Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 469: Multiply detonators


Xiao Nan's Shiki Paper Dance crazily surrounded the sealing fire, a large number of detonating symbols exploded like money, and waves of scorching air surged away one after another.

"Water Dungeon-Water Formation Wall!"

The chakras that sealed the fire also poured into the sea like money, erecting transparent water walls to resist the erosion of the fire waves.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, your Sharingan is about to lose its pupil power!" Xiaonan waved his wings, standing in the air like an angel, his eyes were so cold looking down at Fenghuo, "Now you can only rely on Sanwei, So if you continue to fight, the situation will only be against you."

"Xiao Nan, no matter what, we have some kind of friendship, so give me the Loquat Shizang." Feng Huo snorted.

"No!" Xiao Nan flatly refused.

Xiao's organization is particularly short of people right now, and any S-level traitor is Xiao's precious human resource, which cannot be given up!

"You will have no friends in the future!" Feng Huo said angrily.

"I don't need friends." Xiao Nan said lightly, "If you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude."

Feng Huo covered his chest with both hands: "What are you going to do to me?"

Xiao Nan said: "Kill you."

The corner of Fenghuo's mouth twitched, and he found that Xiaonan's EQ was really a bit... straightforward?

Note lonely life ah this rhythm!

Suddenly, Feng Huo frowned, but he sensed two people coming from the sea area behind him through the Chakra perception technique. He looked back subconsciously, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

'This familiar face should not be cut off again. Then the little kid on his back is... Bai? '

Bai who owns the boundary of Ice Escape and Blood Successor?

Countless thoughts flashed through Feng Huo's mind, and then he suppressed them all, then turned his head and continued to stare with Xiao Nan.

At this time, under the leadership of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, Kirinin Anbe had already fought against Loquat Juzo again, and because the fire was sealed off and the chopping sword was blown off, under the violent offensive of the shark muscle, Loquat Juzo inevitably fell into the trap. downwind.

Of course, the reason why the shark muscle is so fierce is also because it swallows all the chakras of the ten shadow clones that seal the fire.

After devouring so many chakras, the blade of Shark Muscle tripled in size, looking like a shark full of thorns from a distance!


The shark muscle galloped in the air, and once again swept out the loquat ten Zang!

Xiao Nan looked back at the battle over there, dancing lightly with bare hands, a large number of pieces of paper converged like a tornado into a sharp paper gun, aiming at... sealing the fire?

Feng Huo was stunned, depressed: "Hey, shouldn't you help Loquat Ten Zang out of the siege at this time?"

"If you beat you, you will naturally help him." Xiao Nan said as a matter of course, then waved his hand lightly, and the huge paper gun immediately shot at Fenghuo.

Fenghuo had no choice but to resist with the water barrier again.

The paper gun pierced into the water wall, and the seawater soaked into the paper. The rapidly spinning paper gun suddenly slowed down and gradually weakened. But the next moment, Feng Huo's eyebrows twitched, and he hurriedly escaped into the sea.


Nearly a thousand detonating talismans in the paper gun exploded instantly, and the aftermath of the explosion set off huge ripple-like waves, sweeping in all directions.

Then Xiao Nan flapped his wings and quickly flew to the top where Loquat Shizang and the others were fighting.

"Shiki Paper Dance - Paper Shuriken!"

Xiao Nanyi pointed out that countless pieces of paper mixed with a large number of detonating symbols turned into a huge shuriken, and quickly spun and rushed towards the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.

The face of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost changed, and with a wave of his right hand, the shark muscles instantly lengthened, and he rushed into the air and bit the paper shuriken in one bite.


The detonating talisman in the paper shuriken exploded immediately, and the waves of fire scraped on the Sharkidae's body layer by layer, but it couldn't hurt it in the slightest.

Feng Huo hid in the sea, and after confirming everyone's location through Chakra perception, he instantly had a bold battle plan in his mind.

Then he restrained the Chakra breath on his body, and quietly touched the location of Loquat Ten Zang from the bottom of the sea.


"Shiki Paper Dance - Paper Rain!"

Xiaonan shot again, and all the paper turned into a tough iron blade to repel all the Kirin Anbu who surrounded Loquat Juzang.

"Go!" Xiao Nan shouted.


Loquat Juzo laughed loudly, shouldered the half-cut sword on his shoulders, and was about to lift his feet to leave, when he suddenly found a strange smiling face on the bottom of the sea under his feet. Looking carefully, it was Uchiha Fenghuo!

what is he doing

Loquat Shizang felt uneasy, and then he noticed that there was a piece of paper on his ankle.


No, this is not a piece of paper, but a detonating symbol!

Loquat Ten Zang's face changed slightly: "Damn it!"

However, it would be too naive to want to blow him up with just a detonating talisman!

He was about to take off the detonating talisman unhurriedly, and the fire seal on the bottom of the sea had already been sealed with both hands.

"Mutually multiply detonators!"

Uncle Dai, this is the first one!


"Eh? No!"

Boom boom boom boom boom...

"What's going on? Damn it, **** it, ahhhh..."

The horrible explosion was accompanied by the screams of Loquat Shizang crazily, one after another, continuously.

"what happened?"

Xiao Nan's expression changed.

Kirigin Anbu, such as the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, also quickly moved away.

Boom boom boom boom...

The explosion of the detonating talisman exploded crazily, with no intention of stopping at all. The fire wave formed by the explosion became higher and higher, brighter and hotter, as if a big sun was slowly rising from the sea level!

In just a short while, the sound of the explosion has already rang thousands of times!

Xiao Nan looked at the 'Fire Sun' that was about to rush in front of him, flapped his wings, and quickly moved away.

But in the next moment, the explosion stopped suddenly, and the big sun rose into the sky along with a terrifying wave of fire~www.readwn.com~ and then slowly dissipated.

But then, from the bottom of the sea a hundred meters away, there was another terrifying explosion!

"Stop it, stop it ah ah ah..."

Boom boom boom...

This time, the explosion stopped after only more than 30 rings.

Xiaonan's expression was cloudy in the air, and so was Xiguashan Puffer Ghost and the others.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

"What a terrifying power!"

Zhongwu endured Anbu's panic.

Half the time passed, and suddenly a figure emerged from the bottom of the sea, holding a big sword in his hand, but it was not Loquat Juzo, but Uchiha Fuuhuo!

"Where's Loquat Ten Zang?" Xiaonan and Xiguashan Puffer Ghost asked together.

"Of course he's dead."

Under the mutual riding detonation talisman, even if Loquat Shizang resisted the bombing of thousands of detonation talismans through secret techniques, and even moved horizontally for a hundred meters like teleportation, it was useless. Ankle, the ending is doomed!

At this time, except for the big chopping knife with only a small half of the blade left in Fenghuo's hand, Loquat Shizang has been blown to nothing!

Feng Huo held the saber in his right hand, and gently stroked the blade of Zhan Da Dao with his left hand, half of the killing intent in his heart had been vented.

As for the other half, Feng Huo's cold eyes fell on the Xiguashan puffer ghost, but he smiled at Xiao Nan: "Xiao Nan, Loquat Shizang is dead, your mission failed, it's about time to go back."

Xiaonan's face turned dark: "Uchiha Fenghuo, you actually killed Loquat Juzang in front of me!"

Feng Huo chuckled and said, "Didn't you see it all?"

Hoo hoo...

Countless pieces of paper danced around Xiaonan in the sky, and they gathered more and more densely, as if to cover the sky and block out the sun.

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