Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 450: Don't underestimate the Uchiha family, bastard!

"I have never seen such a brazen person!"

Feng Huo pointed at the leaving figure of Cong Yun on the pommel horse and said contemptuously.

Pommel Cong Yun paused, turned his head slightly, showed a smug smile, and said, "Then you should really look in the mirror more often, hahahaha."


I'll spray you to death with a sip of salt soda!

Seal the fire and burn all internal organs.

"Okay, Fenghuo, Uncle Congyun is an elder after all, so you don't want to be as knowledgeable as him." Yuhihong said coquettishly, "And Yakumo is still here."

"Okay, for Xiao Yayun's sake." Feng Huo gritted his teeth.

Then, Fenghuo and Yuhihong checked Kurama Yakumo's body again, and then made a special training plan for her, learning illusion on the premise of ensuring her health.

Of course, even Xi Hihong has no idea how much he can gain in the end.

In the following days, Fenghuo arranged for the shadow clone to take care of Naruto, and arranged for the shadow clone to go to work, and at the same time accompanied Yuhihong to teach Kurama Yakumo, too busy!

On this day, he finally finished reading the coverless and indescribable manga, so he took a shower, went to Anbu headquarters with a solemn expression, and handed over the coverless and indescribable manga to...Konoha Shirato Hatake Shuo Mao.

That's right, you Kakashi can do the first day of the junior high school, but I can't do the fifteenth?

Don't underestimate the Uchiha clan, bastard!

Hatake Sakumo opened the manga and was totally stupefied.

Fenghuo had already organized his language a few days ago, and at this time, he possessed a playful spirit, and said with emotion: "Uncle Sakumo, although Kakashi is an adult, reading this kind of manga all day long will affect him. His outlook on the world, outlook on life, and values. If things go on like this, he will become obsessed with this kind of thing, and he will become like Mr. Jiraiya, and he will watch in the women's bathhouse every day. Oh, you know, Uncle Sakumo, Now Konoha News reports are becoming more and more democratic, once this matter is exposed, the family tradition of Hatake's family will be completely ruined! As soon as I think of this, I will blue thin shiitake mushrooms for you!"

Feng Huo's heartfelt words made Hatake Sakumo tremble all over.

"I know, I will definitely deal with it seriously!" Hatake Sakumo gritted his teeth, "Fenghuo, don't spread this matter!"

Although he respects Zilai very much, but if his son becomes like Zilai, it will be a virtue...


Hatake Sakumo gritted his teeth, this situation is absolutely not allowed!

Feng Huo patted the muscles on his chest, righteously said: "Don't worry, Uncle Shuo Mao, I will never say anything!"

"Thank you." Hatake Sakumo nodded slightly.

Feng Huo scratched his head, he was so embarrassed that he still joked and laughed at me.


He closed the fire to see that the fire was almost done, and left contentedly, then ran to the back door of Hatake's house and hid, waiting for the night to fall.

As for going to work and so on, he has twenty shadow clones, and it's not a problem to separate one to go to Anbu.

Two hours later, Hatake Sakumo returned home with a dark face, and it wasn't long before Kakashi slowly came back with a dead fish eye open.

Feng Huo was overwhelmed with excitement, the drama was about to begin.

Sure enough, fierce words came from the room after a while.

Feng Huo hurriedly sneaked over and peeked in through the slit of the window, only to see Sakumo Hatake pointing at Kakashi's forehead and outputting crazily.

Kakashi's face was black, and his right eye showed helplessness, speechlessness, and grief, but what he could do was to curse Fenghuo thousands of times in his heart, while swearing that the manga was definitely not his, and then Desperately put gold on his face, beautify himself, and reduce the anger in Hatake Sakumo's heart.

Feng Huo looked at the deflated Kakashi, and listened to his shameless 'soft words', his mood was swollen and sour!

You Kakashi also have today?

Ah ha ha ha cool~

The quarrel lasted until midnight, when the father and son Sakumo Hatake and Kakashi stopped.

Fenghuo put it away when he was done, and left secretly.

The next day, Feng Huo woke up early because... because Xiao Naruto got up earlier, and then woke up Feng Huo.


Then Fenghuo resolutely separated twenty shadow clones to stay for fooling around, ahem, to take care of Naruto, while the main body slipped away.

He deliberately ran to Kakashi's only way to work and waited, wanting to 'comfort and comfort' Kakashi as soon as possible.

But Kakashi is not only a genius, but also has a very high IQ. After what happened last night, he guessed that the **** Fenghuo might come to laugh at him, so he deliberately walked half of the village, avoiding the "must pass" where Fenghuo is located. the road'.

It wasn't until noon that Fenghuo realized that he might have been swayed by Kakashi.

But he was not discouraged, and went straight to the headquarters of Anbu, but it was a pity that Kakashi took on some **** mission and ran out of the village to wander.

This shit!

Fenghuo was injured internally.

In the afternoon, he and Yuhihong went to Kurama's house to teach Yakumo, and they were listless the whole time.

Kurenai Yuhi ignored him, because something happened to Kurama Yakumo again.

"Hoo hoo, Teacher Hong, I, I'm so tired."

The little girl has only practiced illusion for a while, and she is already a bit overwhelmed.

Fenghuo checked, then shook his head helplessly.

This was caused by congenital frailty, and he could do nothing about it. However, regarding the future ~www.readwn.com~ Feng Huo still had some ambitions in his heart.

Kurenai Yuhi sighed, according to this progress, even if Yakumo can persevere, he may not be able to control the blood succession limit in his body in the future.

Kurenai Yuhi hesitated, she couldn't bear to see Yakumo working so hard.

"Yakumo, you should rest first." Hong ordered.

"Understood, Teacher Hong!" Although the little girl was sweating profusely, her eyes were bright and she yearned for ninjas.

Then, Xi Rihong and Feng Huo went to find Kurama Congyun.

Kuruma Congyun was basking in the sun in the backyard, very leisurely. When he saw the two of them coming, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly got up and asked, "Hong, is something wrong with Yakumo's body again?"

Yuhihong nodded, gritted her teeth, and persuaded: "Uncle Congyun, Yakumo's body is too weak, I don't think she is suitable to be a ninja! I hope you can think about it!"

"It really is like this." Pommel Congyun showed a complex expression.

After all, the Pommel Horse Clan produced a clansman who possessed the limit of blood inheritance, and she was also her own woman, but...

Kurama Congyun said bitterly: "Let me think about it."

Suddenly, Feng Huo seemed to feel something, and when he looked back, he happened to see a fleeting immature face.

Is it Yakumo?

He even eavesdropped on us.

Feng Huo stroked his chin, remembering that in the anime, it seemed that because he couldn't become a ninja, Yakumo burst into the heart demon and awakened another self.

No, this kind of thing can't be allowed to happen!

Feng Huo said: "You talk, I'll go and see Yakumo."

Kuruma Congyun glared at him: "If you dare to bully Yakumo, I will never end with you!"

Feng Huo made a 'tss' sound, and then responded with a polite middle finger.

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