Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 434: suicide

Just as the atmosphere in the office was getting serious, hokage suddenly heard a mournful cry from downstairs. Listening carefully, it was the subordinates of the leader of Yunin who were clamoring downstairs to ask Konoha to hand over the murderer who killed the leader of Yunin!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face was gloomy, although he knew that this matter could not be concealed, but it spread too fast!

He subconsciously looked at Danzo, whose face was solemn, with an expression that I was surprised and anxious, and there was no flaw on the surface.

"Ri Zhan, the consequences of this matter are too serious. No matter what, we have to give Yun Nin an explanation to appease their anger, otherwise, the war may be imminent!"

Turning to the bed, Xiaochun looked at Uchiha Fenghuo coldly, and said, "The murderer must be Uchiha Fenghuo. I suggest that he be sent to prison and interrogated. If you don't believe him, he won't confess!"

Hatake Sakumo glanced at Hinata Hinata, and said, "Elder Xiaoharu, it would be too arbitrary to say that the murderer was the fire ban."

"Could it be that even Konoha Baiya thinks that the murderer is me and Menyan?" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said angrily.

Danzo stood up and 'persuaded' at the right time: "It may also be a member of the Hyuga clan. Don't be suspicious of each other."

Feng Huo glanced at him, this guy is really afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

"Shut up!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi slapped the table on fire, "I'm still in the mood to quarrel at this moment, don't you know the serious consequences we are facing now! Sakumo, send someone to appease the living room first. Uncle Yunin, call Lujiu again."

"Master Hokage, I'm not feeling well, so I'm leaving for now." Hinata Hinata suddenly said.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi gave him a deep look, and agreed.

After leaving Hokage, Hyuga Hyuza ran back to Hyuga's mansion non-stop, and went to find his elder brother Hyuga Hyuzu.

At this time, Hyuga Hyuzu locked himself in the small black room alone, feeling very upset.

"Brother!" Hyuga Hinata directly pushed the door and broke in, angrily said, "Why? Why did you kill the leader of Yun Nin?!"

"You already know?" Hyuga Hyuzu knelt on a futon, lowered her head, clenched her hands into fists, and growled, "He kidnapped Hinata, I chased him, and accidentally killed him."

"What? Hinata was..." Hinata Hinata was taken aback, and his face looked a little better, "If this is the case, then no one can be blamed for the death of the leader of Yun Nin."

Hyuga Hyuzu shook his head: "It's not that simple. Now the village and Yunyin Village are negotiating peace, and no mistakes can be tolerated. Therefore, someone must bear the responsibility of killing the leader of Yunin. Otherwise, Yunyin Village will never let it go, and may even Restart the battle!"

Hyuga Hyuzai opened his mouth, he seemed a little hesitant, but he still said: "Brother, Zhuanzi Xiaoharu and Elder Mitomonyan both believe that Uchiha Fuho is the murderer, we..."

Hyuga Hyuzu's heart moved, and he said: "You mean to push the boat along the way and help Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mito Monyan to convict Uchiha for sealing the fire?"

The two brothers looked at each other.

This is no easy task.

Uchiha Fenghuo is the strongest in the ninja world, recognized as the strongest of the Uchiha clan, and even Sanwei Jinchuriki. During the Three World Wars, he made great military exploits, and is famous in the village and even in the whole country of fire!

If he wanted to frame him, the Hinata clan might be able to do it with all their efforts, but the risk was too great, after all, Anbu was not a vegetarian.

What's more, doing so will completely offend Uchiha Fenghuo to death. If he fails, Uchiha Fenghuo will definitely settle accounts in the fall. With his powerful strength and terrifying connections, the future of the Hyuga Clan...

"Brother, Danzo seems to want to join forces with us to frame the Uchiha seal fire." Hinata Hinata recounted what happened before.

"Danzo?" Hyuga Hyuzu shook his head directly, "This guy's ambition is too great, we must not cooperate with him!"

Hinata Hizaku breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he himself didn't want to cooperate with the old fox Danzo, it was too dangerous.

It's just that, in this way...

Hyuga Hinata said: "Brother, for the peace of the village and the future of the Hyuga clan, let me take the blame!"

Hyuga Hidetsu's expression changed, his whole body trembled, he took a deep breath and shook his head decisively: "No, absolutely not!"

"Brother, this is my duty as a branch!"

"You can let other people take the blame, but you can't!" Hyuga Hizuru growled.

"The entire Hyuga clan, no matter whether it is the sub-family or the main family, is capable of using soft fists to injure the body of the leader of Yunin like that, only our two brothers!" Hyuga Hinata said in a low voice.

In the third Ninja World War, all the elites of the Hyuga Clan's main family and sub-family were exhausted. I don't know how many outstanding Hyuga ninjas died on the battlefield one after another, and even one of the main family's eyes was gouged out by Mist Ninja!

After the Third World War, Hyuga was still a powerful member of the Konoha family, but the only elite ninjas who could really fight were the two brothers.

Gritting his teeth, Hinata Hizuzu gradually burst into tears.

"This is the only way. Even if the elders in the clan know about it, they will agree with me." There was also struggle in Hyuga Hizashi's eyes.

His child is only four years old, at the age of innocence, how could he be willing to abandon his child.

But the responsibilities on his shoulders forced him to embark on this path.

With red eyes, he wrote a letter on the spot ~www.readwn.com~ and handed it to Hinata Nichizu: "Brother, please hand this letter to Neji at the right time."

Hyuga Hyuzu took the letter with trembling hands, before he had time to say anything, Hyuga Hyuzai had already yelled: "Brother, take care of Neji!"

Then, he committed suicide on the spot!

The quarrel at Hokage Studio didn't last long, and with Hinata Hinata's confession and suicide, it came to an end.

The story of the incident was also passed on. It was the leader of Yunin who kidnapped Hinata Hinata, but he was caught by Hinata Nisai.

This reason is enough to stop anyone's mouth. No matter how angry Xiaochun turns to bed, he can't turn black and white. It's somewhat regrettable not to see the Hyuga Clan and Fenghuo tearing their faces apart.

Yun Ren was overjoyed when he got the corpse of Hinata Hinata, but when he saw the imprint of a caged bird on the forehead of the corpse, the excitement dissipated immediately, and he felt like it was a pity to get tasteless food and discard it.

However, as the head of the Hyuga Branch Family, the death of Hyuga Nichisai is enough to give Yun Shino an explanation.

Not long after, Yunyin Village sent another envoy for peace talks to Konoha, and then reached an agreement with Konoha. Regarding the deaths of the leader of Yunin and Hinata Hisashi, let the dust settle. Pursue it further.

As for the peace talks, because the talks were almost done before, it only took a few days this time, and the two sides formally negotiated, and then signed a peace treaty!

Although there were twists and turns in the process, the peace talks were finally completed without any risk.

From this day on, the ninja world has finally entered into peace!

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