going on, don't you still want to quibble!"

Feng Huo snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "Aside from me, there are the two of you here? Who knows if you teamed up to kill the leader of Yun Nin and wanted to blame me!"

Feng Huo still doesn't dare to confirm whether Hyuga Hyuzu has hooked up with Danzo, so he doesn't dare to easily involve Hyuga Hyuzu in order to prevent him from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

Therefore, Fenghuo decided to muddy the pool of water!

"Sleeping Xiaochun, Mitomon Yan, I never thought, I never thought, one of you has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, the other has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and you are so mad that you dare to kill the leader of Yun Nin and destroy the peace talks between the two villages. You are simply Konoha's sinners through the ages, I am ashamed to be with you!"

Feng Huo walked away with righteous words.

"Stop!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun was furious, and stopped in front of Fenghuo without saying a word, "Want to leave? Uchiha Fenghuo, you kill the leader of Yunin and you want to leave? Dreaming!"

"It's clearly the two of you who killed the leader of Yunnin, and you dare to slander good people indiscriminately, shameless!" Feng Huo spat at Zhuanzhu Xiaochun's old face, and helped her wash her face to calm down her anger.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun wiped his face in distaste, his eyes became even more angry: "Menyan, quickly call Anbu over!"

Mito Menyan sighed, and then gave a signal, and soon, a ninja walked over happily.

It is the excellent Shimura Danzo!

"What's going on? Xiaochun, Menyan?" Danzang looked as if I couldn't sleep at night, came out for a walk and happened to see the signal and came over, but there was a cold light in the depths of his eyes.

"Danzo, it's a good time to come, help us catch the Uchiha sealing fire!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said coldly, "He dared to kill the leader of Yunnin~www.readwn.com~The crime is heinous!"

"What? The leader of Yun Nin is dead?!" Danzo's play spirit was possessed, distraught, "Uchiha Fenghuo, you...really..."

Afterwards, Danzo suddenly showed a surprised expression, rushed to the corpse of Yun Nin's leader, and said hoarsely, "The injury of this corpse is very strange, it seems, it seems to be punched by a soft fist!"

"What? Soft Fist?"

"Could it be the Hinata family?"

After going to bed, Xiaochun and Mito Menyan rushed over to check the corpse, their expressions changed again and again.

"Uchiha seals the fire, what's going on?" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun asked anxiously.

Feng Huo looked deeply at Danzo, this old fox is really sinister!

His words seemed to be helping him out, but what about the truth?

Once the fire is sealed and the Hyuga family is involved, there are only two responses to the Hinata family. Either follow the original book and let Hinata Hizashi commit suicide and apologize, or deny it, and then Danzo throws an olive branch. Put the fire on your back!

Feng Huo sneered and said: "Sleep to bed Xiaochun, Mitomon Yan, you still want to involve the Hyuga clan, won't your conscience ache?"

Turning to bed Xiaochun was furious: "Uchiha Fenghuo, you bastard!"

"Don't talk about it! I've seen through everything as an excellent person. The leader of Yun Nin, you two joined hands to kill him, and then tried to blame me! His heart is terrible!" Feng Huo shook his head and sighed, with a look of grief and indignation.

The corners of Danzo's eyes twitched slightly: Did this cunning **** already notice it?

At this moment, Anbu's ninja finally arrived!

Afterwards, a ninja from the Hyuga Clan also came over, and it was Hyuga Nichizai!

It's too long, I can't control how much I can send!

Quickly count the votes for me~

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