Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 490: Seal 9 Tails Chakra

On the quiet back mountain of the Temple of Fire, under the sparse moonlight, a strange crimson fox waved its four tails in the air wantonly, piercing the void with a sharp roar that struck the eardrums of Fenghuo and Abbot Kongshan like a night owl.

At this time, Abbot Kongshan's seal was almost unable to hold on, and was on the verge of collapse, so he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Seal the fire benefactor, hurry up!"

Feng Huo, on the other hand, admired the four-tailed demon fox in the air leisurely.

"Because there is only part of the chakra of the Nine Tails, only four tails can be manifested."

Feng Huo said something to himself, and then slowly closed the seal.

In the next moment, strange black iron chains gushed out from his back, like meteorites from the sky across the void, nailing the demon fox in place in an instant.

After absorbing the advantages of the sealing technique of the Temple of Fire, and after some painstaking training, Fenghuo was finally able to use the sealing iron chain. Although it is still much weaker than Namikaze Minato, it is difficult to deal with this "crippled" fox. But it was more than enough.

Abbot Kongshan looked at the sealed iron chain that pinned the demon fox, and his eyes suddenly showed obsession.

As he said, the monk was already good at sealing fire, and now seeing the sealing iron chain used by sealing fire, how can there be any reason not to drool?

Under the sealing iron chain, no matter how hard this mutilated demon fox struggles, it will not be able to get rid of the fate of being sealed.


The sealing iron chain moved inch by inch into the scroll, and the huge sealing force pulled the demon fox's body into the scroll. At the same time, a roaring demon fox with teeth and claws appeared on the blank scroll surface at a speed visible to the naked eye. The paintings are vivid and lifelike.

After half the payment, the demon fox was finally sealed in, and then Fenghuo placed the five-element seal on the scroll again.


Feng Huo carefully admired the portraits on the scroll, and found that if he kept staring into the eyes of the demon fox, he could feel a strong chakra, like the bubbles of a magma swamp, emitting hot and violent aura, as if to devour your body. Spiritual will.

Then seal the fire, put the scroll away and put it in his arms.

Looking up, I saw the old monk, Abbot Kongshan, looking at him kindly, kindly and intimately.

Feng Huo suddenly felt a chill in his crotch, resisting the urge to turn around and say goodbye.

"Fenghuo benefactor, hehe, after working for so long, are you thirsty? Do you want some tea? Are you not thirsty? Then you must be hungry. The vegetarian food in our Temple of Fire is very famous. I guarantee you will linger! Are you not hungry? Then you Do you want to take a break? I will prepare you the best meditation room in our Temple of Fire."

The abbot of Kongshan turned into a matchmaker, desperately selling the excellent conditions of his temple of fire, hoping that Fenghuo could stay here.

Fenghuo is a good person, so I can't guess what he needs. Immediately, he straightened his back, sternly rejected Abbot Kongshan, and severely criticized him, vividly showing that he does not take the excellence of the masses. style!

Abbot Kongshan was a little anxious, the two hands on his chest couldn't get together.

He has a true love for the sealing technique, seeing the sealing iron chain used by Fenghuo, it is like seeing the Buddha, and he can't wait to move it back and worship it.

Speaking of which, if Abbot Kongshan hadn't taken out the seal book recorded in the Temple of Fire, Fenghuo wouldn't be able to grasp the seal chain so quickly.

However, when he got the sealed book, Fenghuo also made a promise, so he and the abbot of Kongshan are not in debt.

Not to mention that the sealing iron chain is a sealing secret technique developed by Namikaze Minato and Kushina. Without the permission of the two of them, the sealing fire will never be spread.

So, I can only... take some Buddhist scriptures.

Although I have learned the sealing iron chain, but the 'Buddha Dun' came to meet - Qian Shou Sha still can't touch it, so I can only increase my understanding by reading Buddhist scriptures.

Abbot Kongshan reluctantly lent more than a dozen Buddhist scriptures, feeling very wronged in his heart, but facing Fenghuo, he couldn't use force, and even if he used force, he would only be the one who was pushed to the ground and rubbed.

After confirming that the child Sora was fine, Fenghuo happily left the Temple of Fire.

Returning to Konoha, Feng Huo went back to the home and created twenty shadow clones, who should practice and read Buddhist scriptures. Then he went to Yuhihong's house to pick up Naruto, and finally went to Hokage Studio to report to work.

Fenghuo handed over the information of the twelve guarding ninja warriors that he had copied from the Daming Mansion to Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and said: "Three generations, all the ninjas of this organization support the daimyo, and believe that the power of the ninja should be controlled by the daimyo, including Asma Think so too."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the information of these ninjas, and asked casually: "Fenghuo, do you agree with this view?"

Feng Huo said: "I don't agree."

From this point of view, it is a matter of political standing, how can Fenghuo dare to be sloppy.

"Tell me your opinion." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said again.

The corner of Feng Huo's mouth twitched, and said: "Sorry, I can't understand their point of view, so I don't have any opinions."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed for a long time, and said earnestly: "It would be great if Asma could be as simple as you."

"..." Fenghuo suffered a burst of internal injuries.


Where am I being innocent? !

He is obviously an old driver, okay?

"Asma...did he say when he will be back?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of cigarette and put down the documents in his hand.

Feng Huo shook his head: "He didn't say anything, but judging by his expression, he probably won't be coming back."

"He's still mad at me." Hiruzaru Sarutobi puffed out a puff of smoke, took another puff, and waved his hand, "Remember to send someone to pay attention to this organization. Alright, let's go."


As the saying goes, if the leader said something, the following would break his leg, Hiruza Sarutobi would pay attention lightly, and Fenghuo had to adjust the manpower of the department.

His monitoring department now has three groups, one group monitors Danzo, and currently has no useful information, the second group monitors the Uchiha clan, but there are small reports coming in every day, and the third group is wandering outside, looking for Orochimaru all over the world, but Nothing to gain.

Now there is another Guardian Ninja Twelve.

Fenghuo, look left, look right ~www.readwn.com~ The more I look at it, the more I feel that my department is seriously understaffed, so I hurriedly went to find the important person of Hatake Sakumo.

But Hatake Sakumo couldn't help it.

During the Third World War, Anbu’s vitality was severely injured, and many ninjas died on the battlefield. Although Anbu has been recruiting new recruits in recent years, Anbu is an elite force, and the selection is extremely strict, and it must be prevented from being infiltrated by spies, so the added ninjas are not actually So many, so that four or five years have passed, Anbu has not recovered, and the manpower has been stretched, so how can there be extra people to use to seal the fire?

Facing Konoha Baiya who has always taken good care of him, Fenghuo didn't dare to use those routines on him, so he had to leave aggrieved and find a way by himself.

Back in his office, Feng Huo thought to himself, although the monitoring of Danzo has been fruitless, he must not relax, but Uchiha can take a break, anyway, they are still several years away from their coup, so he transferred from the second team Four ninjas came out, and they were sent to the capital of the country of fire to monitor the Twelve Guardian Ninjas. Still troubled by the latest chapters you can't find? Amway one or search hot/degree/network/article "Remember to remove "/" when searching or you won't be able to find it", here is a young lady to help you find books and chat with you!

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