Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 438: pharmacist bag

Facing such a powerful Orochimaru, Uchiha Shin wanted to tear him alive, but the cloning of the kaleidoscope still needed the technology of Orochimaru, so he could only suppress his anger.

"Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi are all huddled in Konoha, if they don't come out, we have no chance at all!" Uchiha said, "As for Uchiha Fenghuo, hehehe, his kaleidoscope is about to lose its light , Such eyes should not be what you want."

"So that's the case, no wonder he wants to wear glasses." Orochimaru stretched out his tongue, washed his face and calmed down, otherwise he really couldn't wait to go to Konoha to kill Uchiha to seal the fire.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the dark corridor. Nobuo Uchiha squinted his eyes and found that the person who came was a kid about ten years old. His pupils could not help shrinking because of his long silver-white hair, and he couldn't help thinking of the same thing. Sakumo Hatake with long silver hair!

A few years ago in Muye's Tailed Beast Rebellion, he couldn't forget Mu Ye Baiya's stunning knife. Thinking about it now, he still feels a dull pain in his right arm.

"Who is he?!" Shin Uchiha shouted coldly.

"I am the assistant of Oshemaru-sama, and my name is Yaoshidou."

Pharmacist Dou said politely.

"Hehe, it looks like you hate pockets." Orochimaru said with great interest.

"Hmph, I just dislike his hair." Shin Uchiha turned around, "Oshemaru, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi I will keep watching, cell cloning technology, I also hope you can perfect it as soon as possible, my patience is limited!"


Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils narrowed slowly, noncommittal.

When Uchiha Shin's figure disappeared into the darkness, Yakushido respectfully handed over a sealed scroll: "Master Orochimaru, a letter from Danzo-sama."

After taking it, Dashewan opened it with a special seal, and while checking it, he said: "Du, this time it only took four months to complete the task, you are already a qualified spy."

"Thanks to Mr. Orochimaru's cultivation." The pharmacist bowed to thank him.

"It's a pity, if Uchiha Fuu disappears from Konoha, I really want to send you to Konoha as a spy, hehe, that must be very interesting!" Orochimaru sneered.

The pharmacist shrank his pupils and dared not answer.

After reading the letter, Orochimaru destroyed the scroll casually, and was about to speak when he frowned suddenly.

This research institute hidden deep in the mountains is extremely remote, but today, a second guest came here.

A strange man in a red cloud robe with a black background crawled from the dense forest and headed straight for Orochimaru's research institute.

It was the Red Sand Scorpion!

"It's here."

Scorpion hid in the crimson amber, lying comfortably, and manipulated the crimson amber like an artist to move forward non-stop, and came to the underground gate of the research institute.


Fei Liuhu's tail turned into an iron spike, and it directly blasted through the gate with one blow, revealing a deep and dark passage.

Scorpion controlled Fei Liuhu to walk down slowly, like a late old man.

The underground passage is not long, and you will soon reach the bottom. Before you, there are laboratories with closed doors. At first glance, there are at least a dozen of them!

Scorpion came to the nearest laboratory and directly brute-forced it.


The door was shattered, Xie walked in and saw that it was a mess inside, all kinds of research materials were randomly discarded on the ground, as for the research equipment, they were placed in piles here and there, as if they were abandoned by someone.

"what happened?"

Scorpion frowned slightly, feeling ominous.

The doors of the laboratories were blasted into debris by Fei Liuhu's tail, but without exception, all of these laboratories were in a mess!

"Could it be that this place has been abandoned by Orochimaru?"

Xie murmured to himself in dissatisfaction, "You can't completely trust Jue's intelligence."

At this moment, he suddenly heard a faint scream from the deepest part of the laboratory, and hurriedly controlled Fei Liuhu to rush in.


The solid gate was torn apart, unable to stop Fei Liuhu's tail at all.

Xie went in and took a look, and saw a silver-haired child about ten years old lying on a huge operating table in the center of the laboratory.

"Help me, save me, ah..." Yaoshi Dou had a hideous wound on his abdomen that was bleeding out continuously.

Scorpion approached slowly, and found that there was a corpse with severed limbs not far away, other than that, there were no other living creatures here.

"Who are you?" Fei Liuhu's hoarse and gloomy voice was completely opposite to Xie's proud and crisp voice.

"I, I'm Dou, yes, the experimental subject of Orochimaru." Dou said with difficulty, his chest heaving and falling, looking over.

"The experimental body of Orochimaru? Interesting!"

Xie stared deeply at Pharmacist's pocket, inexplicably feeling like he had seen him before, he hesitated for a moment, then took out a bottle of medicine and fed it to Dou.

"Thank you." Dou felt grateful for the slowly repairing injury in his abdomen.

Xie sneered and said: "Don't rush to thank, after all, what I gave you is poison, hehehe."

"What?!" Dou propped himself up in horror and got up, "Why did you do this!"

"From now on, just be my subordinate." Xie sneered, "Then, tell me about Orochimaru first!"

Dou trembled all over.

"Don't try to resist, I'm going to kill you, it's easy!" Scorpion's hoarse voice was as indifferent and ruthless as a **** of death~www.readwn.com~ Dou nodded decadently: "I see."

When Xie and Yaoshi left, a white snake suddenly crawled in through the vent, and then opened its mouth, and spit out a... big snake pill.

"Hehehe, interesting!"

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils showed a dangerous signal.

This weird guy was able to find this place, which shows that there is definitely a powerful force behind the other party, and it seems to be eyeing him!

However, with the pharmacist around, no matter who the other party is or how powerful they are, they will have nothing to hide from him!

As for this research institute, it seems that it can only be abandoned.

Orochimaru walked away slowly, under his shadow, Yoshida Masaichi's body was like a puddle of mud, no one cared about it.

The leaves of the country of fire.

Feng Huo was leisurely drinking tea in Anbu when a member of Anbu from the second team of the Supervision Department knocked on the door and walked in.

"Captain!" Anbu respectfully knelt down on one knee.

The members of the second group of the Supervision Department were responsible for monitoring the Uchiha clan, so Feng Huo asked, "Has there been any changes in the Uchiha?"

"Captain, Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes."

"Oh?" Feng Huo's eyes lit up, "I finally opened my eyes, by the way, how old is he this year?"

"Captain, Uchiha Itachi is eight years old this year and has just graduated from ninja school for a year."

Feng Huo smiled: "Open eyes at the age of eight?"

When I think about it carefully, I seem to have opened my eyes when I was six years old.

Feng Huo used to practice physical skills frantically in order to practice Bamen Dunjia, because he was very uneasy in his heart, always felt that the world was too dangerous, his talent was too poor, and he needed to work hard to make up for it!

But now, Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes at the age of eight, and he opened his eyes at the age of six. Aha, there is no harm if there is no comparison!

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